Friday, May 31, 1935

Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, got load wheat 17 bus. took it to Red Bud got 74¢, this afternoon took 17 bus. to Waterloo & got 79¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went up; had lunch, we cooked cheese & Boy! is it good. We picked our cherries; ¾ of a gallon. Hy Rahn & family & Claude Crowe, had auto accident at Hellmers corner Sun evening Crowe was going to pass Rahn just as he was going to turn in the street by Hellmer at Waterloo, Rahn was hurt, with cuts & bruises, & fractured ribs, his car upset. Claude is Oliver Crowe’s son. Henry & family came, left the kids here & we went along to Waterloo to CCC camp, had a dance in the mash room & so many people, 3 orchestras played music. High school, Pals of Harmony & camp band; nice place. The Catholic School children have there play & graduation exercises tonite. Adm. 25¢. Raffling a quilt out also. It was in the paper the case between Christ & Frank Buehler was dimissed [sic] to Randolph Co; was at Waterloo Mon.

Sunday, Nov. 25, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile. George Wagner got 1 doz. eggs @ 30¢ here. Mr & Mrs. Leonard Mertz have a baby boy, Thurs. 22. Mr. & Mrs. Herman Goessling had there baby christened at Red Bud church today. Mrs. Susan Wagner is being buried this afternoon at Belleville. We went out, stopped at Henry’s a short while, then went to the free wedding dance at Guerscheminer & Whiel, Jake Wiehl’s daughter, at Paulters Hall. Moonlighters played, & Oh! Boy what a crowd. Some camp guys got to fighting in the hall, but was taken downstairs, then later put in jail yet, 2 of them; were feeling pretty happy also.

Sunday, Oct. 7, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile had lunch. Barry May has shooting match this afternoon. The Hecker Baseball team has a dance at Manier’s tonite, Jolly Six Osc. of Red Bud, pretty fair crowd attended. We stayed home all day; had beef soup dinner. Mr. Joe Hilpert & family stopped a little while, he bought 2 doz. eggs; they were down at Sparta, he helped to build the CCC camps there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, too take in Maniers dance; outside. Papa & Uncle Fred went out to Henry’s. Pete Birkner looked at the house, he said he would furnish everything & plastered it for $30.00, papa thought that was rather much, so he won’t let him fix it. We went to Oak Grove to a dance, musci [sic] by Chris Dorn’s Orc. Adm. 25¢; nice crowd & good time. James McCaffery 68 of Red Bud died, funeral tomorrow, 9 o’clock by Rev. Stern. Mr. Emil Frick brother of Mrs. Willie Gregson died, will be buried tomorrow afternoon at St. Louis.

Friday, April 6, 1934

Rain last night & this morning, getting colder. We got a letter & check $2.40 for pap had witnessed to the handwriting Val. Fritsche will, which was probated at Sept. 15, 1932 & received check today. Koch Undertaker brought Mrs. Louis Birkner to her home about 1 o clock, the funeral will be Sun. afternoon at 2 o clock. It was reported today that Wm. Weigand Sr. 67 yrs. while unloading steers at the stockyard yesterday was kicked & broker his leg, all splintered, he is in the hospital Bellville [sic]. Papa went up after the mail. Several young boys of Tiptown & Burskville [sic] entered the reforestration at Jefferson Barracks Mo. last Mon. for special training, then will be sent out to CCC camp. K. Mc Carthy, E. Kopp, L. Esker, Wm. Crook all of back at Burskville [sic]. Walter Kelley’s little girl left a vise fall on her arm, but no bones were broken.