Saturday, Nov. 18, 1939

Uncle Fred’s 64 & Uncle Joe’s birthday. Rained last nite. Pap took load wheat to Waterloo got 81 [cents]. The Kunkel place was sold on Public Auction at Court House this morn. at 10 o clock by Morrison. Uncle Pete Reheis got it $1500. rather had to take it, he had the mortgage. Bill [Klein] came took Bert [Bertille] & pap along out to Henrys this eve.

Saturday, Sept. 30, 1939

Cold, but no frost & cloudy, it rained yesterday. Sale at Waterloo, we didn’t go, to cold. Bill [Klein] came took Bert [Bertille] along to St. Louis; traded his V8 to Cletus Meuth for his 1934 Plymouth.

Friday, Sept. 22, 1939

Nice cool day. Bert [Bertille] cleaned 2 rooms upstairs. Pap took chev. to Red Bud get oil changed. 5048 mi. this afternoon. Seen in paper, some thieves were around Waterloo on S. Market & Morrison Ave. took money from Wedel home & some others. Chris Buehlers celebrating their Silver Wedd. today 25 yrs. giving a free dance at Log Cabin tonite, musci [sic] by Irene, Wilma & Oliver Birkner & Dilbert Mueth; have posters up. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in on there way down. Bill [Klein] came this eve. On Sept. 11 Lester Gregsons 10th Wedd Ann.

Saturday, Sept. 16, 1939

We treated wheat with copper goob [? – unclear] for insects & worms; going to whole it awhile longer. We had flat tire on Chev. nail in it this morn. Bill [Klein] came this afternoon he fixed it. also going to fix Whip. broke axle on it, by turning around yesterday. Went to Waterloo to church, & went to Tom Crowe’s place was sold, Morrison lawyer sold it at the place. Sold the part with house first, Phil Mueth bought it for $5,000. then sold 16 acres out to hard road & Phil Mueth bought it for $1200. so place stands him $6,200.00; bidders Frank Crowe. Rained heavy this eve. & much colder in evenings. Manier had to close his saloon, his brother in law Berring forced him to move out, took his furniture to Griffins for now.

Tuesday, Aug. 15, 1939

Went to 6 o clock mass. Cooked catsup. Leo & family came, went to Burksville sale; such crowd. Chas. Mueth got bu. peaches. Leo & family stayed for supper. Bill [Klein] came from work, Bert [Bertille] went along home with him. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were also at sale. Emil was visiting at Henry’s, we took bu. peaches along out for them.

Friday, Aug. 11, 1939

Rained a little shower this morn.; canned tomatoes & beans; took peaches out to Henry’s, but nobody home. Went to Leo’s making hay this afternoon; took basket peaches along, rained heavy this eve. Jobusch postmaster of Waterloo was buried yesterday afternoon at Waterloo. Wind took of a lot of peaches this eve. lights were of [sic] for while. Louis Mueth of Paderborn died. Uncle Joe Mueth & Eddy & some of Nics family & Phil are going to Okalohoma [sic] to visit soon; to Frank Dudenhoeffer.

Thursday, Aug. 3, 1939

Nice cool day. Canned peaches, pickles. Evansville have there pinic [sic] today; nicer day then yesterday, also sales today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came pap went along to sale by Millsdadt [sic] & Ritzel at Waterloo didn’t buy nothing. Henry Wittenauer was here, getting land ready to start plowing. J. [Josie] Keller & Mr. Neimey Jr stopped here got eggs & chicken; were also at Lizzie Bolls while. The couple that had triplets born at Belleville hospitiel [sic], only the girl is living, other 2 died, girl 5 lb. still living. August Mueth 59 formerly of Smithton was buried there this morn.

Friday, July 14, 1939

Awful hot. Pap dug 2 rows potatoes. H. Wittenauer was here, going to thresh here tomorrow. Transfer in paper of Barney Kaiser to Joe Kaiser. We received the books for pinic [sic] at Red Bud from Fr. Spors. Henry Grossman 62 & Clara Keim 18 of Floraville were married last Sun. in St. Louis, dance in eve. at Keimes. Lightening last Sat. nite; stroke several places at Waterloo Hermans. Country Club; Johanning had 3 cows killed. Bill Weitkamp & Vivian Ripley beauty operator of Waterloo were married last Sat. in St. Louis. Some W.P.A. workers are back on job & others of [sic – off] for good; they had dynamite laid for quarry here by Hecker if they started in working, they would blow things up, so they didn’t work. We went to Leo’s awhile this eve; threshing at M. Mueth.

Wednesday, July 12, 1939

Cleaned chicken yard. Went to Paderborn to funeral of Isd. Watchel 23. Gardener Undertaker, nice flowers, large funeral, thresher all quit so long up there. Fr. Weskamp didn’t make no sermon; pall bearers were Bill Klein, Cyril Haudrich, Jonny Mueth, Jerome Haudrich, Sly. Kabureck & Sly Neff. Went to Waterloo got check for wheat allotment $31.20. Feurer farm $6.29 & Henrys $24.91. Bill [Klein] came this evening.

Tuesday, July 4, 1939

Rain this morn. stops threshing today. Went to Red Bud to Waterloo this afternoon. McKonky [editor’s note – I believe she means Kumke here since she had crossed out McKonky and wrote in Kumke in yesterday’s post]. is at Evansville parlor, will also be buried there tomorrow morn. Mueth was on wrong side of slap & no lights they thing. Awful hot this afternoon 80 [degrees]. Everything closed at Waterloo. Leo & family came, went to Red Bud to Dr. Pautler with Marita, she has sores on her arm, gave her salve to put on. Emil came over, wasn’t much fire works put on in town. Ed Brand & wife are here from Alb. [Alabama] at Heyl’s at Waterloo, stop over at Emils, on way home from a trip to river, also at Levi’s.