Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1937

Leo Orlet & Rose wedding day; had Lizzie Boll & Aunt Mary & Leona helped cook; married at St. Mary’s at 9 o’clock, Isd. & Bert best; lot of people at church, we had breakfast at Fr. Orlets; & took pictures at Ruine, & put news in News Democrat; had Fr. out for dinner & all brothers & sisters, god mothers & fathers; Jos. Keller all for dinner & supper about 40 persons; took pictures here in afternoon. Dance at Paulter tonite musci [sic] by Skaers, etc. & what a crowd, & presents, got 3 sets of dishes 2 knives & forks, blankets, quilts, tea kettle & every so many more; Rained this morning & cloudy all day; foggy. We had Alois Roth’s car, & he took Leo, chaeuffer [sic] for Mr. & Mrs. Orlet & Mr. & Mrs. Roth.

Saturday, Jan. 16, 1937

The John Kaltwasser farm was sold this morn. at the quarry, brought $10,000, some price for farms these days; Nic Cortner bought it, 160 acres, with the quarry & all. Telephone meeting this afternoon. Eliza Boll got reelected operator, John Braun was against her. Leo & Isadore were here this evening, he had got a card from Sanitary Milk Producers, that there was to be a meeting held at Paulter’s the same nite as the wedding dance, so they went to Eliza Boll’s & called in to Paulter but there is no milk meeting there that nite, he said.

Sunday, May 3, 1936

Pap 58 birthday, but he is sick, can’t walk much, Rose & Bert went to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came she brought roast along for dinner, boy had a real dinner. Herman Kettler & son of Paderborn came & invited us to his barn dance tonite, a new one just been build & Elmer Parker & Omar Schilling are giving a free dance at Paulter tonite, musci [sic] by Scheonborn, Schaefer & Schilling & Boy the crowd. They have a play in the school hall here, “Home Town Girl” was the name of it; we didn’t get to see it; same boys were in it.

Saturday, April 27, 1935

Strawed potatoes, cleaned chicken house. Papa got the chev. again this afternoon, all fixed up, new oil rings, etc. greased & labor, all $8.00. Omer Schilling is giving a birthday dinner at Paulters Hall to nite, gents 25 ladies free; Moonlight Orch.; playing; we went in, & Boy! was it a crowd. Papa went to Waterloo this afternoon & got his hog check cashed $33.58. Sure some dust, today, it is terrible in Kansas dust storms.

Sunday, Nov. 25, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile. George Wagner got 1 doz. eggs @ 30¢ here. Mr & Mrs. Leonard Mertz have a baby boy, Thurs. 22. Mr. & Mrs. Herman Goessling had there baby christened at Red Bud church today. Mrs. Susan Wagner is being buried this afternoon at Belleville. We went out, stopped at Henry’s a short while, then went to the free wedding dance at Guerscheminer & Whiel, Jake Wiehl’s daughter, at Paulters Hall. Moonlighters played, & Oh! Boy what a crowd. Some camp guys got to fighting in the hall, but was taken downstairs, then later put in jail yet, 2 of them; were feeling pretty happy also.

Saturday, Nov. 24, 1934

Went out to Henry’s butchering the old sow. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary & Emil helped, we had lunch & dinner; took some sausage & rib along. We went to Waterloo to Paulters Hall, dance given by Armin Bectholdt, 22 birthday, Moonlighters playd, free dance, passed the hat around; & boy! did he have a crowd all over, Broad Hollow, Floraville, Paderborn & Hecker.

Saturday, July 14, 1934

Cool wind this morn. Sheutte by Waterloo died, the man, that Mrs. Sheutte insane, put poison in there food. A free dance at Donahue’s musci [sic] by Nite Hawks & a free wedding dance in Pautlers Hall, musci [sic] by Moonlighters tonite. This morning about 10:30 Irvin Buehler, 7 yr old son of Chris Buehler, was struck unconsious [sic], while playing with tires on the hard road, in front of Parker’s house, they were all there helping with threshing, the driver of the car, was Frank Schwartz of R.R.1 Belleville. Irvin was brought to Hecker to Dr. Eckert & then the ambulance was called & taken to Belleville hospital, where he is still the same, fractured head & back & wrenched leg. The car nearly hit Cletus to. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & papa went to Hyde sale in Red Bud, who lives in John Rennecker’s house, bought a few articles. Henry & Leona went to Belleville, left kids here, bought new shoes & dress. this evening took us along, kids stayed here, went to Pautler Pavillion, Kopp’s Wedding dance; pretty large crowd. Donahue’s was nothing some said. Boy! did Walter Reheis feel good!

Saturday, April 28, 1934

Papa & Rose went out on the farm cleaned, graniery [sic]. Awful nice day. It froze ice last nite again. Some of the Hecker firemen put up a tank for water at George Wagner’s yesterday afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came he helped papa staked the ground of for the shed, they had lunch & dinner here, Karl Boll came to tell pap, Ettling was going to come to see him next Sun. We went to Waterloo to Pautler’s Hall, to a birthday dance, musci [sic] by Moonlighters, but wasn’t much going on there, so then we drove down to Oak Grove to Pat May birthday dance, & a crowd there. Oh my & all feeling Happy.