Friday, July 9, 1937

Had nice shower today. Waterloo paper states there were no marriage licenses there, not in Belleville & E. St. Louis since the law to have a physical ex. [exam] of both parties; in Mo. 64 licenses, were it is no law for that. Mr. Ray Paulter cashier in First National Bank & lady of St. Louis were married there July 6. in Holy Innocents Church, attended by S. I. Paulter brother & Esther McCarthy friend of the bride, going for honeymoon to Chicago & Wisconsin; will make there home in Waterloo, she was employed as cashier in St. Louis First National Bank; also the wedding of Clarence Stehl Anna Cohran of Granite City, took place in Immaul [sic] Church June 30; young couple will make there home in Granite City. Emil is appointed Admin. settle the estate of Uncle Adam on Aug. 22, it is in paper. Peter Sensel purchased the Ben Jung residence, & will move to Waterloo in near future Levi is to get married; transfer was made, also of Bruno Winkler & wf. to Arch. Wiehl & wf. & Elmer Winkler sold his residence on Morrison Ave. to Bucher manager of Monroe Service Co; & is now building a house in next lot to it; on Morrison Ave. Send Chev. Ins. of $5.60. Mr. Hill was here collected telephone dues $1. Bert painted front porch benches. Awful warm after rain. Mrs. A. Brown & daughter Marcella & Mrs. Hy. Doyle have taken over the Log Cabin, formerly run by Leo Horrel who is now at Gregsons Restaurant in Red Bud; she will have an opening dance tomorrow nite. Frank Finnerty of Waterloo has or is prop. now at Oak Grove; Nic Joseph is back at Burksville again. Leabig [?] the fisherman of Boxtown that shot Joe McCarthy was giving a hearing before Justice of Peace, bound over to Grand Jury fixed at $7,500, not being able to furnish bond was returned to Co. Jail, held on charge of intended murder; a peace warrant for $1,000 has been sworn out against the prisoner; paper says.

Wednesday, May 19, 1937

Went to Waterloo, got flour etc. paid take $247.21. Painting our chicken houses now, started yesterday. Pierre came brought a jar for milk in the morn. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came this eve, planted plants. We planted 53 cabbage & 2 rows mushmellons this eve. Eggs $.74 Wheat $1.27. The Oscar Birkner & Grahlerr h case which was at Belleville last week, Birkner won Grahlerr has to paid $33. for selling posts & straw.

Friday, May 31, 1935

Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, got load wheat 17 bus. took it to Red Bud got 74¢, this afternoon took 17 bus. to Waterloo & got 79¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went up; had lunch, we cooked cheese & Boy! is it good. We picked our cherries; ¾ of a gallon. Hy Rahn & family & Claude Crowe, had auto accident at Hellmers corner Sun evening Crowe was going to pass Rahn just as he was going to turn in the street by Hellmer at Waterloo, Rahn was hurt, with cuts & bruises, & fractured ribs, his car upset. Claude is Oliver Crowe’s son. Henry & family came, left the kids here & we went along to Waterloo to CCC camp, had a dance in the mash room & so many people, 3 orchestras played music. High school, Pals of Harmony & camp band; nice place. The Catholic School children have there play & graduation exercises tonite. Adm. 25¢. Raffling a quilt out also. It was in the paper the case between Christ & Frank Buehler was dimissed [sic] to Randolph Co; was at Waterloo Mon.

Tuesday, March 21, 1933

It sure is cold, snow on the ground, some spring days. Papa & Henry & Bill Freund went over to East St. Louis, to get a Chev coach for Henry, Papa took the Whippet over so they could put Henry machine or body of his roadster & hauled it home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came where here for dinner, he paid his tax some thing like $400.00. Rosalia finished her dress today. Jos. Braun’s case is to come off today at court. Walter Koch was buried at Red Bud in afternoon.

Monday, March 20, 1933

It started to rain, so we didn’t wash today. Papa went up town this afternoon. Two of our hens hatched Sat. 14 chicks. It is a real snow blizard [sic] this evening, & cold, we covered our cabbage plants & lettuce. The Ladies Aid had a quilting at George Kammlers today. George Wagner & Joe Watchel where spading there garden today, while it was snowing. Gambach’s & Stifflers case was to come of today in court.

Friday, May 13, 1932

Christian Neff & Mary Mosbacher, Daughter of Ignatz are going to be married next Tues. in St. Louis & dance in Paderborn. Ben Schilling & her sister are to be best. Court was set off on Joe Braun’s case till next fall. Papa went to Freeburg after wire.

Friday, Sept. 5, 1930

It is raining a little this morning.  Gregory McArthy is teaching the Hecker School and he boards by Eichenseers.  I seen in the paper that there are a lot of people ailing at present, they are, Mrs. Rausch ailing of a weak heart.  Mrs. Spalt has Typhoid fever, Bill Parkinson has rehuwates [?], Peter Dehn is no better yet.  George Gambach had his well closed up with cinders.  Harry Stiffler moved in Gambach’s property.  Clarence Pabst sold his milk route and truck to Clarence Wittenauer.  Edward Neff & Mr. & Mrs. John Reheis motored to St. Louis & visited Forest Park.  The Hecker baseball team played with Waterloo, the Catholics, Sunday there and were defeated with a score of 14 to 6 & Monday they played at New Athens & was defeated by a score of 14 to 4.  William Birkner is building a garage.  Henry Armstutz is on jury at Waterloo.  Papa, Rosalia, & Bertille went to Uncle Fred’s & Aunt Mary’s this afternoon to help to cut corn.  We had lunch out there.  We brought some corn father along back.  Rosalia went and got the mail.  Tomorrow we intend to dig a well by the straw shed.  Bennet Mudd from Red Bud guessed in Waterloo Sunday that a sack of feed weighed 30.9 lbs.  He was closest to it, it weighed 30.8 lbs.  He got the 100 lb. sack of pig chow.  Mrs Threfall & John Henkel had to be on circuit court last Tuesday.  She sued John $300.00 for board.  On Sept. 1 Mon. Peter Dietz & Miss Marie Henke were married in Waterloo.  Mrs. Ralph Neff & Miss Anna Dietz were best.  Henry Eichleman marriage license was also in the paper he is 29 yrs. old & Dora Einwich is 18 yrs.  Virginia Emery of Hecker won the Normal School Scholarship.