Saturday, Oct. 21, 1939

Pap got haircut. We went to Smithton this afternoon, went out to see Schwal’s pigs. Bill [Klein] came this eve. he was at Ed. Cortner’s to sell him a 1938 Ford; that he traded in to Baltz banker of Smithton for 1940; first trade today. They had a fire in Smithton, weeds, had fire engine called. Geo. Parkers barn on Schilling place burned this afternoon to. also from a weed fire it started; had Hecker fire department out.

Wednesday, May 31, 1939

Nice day hot. Over the holidays they were 409 reported dead radio said this morn, 200 by Automobile accidents, some drowning & fire & shooting. Went to Leo’s made hay, rained a little this afternoon.

Wednesday, Dec. 28, 1938

Not so cold today, 16 [degrees] this morn. Pap went out & got load wood for Emil; this afternoon got wheat at Henry’s, & got crushing done. Fire engine went down to Joe Hempe’s; machine shed burning implements burned; that is on Mrs. Albert Gregsons farm. The Officer that won at election day of Monroe Co. are giving a free dance at Pautler’s tonite. The Young People of Parish here are having a party also tonite.

Friday, Feb. 25, 1938

Went out to Henrys got load oats, also corn. A fellow here wanted something to eat. Chas. Helfrich got 20 bu. oats 40 [cents] paid $5 today. At 3:30 fire alarm was sound, fire at Harry Kammlers saloon house, chimney, starting in side; not so much damage done. Bert [Bertille] paid electric bill – 18 hrs. $1.39. this mon. Colder this eve. 28 [degrees]

Friday, Dec. 3, 1937

Raining all day & nite. Cleaned chicken house. Baked cookies. Pap went up town got papers; seen in there that Ed. Brand had wrote a letter to U. Heyl’s, telling them that last Fri. nite, fire destroyed the United paper Stock Co. were he works, but are going to rebuilt again; was quite a big loss. The plans for the new school building in Waterloo is now ready to go to work will cost building & lots & all $150,000. Farm Adv. Hughes to going to leave Waterloo & taken position in Cook CO; by the first of year; Clarence Olendorph had there baby christened last Sun. Charles William – sponsors Mr. & Mrs. William Minnemean. There will be an India Missionary coming to Evangical [sic] church, will speak & also show pictures. Literary Meeting at School house tonite; speaking old age pension. Mr. Ulrich of Smithton formerly the banker was stricken with apolexcy [sic] taken to hospital were there he died.

Friday, Nov. 19, 1937

Awful cold, snowing a little today. The fire department was called to Bert Thompson’s chimney on fire but no damage done. Authur Geodelle & Alberta Friedrich were married Wed. morning by Kochheim at 10 o’clock. Laf. Geodelle best man. Pretty cold is to be 20 degrees tonite.

Monday, May 10, 1937

Cleaned chicken house & barn, worked in garden. Pap went on business trip & also to Waterloo to a big sale on Pautler’s farm west of town; people from Marrissa [sic] have a sale, on stock & tractors etc. Cool this morn. A fellow here selling household articles; bought fly swatter. The fire engine whistle was sounded this morn; called to the home of Andrew Mueth in Paderborn, were there house was on fire; but it was put out, before they got there. Rose came this afternoon, helped plant out flowers; took some along home, we planted all the house flowers out. Mrs. Rennecker came over awhile this afternoon. Jake Neff was here on business this evening. Cool again tonite.

Sunday, Aug. 30, 1936

Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile, Pete Reheis has fire yesterday, burned potatoe [sic] straw in morning. & thought they had it all out, & in afternoon starting burning again, 2 straw stacks & hay, had Hecker fire engine out, they had no water, got tanks & hauled from the creek & John Reheis. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were there last nite awhile. Omer & Bert went to Columbia Homecoming was pretty nice, had Ill. Central train in parade. Roy Quin & Ozark Sweehart [sic] were there. Went to Oak Grove, Sinclairs Oil Employes [sic] gave a free dance, music by Blossom City. Prize Waltz was given $1. to Hazel Flynn & 5 qts. oil to Hartmann of near Red Bud. J. Horn, Barthel, & Brand were judges. Nelson Church & Berneice Reitz had a wedding dance at Breezy Hill. Rose went to New Baden, Kettler’s 25. Wedding Anniv. Hy. Armstutz was here.

Thursday, July 16, 1936

Cooler but no rain. Henry & Floyd was here yesterday disking the Stuble field; had lunches & dinner & finished up. Mrs. Freund & Creses & girl friends from St. Louis came, paid the $75 balance on mare & colt, had lunch; that was also yesterday. Harry Baskplah was also here, collected his $9.00 cold service from Henry. We went to Waterloo to Columbia, this morning. Cliffords baby is getting buried this afternoon 2:30 to cemetery. Rev. Hosto came to the house. Thunder & storm here this evening from 4:30 till 7 o’clock, the lightening struck Louis Voges barn on Cowell place, burned it down, grain & hay, ect [sic], big loss. Had lot hail at Waterloo, not many here, but a good rain. Mrs. Hy. Meng is pretty sick at present.

Sunday, March 29, 1936

Went to mass. Beautiful day. Went to Waterloo this afternoon & around by Paderborn home, stoped [sic] at Joe Buss; looked at his horse. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here, after church this afternoon, a little while. Ed Meng & Hannecker was over looked at colt. Steve Rennekers were over awhile this evening. There was a fire went all along Kectritzs place, through the woods, & burned fields, they plowed around it yet so it wouldn’t reach Keckritz’s house & buildings.