Friday, Nov. 30, 1934

Henry Meng was over, looked at the sow, but said she would be to heavy for him, so papa & Rose took it to Belleville to Strecks, 515 lbs. @ $5.15. Mr. Eugene Bruns stopped in & papa paid him the lumber sawing, 480 ft. @ 95¢ – $4.55. Mr. Burckhordt of Red Bud, stopped, wanted to look at the fat hog, but she is sold.

Thursday, Nov. 29, 1934

Thanksgiving Day. Rose & Berti went to mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile, then went up to help at the Turkey Dinner at the School; all day affair, lotto this afternoon. Eugene Bruns stopped on business. We made ribs & dressing, pumpkin pie, cranberry relish. Leona & Billy came up to meet Miss Klube on the bus this morning, she is visiting out here today. Mr. Roy Pautler & Miss Lavina Goedelle were married at the Red Bud Catholic parsonage this afternoon, Friedrich of Colombia & Winehof of Waterloo married this morning, we went to Wedding dance at Pautlers musci [sic] from Dupo. Jaegher & Minneman wedding couple also attended the dance, were married at priest house. Uncle Fred came down a little while, said there was a nice crowd at the turkey & Lotto this afternoon. It rained again this evening.

Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1934

There is a box social, 2 act play, turkey raffle at Public School House tonight. Adm. free, cloudy again today. Wm. Ganley paid up interest for 1934 now. Rosalia & Berti went to the dentist this afternoon; got to go again next Wed.

Tuesday, Nov. 27, 1934

We took sausage etc. to Waterloo, sold some this morning; prices from 15 to 20¢ lb., on different things. We washed, sugar cured hams, this afternoon, nasty rainy day & Boy! rain tonite & colder I guess. Man here taking up senses [sic – census] of children that is of school age, none here. The big wedding of Anna Marie Parker, oldest daughter of Ed L. Parker, most prominet [sic] chicken raiser & trustee of church, & dairy famer near of Hecker, & Mr. Clyde William Pautler of Evansville, oldest son of Phil Pautler, dairy man, he drives Pevely Dairy truck to St. Louis, were married at 9 o’clock, nuptial high mass, by Fr. Aydt, Harbaugh & Schumacher, as cousins & Fr. Tecklenburg of Evansville; bride dressed in white with veil, marched in on bride’s fathers arm, carring [sic] roses. Mr. Paul Parker as groomsmen & Miss Dorthy Pautler bridesmaid dressed with nile green crepe, & Miss Agnes Parker, matron of honor, in pink, all carrying flowers. Mr. Donald Parker, ring beared & Alice Schumacher flower girl; wedding dance in Daabs Club House to written invited guests; Mrs. Ed Schneider & Mrs. Robert Laut, cooks.

Monday, Nov. 26, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came then we butchered 180 lb. hog; finished early; they had lunch, dinner & supper. Mrs. Braun of Red Bud, was here selling Stuarts Products, we ordered some nose drops, she bought, some sausage. Awful nice day, rained last night.

Sunday, Nov. 25, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile. George Wagner got 1 doz. eggs @ 30¢ here. Mr & Mrs. Leonard Mertz have a baby boy, Thurs. 22. Mr. & Mrs. Herman Goessling had there baby christened at Red Bud church today. Mrs. Susan Wagner is being buried this afternoon at Belleville. We went out, stopped at Henry’s a short while, then went to the free wedding dance at Guerscheminer & Whiel, Jake Wiehl’s daughter, at Paulters Hall. Moonlighters played, & Oh! Boy what a crowd. Some camp guys got to fighting in the hall, but was taken downstairs, then later put in jail yet, 2 of them; were feeling pretty happy also.

Saturday, Nov. 24, 1934

Went out to Henry’s butchering the old sow. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary & Emil helped, we had lunch & dinner; took some sausage & rib along. We went to Waterloo to Paulters Hall, dance given by Armin Bectholdt, 22 birthday, Moonlighters playd, free dance, passed the hat around; & boy! did he have a crowd all over, Broad Hollow, Floraville, Paderborn & Hecker.

Friday, Nov. 23, 1934

Started fire in furnace. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s got wheat for crushing, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hellmer of Waterloo, are the parents of a 7½ lb. baby girl born last Wed. The Paderborn fighters had a trial at Belleville this morning, the case was settled between themselves, Edwin Neff & Leo & Wiefred Cortner & August Schaefer & Jake Orlet, the Cortners said, they will not go to Paderborn & Neff neithers, he was employed at Evansville now. Edwin Neff struck a boy at Main St. this morning, with the car, the boy wasn’t hurt, & his name was not given.

Thursday, Nov. 22, 1934

Papa went to Red Bud, got hog & chicken feed. Papa & Berti went to Waterloo this afternoon, little business. Much colder this afternoon & tonite. Mrs. Susan Wagner of Belleville, died will be buried Sun. afternoon. Dr. Wagners mother; died pneounia [sic].

Wednesday, Nov. 21, 1934

It rained nearly all day, getting colder. We went to the dentist, Rose got another pulled; & Boy! was it one. Mr. Adam Eishenauer, now of Belleville died yesterday afternoon, he formerly lived in Hecker, was trustee for several years. Miss Katie Koerber youngest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Louis Koerber of Prairie Du Long, celebrated her 22 yr. birthday at her home Sun, & the engagement was also announced to Mr. John Weber, second oldest son of Willie Weber, the marriage to take place next June; the paper says.