Sunday, Aug. 21, 1938

Went to mass. Pretty warm. Freeburg have homecoming today, pinic [sic] at Wartburg. Went to Freeburg seen KMOX Radio Stars, Pappy Cheshire & gang, Frankie, Patsy, Roy Iruern [? – unclear], Sons of Prairie, Mickey Allen, Gene Rogers & few others, they put on 2 hrs. show & musci [sic], was good. Roy Ivers & gang were also playing for dance at Milsdadt [sic] Vegutle [sic – Vegetable] growers pinic [sic]. Keims had free dance at Floraville, musci [sic] by 2 girls. Erwin Lizinger & wife & Mr. & Mrs. Hess of St. Louis, stopped awhile at noon, going to Freeburg pinic [sic]. Maniers also had a bunch out from St. Louis; had 25 young chickens. Fisher of Floraville stopped in to look at hogs; bought them & say to dear, so he left.

Sunday, Feb. 6, 1938

Raining this morn; for about 1 hr. then after wards, nice sunshine day. Emil was over awhile this morn. We went to mass. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came down for dinner & supper. Cleveland’s family were here this evening, playing solo. Bert [Bertille] went to Wagner’s along with them to Floraville Masquerade Ball, Schmidts Merry Makers musci [sic]. Prizes were won 1st group, 4 girls, Norma Etling; Edna Probst, Elvira Kroft, M. Keim. 2nd prize, dressed a best gent. Mrs. Walter Vogel & Erma Fisher lady. 3rd. Ruth Specinger. 4th. Walter Vogel comic n****r, big crowd; case beer attendance prize. Mueth had an accident this afternoon, at Columbia & Milsdadt [sic] road, car all smashed Phil. & Eddy, Phil wife; they say were hurt bad; Josie had scratches to; but they took her home, but the rest are at St. Mary’s hospital, they were on there way to St. Louis to see Rosie, who was operated on is in hospital; Phil had fractured skull & Ed rib broken. Louis Hofmeister of New Athens fell asleep tonite & ran of left side of hard road up the bank by Al. Parker’s on New Athens hard road; he wasn’t hurt, but car was damaged quite a bit; they say $95. to repair it again.

Sunday, Oct. 11, 1936

Beautiful day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner. Butch Fisher of Waterloo looked at the heifers, to high priced. We went to Floraville to a free dance, musci [sic] by Schmidts of Red Bud.

Wednesday, Dec. 5, 1934

Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s got load corn. Rose & Berti went to the dentist this afternoon. Ralph Collier gave us a short call; we baked cookies, cleaned & washed curtains, windows. Mr. Herbert Hill’s have a baby daughter born last Fri. at the hospital in E. St. Louis, first; she was formerly Miss Pearl Fisher.

Friday, May 11, 1934

Mrs. Geo. Kuhn Jr. returned from the hospital with the little boy which was born Apr. 29; they have 2, girl & boy. she was Miss Emily Wiegand. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, we all had lunch together here. Uncle got each 1 box ice cream from Griffins, Oh! Boy was it good. We went out there this evening after the ladder & bucks. Miss Marie Harbaugh, daughter of Wm. Harbaugh of Waterloo became the bride of Mr. Herman Miller, son of Frank Miller, last Sat. May 5 in Catholic Church by Rev. Elmer Schumacher, cousin of the bride at 8 o’clock mass. The bride was attendanted [sic] by 2 sister Irene & Rose, wearing canary & blue silk next, blue hat & carried roses; while Rose wore pink silk net & pink hat, also carried roses. The groomsmen were 2 brothers, Ray & Robert Miller, attired in Oxford Gray. The bride had white satin. In the afternoon the Bridal party left for St. Louis to visit Sister Ann William, so she could see her sisters in wedding attire. The bride is a musci [sic] teacher in piano. He is employed by Quick Meal Stove Co. Mr. John Fisher the heater & plumber business of Waterloo died May 7, 59 yrs. buried Thurs. afternoon. The picture of Mr. & Mrs. James Parker is in today’ Belleville paper, he will be 85 yrs in Sept.

Saturday, June 3, 1933

We baked cherry pie; Leslie Siebert & Alivera Jatho are to wed this afternoon in Smithon [sic] by Rev. Hasto at 2:30, she is to wear pink silk & blue sash ribbon, the attendant will be, her sister & husband, of St. Louis. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up & we went to Bill Curran’s sale back by Tiptown. Boy! believe me it sure was some sale, 2 mules brought $405. mare & colt, $175.00 everything so high priced. 15 mon. credit, Alfred May was auctioner [sic], Vincent Walsh clerk. Curran got the job to be motor cop on Route 3, they will move to Waterloo now. Authur [sic- Arthur] Fisher is to move there. Lucille McCarthy told us today that Hoffman & Elvira Bozzay of Tiptown will get married Tues. June 6, at 3 o clock in the parsonage, & shower was given to Isabella Kalmer; Mr. & Mrs. Rennecker where over this evening, she was saying that Reuben Kammler got married today, he goes to Carbondale School, & married one from there, it must of been surprised, because Wagner’s wasn’t there.

Thursday, Sept. 22, 1932

Papa went to Waterloo this morn, & got the whippet repaired, brakes fixed, car greased & oil changed for $12.94. Mrs. Rennecker was here awhile this morn. A man around selling fish 20¢ lb. Mr. Fisher the butcher from Waterloo was here & looked at our cow, & hogs. Walter Gregson was here & bought stock roosters @ 10½¢ lb. 18 lb. This evening we drove out to George Boll’s & looked at his cow, then went & stopped in at Roy Staunfbiel & then to Uncle Fred’s awhile. There is Republican Meeting in Kammler’s Hall tonite, Henry went, sandwiches & soda free.