Friday, Dec. 29, 1939

Vi Papbenberg hauled load corn to E. St. Louis for us today. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came this afternoon. Took our truck along home, did there chores & brought some hogs along back, pap went to help them load; played cards, Bill [Klein] came this eve.

Wednesday, July 5, 1939

Went to Leo’s, canned apples, prepared for threshing, so hot today. We took Marita along home; they came this eve. going to thresh tomorrow, have them for dinner. Bill [Klein] came Henry brought wheat money, so far $65.45 for 134 bus. only got for some 48 * 53-45-50-52[cents]. to Waterloo & E. St. Louis; he got about 580 bus. wheat don’t weigh out; & no price. Lewis Kumke was buried at Evansville this morning.

Tuesday, June 20, 1939

Lot cars passing with priests & Bischoff [sic – Bishop] to celebrate 50th Golden Jubilee of Fr. Van Dieft at Praire [sic] Du Rocher today; being 50 yrs. in priesthood. Raining mostly all day. Bill [Klein] stopped in on way going to Belleville. Man here cleaning out wells & cisterns, wanted $3. clean well so we didn’t have it done yet. Cleaned basement & garden. Rita Braun while coming home from work at Vera’s Tavern & riding with another girl, stepped from car while going & was injured face & shoulder was taken to East St. Louis Hospital. German Band played no. for Wagner Twins, he said. Charles & Melvin birthday.

Sunday, March 13, 1938

Raining last nite, & tonite. Went to mass, got prayer books, everybody prays aloud in church now. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came down for dinner. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon yet; also Emil came awhile. Bert [Bertille] went to see Hill Billy Contest at the Ainada Temple in E. St. Louis tonite; it surely was swell; Susie got prize for best girl singer & yodeler agains Tennessee Nell who was very good. Smoky from Pappy’s gang the fiddler, & so many other, over 50 radio stars, & large crowd, seats weren’t all taken though.

Monday, April 19, 1937

Henry & Leona & Bert went to E. St. Louis, shopping, boys stayed here all day; had dinner. Eggs 19¢. Hecker Baseball Club had a dance last nite at Kammlers, played Schmidts. We also seen Uncle Ed [Crowe] today, at his feed store. Columbia traders were here.

Sunday, April 11, 1937

Went to first mass. Fr. Stern is still not able to say mass. In Hecker & Waterloo children making there solemn Commioun [sic – Communion] today. Emme Eckardt came got the veil again, getting confirmed next Sun. here. Con. Myerscough stopped in. Lester Gregsons came, pap was elected to serve as judge on town election Apr. 20. he is going to take the job. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile after church. Mary Havey & man of E. St. Louis were published for last time this morn. We went out to Henkels paid for the seed $12. then went to Henrys. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came there to, we all had supper there. Uncle & pap went in woods, & Rob. also, Floyd is sick, dizzy spell he gets, cold. Set 2 more duck eggs. The mail carrier brought the rest of there chixs the same day, 250 & all were dead in box; they [Henry] wrote a letter to the co. right away but so far didn’t receive no answer; Henry said, thought the chics might of been chloroform. Cyril Haudrich is having a birthday dance at Pautlers, Am. [admission] 25 & 15¢. Skaers musci [sic].

Tuesday, Feb. 23, 1937

Pap went up town to deliver a message with Ivo Buehler to Rose; We went up there this eve. sugar cured there meat, had supper played cards. Fr. came out yet at 9 o clock looking for Isd; he is to start working tomorrow in a furniture Jameison’s at E. St. Louis; he played couple games with us also. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came; Bert went along to Waterloo and business with him, she quilted here all afternoon. Renneckers gave one in to for church, had quilting today & nite. Frische came got oats some of them.

Friday, April 17, 1936

Pap had dinner at Henry’s again, finished all but 1 load for Henry yet. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she was by Staufenbiel’s & he got load rock in woods, & cut his lawn across the street, we cleaned dining room & kitchen. Zita Carrol is going to move her furniture over to E. St. Louis tomorrow, Eichenseer’s truck. Mr. Fred Grohmann of Douglas shot himself Thurs. evening going to be buried tomorrow, leaves his wife Annie nee (Herzog) & 5 sons; all of around Smithon [sic]. Mr. Ed Rehling has a new plymouth sedan; Dr. Wagner was here wanted to get about 6 bus. oats, this evening maybe, when pap home.

Friday, Jan. 31, 1936

Rose & Berti went out to Henry’s, cleaned, she [Leona] is still in bed yet; he went to E. St. Louis again today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came there awhile to; we were out nearly all day had dinner several people here from Columbia, Valmeyer, looking for sows & horses; our here yesterday, & got letter from one today; Miss Estelle Geodelle & Tunze of Columbia to be married tomorrow, had a shower, Herman Geodell’s daughter. Mr. Ed Classen, Freeburg Lumber dealer is in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital at Belleville, from a fractured hip, horse fell on him, went sleigh riding every day horse slipped, & by trying to help the horse, it fell on him, was taken in an ambulance. Mr. Fred Faust of Belleville, died will be buried tomorrow afternoon, church Catholic at Belleville then to Red Bud, cemetery Catholic; The Orbon Workers, have to present either at the house, or cemetery; he had been ill was taken to hospital, & returned again awhile back, now dead. When Jose [Josie] Keller was here on Christmas Day, going home she burned connecting rod out, had it repaired at Smithon [sic], stayed at Belleville, during that time; she wrote Aunt Mary a letter & told her about it; roads to slick, to come on her birthday.

Tuesday, Jan. 29, 1935

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, Berti went along to E. St. Louis; they had supper here. Mr. Joe Schilling came, told us that Mrs. Sam Schilling, nee Josie Brand of Dalgreen died will be buried Thurs. morning at 9 o’clock; she was 68 yrs. old; The last one out of Andrew Brand’s family. Rob. Laut got sack hay; 15¢.