Thursday, Nov. 9, 1939

Beautiful weather these days; so nice warm. Klein Bros. came yesterday & got 3 pigs $12.00 pc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in, they was at a corn field fire, at Veilwelers near Cortner land; Bert [Bertille] made dish towels. Mr & Mrs Ben Heyl stopped in to take look at hog feeder. Vic Papenbergs 1st wedding Ann. today; went over radio. Bert paid coal bill, $19.43 – 14 6 1/2 bus. coal @ 9 [cents]. $13.51 & 4 [cents] hauling $5.86 to Eichenseers. Leo & family came this eve.

Friday, Oct. 20, 1939

Bert [Bertille] cleaned kitchen. Klein of Edwardsville was here looking for large white oak trees, we haven’t none. H. Wittenauer schocked 2 loads corn, 1 here & took 1 along home. Henry brought load up to. They say Cortners Lawrence they shocked 5 loads, a day 150 bu. to load; corn is very good. John Klein came bought sow & 9 pigs $55.00. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] went to dentist at Athens left Marita here; they were out at Henry’s last nite. He [Henry] took Rob & Floyd out of school, went to Public School again started today, he says going to see Fr. Aydt tonite with his boys.

Monday, Oct. 16, 1939

Washed, ironed, cleaned & varnished dining room floor. Jake Klein & son were here looking at pigs. German band played for wedding 4 ann. of Mr & Mrs Clarence Wittenauer St. Louis.

Friday, Sept. 29, 1939

Bert [Bertille] planted some more flower slips & took some up; getting colder this eve; radio says frost, put the flowers in basement. Henry & family came this eve; he is awful dissatisfied with the boys school up here. We got 9 little pigs today, born this morn; now have 25 hogs.

Tuesday, Sept. 19, 1939

Washed, ironed, patched. Pap went in woods also went to Wm. Ganleys bought 6 pigs from him $30. & that is pd. on Int. Wittenauers were shocking corn a load for us yesterday & harrowing today. Hitler made speech today over radio. The Hecker Ladies Sodality giving a card party in hall tonite.

Monday, Sept. 18, 1939

Went to Belleville with things didn’t do so good, couldn’t sell everything, got 23 [cents] doz. for eggs. had potatoes & apples along for Orlets; couldn’t sell it all. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon. Henry came got apples & tomatoes. Went to Orlet’s pap operated on pigs. Leo plowing. Bert [Bertille] cut lawn this eve. nice cool weather now; if it stays.

Monday, May 29, 1939

Washed, ironed, canned 2 qts. x pt. cherries, so far from our trees, some are to green yet. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary went to Red Bud pinic [sic]. Con. Myerscough was here has pigs for sale. Pap went down to see them & bought 5 for $15.00. Mrs. Rennecker birthday today. Cut lawn. Beautiful weather, warm.

Thursday, Jan. 26, 1939

Nice day warm. A. [Aunt] Mary’s birthday 62 yrs. old. We went out this afternoon, had supper. Went with Whip. roads aren’t so nice. Pap went to Larsons by Burksville bought 8 pigs $34.00. Leo & family, Bill [Klein], came this eve; we quilted & played cards. Red Bud church has euchre tonite. Frank Birkners have a baby girl since Tues. also Oliver Quirins a girl Belleville hospital since Jan 21. Billy [Willis] has got pink eye now. Floyd arm is sore.

Monday, Jan. 16, 1939

Pap went to Frank Kleins to see his pigs, he wasn’t at home; Hill came collected telephone dues $1.70. Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed. Steve Renneker came wants our fat hog to butcher; may be tomorrow. Pap stopped in at Leo’s this morn.

Saturday, Dec. 10, 1938

Pap went to Hoef’s bought 7 pigs $40. weigh 55 to 34. Went to Red Bud. Schriebers put a new heater in, other one leaked. Bert [Bertille] went to Fr. Spors paid $12.00 pew rent. Went to Leos tonite, awhile, played cards. Marita’s colds pretty good.