Monday, Aug. 31, 1936

We washed, ironed. Joe Griffin finished today. Pap got load corn fodder. Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Cortner had Gypsy Joe to play “Red Sails in Sunset” for there baby 1 yr. old today Ethel May. Mildred Watchel & Berneice Wagner was here, she is news reporter for Niece Rausch, for Daily Advocate, neice [sic] is working at Clara’s in New Athens now.

Sunday, Aug. 30, 1936

Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile, Pete Reheis has fire yesterday, burned potatoe [sic] straw in morning. & thought they had it all out, & in afternoon starting burning again, 2 straw stacks & hay, had Hecker fire engine out, they had no water, got tanks & hauled from the creek & John Reheis. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were there last nite awhile. Omer & Bert went to Columbia Homecoming was pretty nice, had Ill. Central train in parade. Roy Quin & Ozark Sweehart [sic] were there. Went to Oak Grove, Sinclairs Oil Employes [sic] gave a free dance, music by Blossom City. Prize Waltz was given $1. to Hazel Flynn & 5 qts. oil to Hartmann of near Red Bud. J. Horn, Barthel, & Brand were judges. Nelson Church & Berneice Reitz had a wedding dance at Breezy Hill. Rose went to New Baden, Kettler’s 25. Wedding Anniv. Hy. Armstutz was here.

Saturday, Aug. 29, 1936

Pap & Rose went out to Henrys to get feed for crushing. Joe came & Vic Eichenseer put in electric ground wire this afternoon. Nights are cool.

Friday, Aug. 28, 1936

Pap got load corn fodder; Then worked on lights. Joe came this afternoon again, & also this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon. Bert Thompson stopped to see Joe on business.

Thursday, Aug. 27, 1936

Pap got load corn fodder. Sure awful hot. We dyed white dresses; navy blue. They oiled the streets in town yesterday. Joe Griffin came about 2:30 worked on the lights till 6:30, has the 2 front rooms finished. Nic Mueth came to see Joe, there radio don’t work. Osie Neff wanted to see if we want to thresh clover, they were finished now, & moving up the road. Thunder this eve. but no rain.

Wednesday, Aug. 26, 1936

Ironed. Rose & Bert went to Waterloo to dentist. Bert got 1 filled by Hotz $2.00. A guy here selling apples $1.25 bu. & ones taking orders for Mitner Product Co. of St. Louis. Joe Griffin came & checked up on light switches etc. We went to Belleville, got everything the fixtures etc. Joe also was in, got it all at Haskel’s Electric Store.

Tuesday, Aug. 25, 1936

Went out cutting corn again, 9 shocks this morning, we washed & ironed, this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up. The fire truck was called out, just at noon, at Maniers Park, Mr. Frank Kroell was burning rubbish, & got away, little damage; got it out right away.

Monday, Aug. 24, 1936

We had a nice shower rain last nite, but not enough. We all went cutting corn, cut 8 shocks from 6:30 till 9 o clock, got to hot.

Sunday, Aug. 23, 1936

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile after mass. There 38th wedding Anniv. The Hecker Catholic church pinic [sic] cleared $800. & Red Bud on ice cream social $300. all pretty good. We went to Pautlers to Al. Einwich birthday dance, Rythmn [sic] Kings Gents 25 ladies free, had pretty nice crowd. Alvis Roth had a collision, coming out of the Douglas road & didn’t stop, got knocked of machine a total wreck.

Saturday, Aug. 22, 1936

Pap cut 4 corn shocks this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up at noon, there wedding ann. came over the radio this morn. We all & Henry & family went over this evening, had water melon, cake.