Sunday, Dec. 10, 1939

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Henry & family were here for dinner & supper. Leo & family were out at Henry’s they weren’t home, so they came here this afternoon, had supper here also. Uncle Fred & pap went to see lumber at Baums Church Wartburg. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Smithton service then to Emerich Keherer’s playing cards Booby & girlfriend were there to. Emil was called over to telephone, by Cleveland wanted him to come out for solo game. Grover was at home today.

Sunday, Aug. 21, 1938

Went to mass. Pretty warm. Freeburg have homecoming today, pinic [sic] at Wartburg. Went to Freeburg seen KMOX Radio Stars, Pappy Cheshire & gang, Frankie, Patsy, Roy Iruern [? – unclear], Sons of Prairie, Mickey Allen, Gene Rogers & few others, they put on 2 hrs. show & musci [sic], was good. Roy Ivers & gang were also playing for dance at Milsdadt [sic] Vegutle [sic – Vegetable] growers pinic [sic]. Keims had free dance at Floraville, musci [sic] by 2 girls. Erwin Lizinger & wife & Mr. & Mrs. Hess of St. Louis, stopped awhile at noon, going to Freeburg pinic [sic]. Maniers also had a bunch out from St. Louis; had 25 young chickens. Fisher of Floraville stopped in to look at hogs; bought them & say to dear, so he left.

Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1937

St. Blase Day. We went to Red Bud had our throats blessed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were also up, for that, stayed awhile. Houbaum of Wartburg & nephew came & got the sow & 5 pigs $35.00 & Ralant Laut got hay 25¢. Bert got letter from J. Kellers she left some boxes at Ella Miller’s at Belleville for Rose, she should call for them there.

Sunday, Jan. 31, 1937

We didn’t get to church, Chev. wouldn’t work. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, had dinner here, took up collection outside church this morn. here for flood sufferers. Was suppose to be all churches the way the Messenger read; wasn’t at Waterloo Henry said. Some fellows here from Wartburg bought sow & 5 pigs & $35.00. Henry & family came, we went along to Mr. & Mrs. Leo Orlets at Paderborn, played 6 hand pinochle, had lunch; they were just ready to come down here. Getting colder tonite.

Wednesday, March 27, 1935

Papa & Rose went out to Henry’s take a load wheat to Waterloo this morning; got 81¢. We went to Waterloo this afternoon & took wheat along, then went to Steinsick sale ½ south of Wartburg, didn’t get nothing. It surely did get cold, rain & north wind. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were there too; bought wine vinegar 50¢. The weather turned out to bad rain, we didn’t get to church.

Wednesday, August 1, 1934

It sure rained a lot last night. Mr. Cleveland’s birthday today. We baking bread & coffee cake. We went to Altolff’s sale 1½ south of Wartburg, but didn’t buy anything, Walter bought a hand plow. Christ Buehler’s moving furniture & etc. this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary are helping.

Tuesday, March 27, 1934

We washed, also curtains. Snowed all night, some west here. Papa went after the paper. A man here wanted to sell products. Hy Dann & his son were here got 3 heifers for $57.50 he comes from Wartburg; he also got 1 bull from Schumacher $30.00. Eggs 15¢.

Saturday, March 24, 1934

Uncle Fred & Papa went down to Mr. Albert Gregson’s sale, didn’t get anything. Starr Auc. & Russel Gregson clerk, everything brought pretty fair price. Two fellows here from Wartburg, Dunn, bought our 3 heifers $57.50, going to get them Mon. morning; wanted to buy Jersey Bull from Henry also. We & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went out to Roberts birthday 8 yrs. old; the only ones present had cake. Brought Mr. Cleveland & Grover along out from Hecker, they got there machine in the Ed Neffs garage, broke the head, pouring hot water in while cold, & Emil froze his radiator up, the last cold spell. Oh, Boy!

Saturday, April 1, 1933

Papa got crushing done this morn. Roy Stauenfbeil & Ed Meng was here. Papa went to town. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & papa went to a sale by Fults, didn’t buy anything, they took the hard road to Waterloo, Wartbug, Maeystown to Fults & coming home they went to Prairie Du Rocher, Ruma & Red Bud. Papa rode along with them.

Thursday, May 5, 1932

We went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile & went home, they where fishing last nite, caught one, they brought it along up & we put it in the pond. There where 5 boys & 1 girl made there private coumioun [sic – communion] at Red Bud. Cletus Buehler was one of the boys. This afternoon we went out through hills & hallows St. Joe, Burskville [sic – Burksville], Wartburg, Waterloo, stopped at Henry’s, but they weren’t at home, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where there too, they came back before we left. Bertille took Olivia Gregson’s pattern back, this evening. Fr. Grootens came over there too. He has a euchre in the hall tonite. Steve was here awhile.