Wednesday, Nov. 30, 1932

Mr. Loresch from Red Bud was here & wanted to sell us some marble flower pots to put on the front porch, for $1.75 a piece, we didn’t take the. Papa & Neff’s went out wood sawing again, guess they will finished this afternoon. Herzog a fruit tree agent from Belleville wanted to sell us Dintelman’s tree’s, but we have plenty. Joe Wacthel is butchering today. Frank Geschwinder & his bride came home yesterday from there honey moon trip. The Eichenseer kids where around trying to sell Christmas seals stamps. Mr. Stadleman was around selling apples $1.50 bu. we didn’t take any. He sold a good many bus. here in town.

Tuesday, Nov. 29, 1932

Uncle Adam & Emil butchered today Papa & Henry & L. Gregson’s helped. Rosalia & Bertille went out & stayed at Henry’s, helped Leona sew shirts for the boys. had dinner & lunch there. Papa had lunch & dinner at Uncle Adams they finished butchering about 3 o clock, he came home with Levi Gregson’s. A dealer in Westhinhouse [sic- Westinghouse] Automatic electricity from Belleville was here advertising he had a small plant in his car he started it up & showed how it works, for electric lights irons etc. Rosalia Bertille went up to Mamie’s this eve. to see her quilt, cookies & orangeade where had. Lawrence Cortner was here to buy some pigs, he had been here this afternoon but nobody home, so he came back this eve. but he didn’t buy them yet.

Monday, Nov. 28, 1932

Mr. Hill was over with the papers for papa to sign this morning, he signed 2 sheets, for the right of way, route 156. We washed, ironed. Papa & Jake & Paul Neff went out to Henry’s to saw wood this afternoon, they stated with ours. The egg man was here to buy egg; but we had none to sell. It was in the paper that Alsace Eckert celebrated her birthday on 17 Nov., with card playing & dance.

Sunday, Nov. 27, 1932

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family where here for dinner & supper. Aunt Mary & Rosalia & Bertille went over to Mrs. Stauenfbiel’s this evening to see the quilt she has in the frame for Irene Neff’s place where she is working. It is called Grandmothers flower garden; it is sure pretty. We went over to Uncle Fred’s & played cards, 5 hand pinochle, played 3 games.

Saturday, Nov. 26, 1932

Papa got crushing done this morn. This afternoon he went to Waterloo on business, took the eggs along got 31¢ doz. Mrs. Stauenfenbiel was over this evening to see if she could ride with us to church tomorrow. Louis Hofmeister is butchering today.

Friday, Nov. 25, 1932

Bertille got the mail. Dorothy Napier was around selling something this morning. We went to bed early & slept it out tonite.

Thursday, Nov. 24, 1932

We had chicken soup for dinner. Rosalia & Bertille went to Red Bud to the Wedding high mass at 9’o clock, the couple was from Valeymer [sic], & also priest, the bride wore white dress & veil & carried white roses, the bridesmaid wore blue dress & ribbon & carried yellow roses. Frank Geshwender & Mildred Becthlofft are being married in Hecker with a wedding dance in the hall tonight. We are invited to Chas. Hellfrich’s to a birthday party tonite, Mrs. Helfrich’s & Mrs. Ed. Krehrer birthday’s; we all went down there, all the Birkner’s, & Jeff Bell furnished musci [sic], an a crowd & fun. Oh! Boy; cake, beer, wine were served, Hecker, Paderborn, Waterloo, Red Bud, St. Louis, people where all there. They said the wedding dance in the hall wasn’t much, Irene Reheis Orchestra of Belleville played; not crowded at all. Joe Griffin was best man, & her sister & best girl friend & maid of honor. The bride had white dress & veil, & others green, & coral pink; they had a white cloth laid all the way to the alter to walk on; the bride was taken to the coumion [sic – communion] railing by her father, & the girls followed & Frank & the boys came in the side door, everything up to the minute, 4 priests.

Wednesday, Nov. 23, 1932

Papa has a pretty bad cold. Leona sent ½ gal milk up with Wittenauer, & Bertille went up to the store & got it. It rained last nite. The Hecker ladies went up to scrub the hall & church this afternoon.

Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1932

We washed, ironed. There was a man around selling $1.00 bottle pure vanilla for 50¢, we didn’t take none. Mr. Hill was here with papers to sign for the right of way past our place out there; papa didn’t sign yet because he didn’t understand everything what it says on there. Mrs. Robert Laut is out at George Boll’s, helping with the work. We are only finding 6 eggs.

Monday, Nov. 21, 1932

We cleaned the chicken houses out & put straw, sprayed them. Elmer Kammler was here wanted to see if he could get fat hogs to butcher but we have none to sell now, he says he can’t find none nowhere. Chas. Wagner had a run away this afternoon, his horses got scared, & started in running till by Meng’s; he sure got a real shake up, seating in the box wagon.