Friday, Oct. 13, 1939

Cool. Pap hauled 2 loads wood & for in basement. Bert [Bertille] cleaned bedroom & hall . Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came planted tulips out & Bert [Bertille] helped also scrubbed 2 room floors & cleaned them. Transfer in Waterloo paper of lot of Sophia Kessler to A. Papenberg. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Paderborn this eve. to Rosary Devotion at church. Leo & family came here this eve. Awful cold tonite going to freeze.

Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1939

Went to Belleville with things, all sold but 2 pumpkins. Uncle Fred working up here this morn; brought bucket of peas this afternoon she [Aunt Mary] came along up. We got 25 [cents] for eggs today. Frank Kroll’s have baby girl born Sat. eve. & Dominic Roth girl Sun. at Belleville Hospital. Reports are that Aaron Papenberg is going to build a house, on Kessler’s ground next to Kammler. Hy. Fereuer brought the 3rd of potatoes this eve. 15 bus. The war business is still going strong. Warsaw is nearly cleaned out, paper says, half burning, churches were bombed Sun. during services.

Friday, July 7, 1939

So hot 96 [degrees]. at 12 o’clock; hotter than yesterday. Sprayed wheat bins this morn. Berry May was here brought Int. for Uncle Fred, went to Trenton from here. Was in Waterloo paper Alberta Heyl daughter of Alb. [Alabama] Heyl was married to Geo. Walz of E. St. Louis last June 26 at Farmington Mo. Kesslers from Alb. also here.

Thursday, Aug. 25, 1938

Pap cut 7 schocks [sic] corn, this morn. this afternoon getting 2 load wood. Cool this morn. had heavy rain in Arizonia [sic] places. John Kessler’s boy fell backward of [sic – off] a horse yesterday, wasn’t hurt bad. Ed Coop & family of Belleville moved on a farm by Evansville bought all new implements to start farming, moved last week.

Wednesday, April 20, 1938

Raining a little. Bert [Bertille] planted house flowers, from the basement out, cut lawn etc; planted 48 sweet potatoe [sic] plants out. Roy Staufenbiel has sore foot, horse stoped [sic] on it, bruised pretty bad. Lester Gregson’s boy, Virgil has diptheria, sign up. Lester stays by Emil, he don’t go in the house. John Kessler from Alba. is here, going to start farming at Kesslers. The Mueth property that was sold last week, or rather Euler ground brought $5.50 acre, bought by Phi Mueth. Hy. Koerber stoped [sic] on business, for Uncle Fred; till about 10:30 eve.

Saturday, March 12, 1938

Beautiful day. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, pap went along to Kessler’s sale; such a crowd; fair price. We went out to Henry’s celebrating Floyd’s birthday which is tomorrow; 9 yrs. old, grandpa [Anton] gave him a nickle [sic] for playing accordion, we had pie & cake. Wulher [? – unclear] the ex pres. of Belleville bank, his picture was in paper; also Louis Kaiser’s girl – 6 yrs.

Friday, Sept. 10, 1937

Cut in cabbage 13 qts; got pumpkins & watermelons in. Baked bread & coffee cake. Hy. Kessler wanted hogs, ours were sold. Pap went out & found 7 pigs from Bozzay $6.75. then took them to Hy. Kesslers sold them to him; he was well satisfied with them. Harbaugh Moorman’s Mineral Feed man was here; asking pap to be agent in Prairie du Long Township, he is promoted to higher degree. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, we ate watermelons.

Tuesday, Dec. 15, 1936

We washed, ironed, baked molasses cookies. Pap went in woods all day, brought load along home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to Kessler’s & Geo Parker’s looking for hog to butcher next Mon. here, got one at Parkers. Sure beautiful weather.

Thursday, Oct. 29, 1936

We went out to Henry’s butchering a big hog, but it was pretty warm. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary helped also. Went to Paderborn to euchre tonite, still didn’t win anything, played 12 games, dance after, musci [sic] by Skaers & Schoenborn; pretty good crowd. Ed & Carrie were at Henry’s yesterday morn. left for Alab. today taking Mrs. Kessler along back with them over the winter. Eggs .28¢.

Tuesday, Dec. 3, 1935

Rose went out to Henry’s. Leona is still in bed & Henry had to butcher at Uncle Adam’s; she was out all day; cleaned & ironed. Pap hauled load wood, & went out worked in the woods this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up. Ed & Carrie Brand went to Hy. Kessler’s tonite & leave in the morning for Alalabama [sic], taking her along.