Saturday, Nov. 25, 1939

Pap got haircut this morn. Cloudy all day, getting colder this eve. Susie & Sons of Ozarks were on the air this eve. Bert [Bertille] paid eletric [sic] bill 12 hrs. this month $1.00 yet. We went to Rob. Lauts this eve. played cards. & Kitty Rumy [sic] & had cake.

Thursday, Aug. 10, 1939

Nice day. Went to Belleville, sold 4 bus. peaches potatoes apples tomatoes, pickles, eggs, summer sausage, sold everything. Leroy Haudrich have baby girl born this morning. Picked peaches sold bu. to Hy. Bruns; bu. to Joe Watchels, 1/2 bu. to Renneckers, pk. to Lauts; gave Hy. bu. some for canning & preserves.

Tuesday, April 25, 1939

Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, he took 2 hogs of ours 410 lbs. @ $6.65 to Belleville she stayed helped paper [wallpaper], also Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt Mary], Olive Laut papered bedroom & kitchen $1.75 from 7 till 7:30 pm all had dinner & supper; Leo came for supper, to, hogs weighed 410 lbs. @ $6.65. Marita was good all nite. A guy around selling fish. Olive bought one 5 lb. @ 10 [cents]. Buffalo Corks [? – unclear]

Monday, Feb. 27, 1939

Washed. Pap went to Farmers meeting at school hall with H. Wittenauer this morn. & afternoon with Henry. Ford agent of Waterloo stopped in, thought maybe we want to trade Whip for Model A. Ford he has there now. A fellow & Pierre Laut around selling magzaine [sic] don’t want any. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in were over at New Athens took a quilt over for show next month. Leona isn’t feeling well up & down has it like Uncle Fred in gall [bladder]; eating to much pork.

Friday, Oct. 14, 1938

We went to funeral of Mr. Frisch 80 yrs. old, Fr. Aydt made a very good sermon; pretty large, funeral, Garedener. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville this afternoon. Olive Laut came this eve. paid ground rent $8.00 there truck patch.

Thursday, Aug. 4, 1938

Canned 21 qts. peaches. Laut & Schneider hulling clover seed here. Awful hot today. Cut tomatoes for catsup & peach preserves.

Wednesday, April 6, 1938

Windy, cloudy, this afternoon. Leona & Billy [Willis] came, we stretched curtains etc. blanket had dinner here. Emil was over awhile, pap caught 6 fish for supper, boy! were they good. Karl Boll plowed a piece of a lot for Rob. Laut, planted some potatoes. They finally got Kammler’s barn moved to Werners lot this morn. accross [sic] hard road, stopped traffic for short awhile. Bert [Bertille] worked garden this evening. Radio says cold with snow tonite & rain, had a light shower this eve.

Monday, March 14, 1938

Cloudy all day. Laut’s basement is all dug out now, ready to pour cement. Bert [Bertille] took eggs up got 15 [cents] – 8 doz. Chas. Rey from Waterloo came this morn. bought the 10 pigs, going to get them this afternoon; $7 a piece. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in, went to Phil Muertz sale, government selling him out, Perry May was sale cryer, & Steve Griffin clerk; things brought fair price, Emil came over to. Report of Rose Mueth being dead is false, nothing to it, she is living & getting better, sure some talk going around false.

Wednesday, March 9, 1938

Raining again. Pap went to barber; Joe Freund & guy here looked at pigs, to high price they said. Chas. Wagner was here, quilting for fire co. – put in 2 quilts this morn; 1 a marked of & the other fan quilt. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here & Bert [Bertille] went to fire house, quilting this afternoon. Emil was over awhile. Chas. Helfrich got oats & potatoes today. Started in to dig basement at Lauts; only 2 carpenters & Karl Boll & Geo. Parker with team; its a contract job; Emil don’t even get chance to work there; suppose to be $1400 house including furnace.

Monday, March 7, 1938

We washed, ironed, patched. Pap sewed clover seed, hauled wheat to Waterloo this afternoon, 1 load from here 77 [cents], & 2 loads from Henrys 82 [cents]. top price is 84 [cents]. Bert [Bertille] took eggs to town got 14 [cents]. Lauts tearing house down today. Hoffmann from Belleville nearly all down this eve. Steve Stiffler was here this eve. on business. Sure warm.