Cloudy, with April showers. Pap took chev. to Red Bud, got oil changed etc, 3040 miles. Feruer was here, he signed the apliance paper at Kammlers & so pap had to go to sign. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, they were at Smithton bank paid taxes. Mauff vegetable agent was here we bought doz. oranges. Leo & family came this eve. They were at Haudrichs wedding dance.
Monday, Sept. 7, 1936
We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & pap went to Columbia to Catholic church pinic [sic], this afternoon. So many pinics [sic] today. Red Bud, Smithon [sic], Valmeyer, Walsh. Sure hot these days again.
Monday, Aug. 3, 1936
We washed, ironed; nice cool, put in clover hay. Jerome AuBuchon & girl of E. St. Louis, being married St. Patrick Church, in E. St. Louis this morning. Probst came looked at the Whip, the battery was dead, couldn’t get it started, got 1 of his in there now. Henry came & got limedust spreader. Louis Hofmeister of New Athens, have a baby girl from yesterday, all well. Clarence Hepp won the cedar chest at Smithon [sic] Sun. at homecoming.
Thursday, May 28, 1936
Cut lawn, washed car. Mentel of near Waterloo looked at our hay rake, will take it for $3.00; will get it later, they had been at Millsdat [sic] got strawberries 12 qts. $1.10. Went to Belleville to Dr. this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary also went along in. Walter Parrot of Red Bud has a wedding anniv. at Donahue’s tonite free, musci [sic] by Blossom City. We went; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary to; nice crowd & good time. Skaer of Smithon [sic] 50 yrs. old jumped in well & drowned.
Sunday, Feb. 23, 1936
Went to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up early, went to go to see Mrs. Nic Loehr – nee Cortner, who died yestday, from blood poison, a scratch from a pin; funeral will be tomorrow morn. at Paderborn. Sure is a beautiful day, on top, & plenty mud. Mr. Chas Hill left yesterday to be gone all summer he say’s, going out digging for gold & hidden money, intends to be a millionaire, when he arrives home, hen’s flat now, be sould of said [? – unclear]. We got beef roast for dinner. Eichenseers brought it along from Smithon [sic]. Jim & Dick Novelety [sic] Boys, & hot footer & saxphone [sic] player are playing at Oak Grove Park tonite, & Orvil Bocker of Floraville is having a birthday dance at Pautler’s & has Skeets & Frankie & Ozark Mountain radio stars playing, all the stars are out, around her tonite. We went, sure had a nice time, big crowd; & wonderful floor show.
Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1936
Lincoln’s birthday. We went out to Henry’s butchering; killed 2 hogs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary helped too. Clara Wagner brought the cheese dish back, & ordered butter again. Raining tonite. The Altar Sodality is having a euchre tonite in school hall; we didn’t go. There is a masquerade ball in Smithon [sic]. Miss Adelle Probst & Floyd Quirin were married at Millsdalt [sic] this morning; her mother nee (Mary Henkel), a private reception at Daabs Club House. Schoenborn, Schaefer & B Schilling muscianers [sic] playing for the dance. Iowa is having terrible weather 25 below zero; people dying from cold, eggs raised 6¢ there. Mr. Otto Wagner of near Red Bud died yesterday will be buried Fri morning 9:30 at Catholic Church & cemetery, Clarence dad.
Friday, Jan. 31, 1936
Rose & Berti went out to Henry’s, cleaned, she [Leona] is still in bed yet; he went to E. St. Louis again today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came there awhile to; we were out nearly all day had dinner several people here from Columbia, Valmeyer, looking for sows & horses; our here yesterday, & got letter from one today; Miss Estelle Geodelle & Tunze of Columbia to be married tomorrow, had a shower, Herman Geodell’s daughter. Mr. Ed Classen, Freeburg Lumber dealer is in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital at Belleville, from a fractured hip, horse fell on him, went sleigh riding every day horse slipped, & by trying to help the horse, it fell on him, was taken in an ambulance. Mr. Fred Faust of Belleville, died will be buried tomorrow afternoon, church Catholic at Belleville then to Red Bud, cemetery Catholic; The Orbon Workers, have to present either at the house, or cemetery; he had been ill was taken to hospital, & returned again awhile back, now dead. When Jose [Josie] Keller was here on Christmas Day, going home she burned connecting rod out, had it repaired at Smithon [sic], stayed at Belleville, during that time; she wrote Aunt Mary a letter & told her about it; roads to slick, to come on her birthday.
Friday, Oct. 11, 1935
Henry came, had lunches & dinner here, finished up sewing wheat today. Leona is still sick, doctor says cold on kidneys. We spaded a piece in back yard; & this afternoon cleaned dining room, washed curtains. Bernice brought the mail; she also had a chain letter if we wanted to try it, making a quilt block, & when your name reaches the top, you will receive 125 blocks, we didn’t try it. Clara Wagner came paid for the lard 16 lbs @ 20¢. Mr & Mrs. Roy Pautler have a 10 lb. baby boy born at Red Bud hospital on Oct. 8, first born. Wm. Huebners have also a baby boy. Wilbur Grossman of Smithon [sic] & lady friend Irene Rayson had a head on collision last Sun. afternoon with Beckmann of Columbia on the Prairie du Rocher; injuries were treated at Red Bud hospital.
Monday, Sept. 16, 1935
We washed, ironed. Most beautiful day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he took load wheat to Red Bud got 90¢ bu. Mr. Schmierbach of Smithon [sic] got hit by an automobile Sun. evening & was rushed to the hospital, where he died; he is pretty old man. There is so many people getting hit nowadays with cars, just awful.
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