Thursday, Dec. 28, 1939

Cloudy again all day. Leo & family came this afternoon, brought load corn down, coming back tonite again to catch chickens & ship them of; Lengylon on Milsdadt was at Mertz’s at time, so sold them to him; heavy 11 1/2 & light 9 1/2 – 1/2 [cents] lower then market price, had 290 lbs. heavy & 122 light. We had ice cream this eve.

Wednesday, Nov. 8, 1939

Washed, ironed. Eichenseer boys hauled in 2 loads coal. Pap went out on business trip this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went to euchre in School Hall given by the Holy Name Society. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Paderborn euchre there, & also Millsdadt [sic] has a card party tonite, all in same nite. Cortner boys bought a new V-8 traded in 1937 chev.

Saturday, Sept. 2, 1939

Sure hot this day. Pap got hair cut. Bert [Bertille] baked pumpkin pies & cake, made chicken for tomorrow. Hy. Ferner was here there is meeting all day in school hall here. Tonite is surprize [sic] shower for Mamie Eichenseer at Vic’s. Milsdadt [sic] has homecoming, parade at 6. o clock. German Band played “Beer Barrel Polka,” that A. [Aunt] Mary sent in for Rose [Rosalia], Louis Armstutz, Cletus Buehler, Joe Reheis, Willis Brand, 1 Lung [unclear] for there birthdays in Aug. & Sept. all nephews & nieces. Bill [Klein] came, went to Milsdadt Homecoming to see parade.

Thursday, Aug. 3, 1939

Nice cool day. Canned peaches, pickles. Evansville have there pinic [sic] today; nicer day then yesterday, also sales today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came pap went along to sale by Millsdadt [sic] & Ritzel at Waterloo didn’t buy nothing. Henry Wittenauer was here, getting land ready to start plowing. J. [Josie] Keller & Mr. Neimey Jr stopped here got eggs & chicken; were also at Lizzie Bolls while. The couple that had triplets born at Belleville hospitiel [sic], only the girl is living, other 2 died, girl 5 lb. still living. August Mueth 59 formerly of Smithton was buried there this morn.

Monday, July 10, 1939

Washed, ironed & patched. Pap went to Red Bud to get lumber for wheat bin. Bill [Klein] came told us that Louis Schoenborn & Isd. Watchel had accident last nite at around 12:30 Isd. driving his Louis V8 – run in ditch & turned it over, & Isd. going through top & was killed & Louis has only few scratches, car is wrecked, happened on oil road between Floraville & Paderborn. Isd. is at Millsdadt [sic] Funeral Home 23 yrs. old. Hy Armstutz was here wanted potatoes, we didn’t have none dug now. Mauff kroger man was here, didn’t need nothing. Some are threshing today, anyway south of here Klotz’s threshing today. Leo & family were down. Emil came over a little while.

Tuesday, Dec. 6, 1938

Nice day, washed ironed. Went to Waterloo, Columbia, Milsdadt [sic – Millstadt] home; out on business. Eggs down to 27 [cents] now. Verniece Rausch have a baby girl since yesterday; also Chas. Schilling & have baby girl. Berniece Wagner was here got basket.

Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1938

Columbus Day. We wormed our pullets this morn. John Frish – Gus dad was found in chair, pulling potatoes & died was found that way when Gus came home last nite. Bert [Bertille] made some more Mince Meat. Besse of Millsdadt [sic] bought 4 bu. & 20 lbs. potatoes & 75 [cents] hundred. $1.96.

Saturday, Sept. 3, 1938

Nice day. Susie & German band played songs for Rosalia’s birthday tomorrow. Pap went to Red Bud took car to Schneiber’s get it looked at oil changed etc got 573 miles now. Waterloo & Millsdadt [sic] Home Comings, start this eve. with parade. Susie played for Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Cortner also today. German Band announced Millsdadt [sic] home coming on program. Went to Millsdadt [sic], seen parade & it was good large crowd.

Sunday, Aug. 21, 1938

Went to mass. Pretty warm. Freeburg have homecoming today, pinic [sic] at Wartburg. Went to Freeburg seen KMOX Radio Stars, Pappy Cheshire & gang, Frankie, Patsy, Roy Iruern [? – unclear], Sons of Prairie, Mickey Allen, Gene Rogers & few others, they put on 2 hrs. show & musci [sic], was good. Roy Ivers & gang were also playing for dance at Milsdadt [sic] Vegutle [sic – Vegetable] growers pinic [sic]. Keims had free dance at Floraville, musci [sic] by 2 girls. Erwin Lizinger & wife & Mr. & Mrs. Hess of St. Louis, stopped awhile at noon, going to Freeburg pinic [sic]. Maniers also had a bunch out from St. Louis; had 25 young chickens. Fisher of Floraville stopped in to look at hogs; bought them & say to dear, so he left.

Friday, Aug. 5, 1938

Rained a little. Cooking catsup etc. Pap hauling a load rock for drive way. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, she helped clean dishes for the pinic [sic] on the 10. next week; he cut lawn here. Mr. Geo. Weinhoff of Waterloo was married to Weilbacher at Millsdadt [sic – Millstadt] Miss Elnora – bridesmaid & Milton Weilbacher best man. Wm. Weber & Mary Qurin of Smithton married at St. Therasa [sic – Theresa] at Belleville, priest house, attendanted [sic] by brother & sister. she was formerly at Ruma Convent to be a nun till yr. ago, going to live at Smithton were he runs service Station there. Leo & family got plow share. Received our books from Fr. Spors, there is 41 prizes for 10 [cents] – 3 – 25 [cents]. got 2 books, 1 is filled.