Went to Belleville with things didn’t do so good, couldn’t sell everything, got 23 [cents] doz. for eggs. had potatoes & apples along for Orlets; couldn’t sell it all. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon. Henry came got apples & tomatoes. Went to Orlet’s pap operated on pigs. Leo plowing. Bert [Bertille] cut lawn this eve. nice cool weather now; if it stays.
Friday, July 28, 1939
Cleaned chicken houses. Canned pickles. cut lawn, rained again this afternoon, stop threshing.
Monday, Feb. 6, 1939
Cleaned chicken house & barn. Rained last nite, but nice today. The Ladies Aid quilting in church.
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1939
Cloudy. Leo & family came down, we had chicken soup dinner; he helped pap fix fence, got 2 sows from here, took them there with Whip.; on trade for heifer from Leo, brought that home here; they did the work while home, had supper here, stayed awhile, quilted this eve. Steve Renneker came, paid for his hog $[unclear] @ $7.75. Bill [Klein] came & Bert [Bertille] went to Paderborn to Euchre party, had 8 points got table cloth & Bill had 7 got can pineapple, quite a crowd present, had a dance after, musci [sic] by Jac. Schoenborn. Henry came to get black & [unclear]. Mary Grossheim was found dead in bed this morn. hadn’t been ill at all, will be 62 in May, buried Sat. morn.
Monday, Dec. 26, 1938
Raining nearly all day. Bill [Klein] came & took us along to Leo’s. Henry’s family also went for dinner & supper; played cards, checkers etc. Pap went along home with Henry’s & Bert [Bertille] went along with Bill to there place, for him to do his work, then came home again.
Friday, Nov. 4, 1938
Cleaned chicken house, put in straw etc. Rained little this morn, & getting colder, still south wind. Waterloo paper didn’t come today. Emil came over awhile till Clara called up, said he should come down there. Celestine Neff got 1 doz. eggs this eve. No school in Hecker, Mrs. Pickett is sick.
Thursday, Nov. 3, 1938
Sawed wood 5 3/4 hrs. Leroy Haudrich had saw Shields & Leo & Uncle Fred helped; they came home for dinner, had chicken, made pumpkin pie this morning.
Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1938
Went to Leo’s all day, helped dig potatoes, finished now, had lunch, dinner & supper there; & boy it was pretty hot all day.
Friday, Aug. 26, 1938
Nice cool day. Pap cut 3 shocks corn has 10 cut now. Then hauled 2 loads wood, put 1 in basement. Henry & family brought 3 sacks potatoes, then went to Gus Blackburn’s school meeting.
Thursday, Aug. 25, 1938
Pap cut 7 schocks [sic] corn, this morn. this afternoon getting 2 load wood. Cool this morn. had heavy rain in Arizonia [sic] places. John Kessler’s boy fell backward of [sic – off] a horse yesterday, wasn’t hurt bad. Ed Coop & family of Belleville moved on a farm by Evansville bought all new implements to start farming, moved last week.
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