Tuesday, May 31, 1932

We washed & ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening. There is a dance at Bil Sensel’s again tonite in the barn a fellow from Evansville giving it again, he gave it last Sat. nite & now is going to have it over. It rained a little this afternoon.

Monday, May 30, 1932

Decoration Day. Church Pinic [sic] in Alten [sic – Alton] & here in Hecker, & school pinic [sic] at Waterloo. Hy. Armstutuz was here this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here helping to make hay, they & Hy. Meng had dinner, he helped too. This afternoon Uncle Fred took Aunt Mary up to the pinic [sic], & her stuff but no chickens, then he came back & helped finish with the hay, they had lunch here, Uncle Fred ate supper with us, then went down to Red Bud to drug store. There where so many people at the pinic [sic], they didn’t have enough chicken, 30 people went down, didn’t eat no supper, had to wait to long till the chicken was all fryed [sic]. This evening we all went out Henry Birkner’s, Mary’s birthday, had a dance out there. Lip. Meuth & 3 other fellows where here & they looked at the colts, drunk as could be, they where out all nite at a dance at Fahey’s. eggs 7¢ today.

Sunday, May 29, 1932

We went to Waterloo Church, papa wanted to see Rob. Merz. about tin roof, this afternoon him & his family came out for awhile. Mrs. Rennecker has lot of company today, she is 60 yrs. old. We went out to Uncle Fred’s this evening. She & Lonie where at the cemetery for service this afternoon, so many strange people where there. He made a nice sermon & everything looks nice. The priest that was to make the sermon had a nervous breakdown.

Saturday, May 28, 1932

Papa went down to see Hy. Armstutz, this morn, to see if he could get the team & mower, so this afternoon he got it & cut all his hay & cheat [?] of. Henry & Emil where here & got a hog. Mr. Biebel & 3 more guys from Belleville where here & looked at the colt, he would give $65. There where 3 more fellows here, 2 from Jennington Mo. & the other from Cowell’s place & looked at the colts. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where at Monroe City at a sale. Mrs. Wilde. We went out to their place this evening, listened to the radio, dances all over to nite, Bill Sensel’s, Nic Cortner’s barn dance, Weber’s Wedding dance in Dab’s Clubhouse by Smithon [sic], Hy. Weber & Mary Crowk. I seen Arthur Stehl & Anna Herzog license in the paper, 27 & 21. Papa went to Hy. Armstutz & got the team, & mower, & took it back agin [sic] this evening.

Friday, May 27, 1932

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon. We planted out flowers & this eve, planted cabbage & tomatoes. April Eichenseer was here awhile. The Biebel Roofing Co. men where out here this morning, papa went along with them out to Henry’s & showed them the barn, they’ll do the job for $100.00. Fr. Grootens has a big piece in the paper again about the cemetery being furnished, & the big pinic [sic] Mon, spring chicks fed on milk supper, & his picture, & also a lot of things, which isn’t so at all, grass 6 ft. high before they cleaned & all kinds of stuff.

Thursday, May 26, 1932

Papa & Rosalia sprayed the potatoes with Arsenate of Lead, this morn. Joe Gregson & Lee where & looked at the colt again. eggs are 8¢. We had chicken soup today.

Wednesday, May 25, 1932

Rudy Geodelle’s wife is in Red Bud hospital, they had a little baby girl, it is dead buried Sat. George Wagner was here & brought the fork back. Papa went out to Henry’s help make hay, he had dinner there. He went down to see Joe. Gregson this morn, first. Bertille mailed a letter to Biebel Roofing Co.

Tuesday, May 24, 1932

Today is birthday Henry’s 28 yrs. old & also the 4th wedding anniversary. We went out this evening, ice cream, cake where served to the following: Mr. Gus Geodelle & family, Henry Birkner’s family, Albert Cleveland’s family, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary. George Wagner got a fork here this morn. to straw potatoes at Chas. Wagner’s.

Monday, May 23, 1932

We got wash, day, & nice too. Mr. Fix & his neighbor from near Belleville looked at the colts. This afternoon papa went there to look at his stock, they finally got together & made an even trade, our black, the smallest for a 3 yr old horse, he brought it down this evening & lead the other one home. It is a gentle horse, works good. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up. This evening we went along out to Henry’s & papa went over to see George Schilling. We planted 100 cabbage plants this eve.

Sunday, May 22, 1932

We went to Red Bud. Levi Gregson came here a little while, the rest where at church. George Wagner’s family prepared dinner, chicken, etc. & took it all down to Chas. Wagner, 25 Silver Wedding Ann. the whole relation, when it was supposed to be a surprized [sic], but I don’t think it was, they found it out. Three fellows from St. Joe where here & looked at the colts. We all went over to Stere’s & sat on his porch, the sun got too hot on ours. This eve, we went out to Uncle Fred’s, Chris Buehler’s family also came, we at popcorn, beer, & water.