Sunday, March 5, 1939

Rained all night. Timber man stopped in again. John Myerscough & wife & daughter Flo, were visiting at Emils & stopped in short while to say Hello to us. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Leo’s & Rose [Rosalia] to nite; roads pretty good.

Friday, Nov. 5, 1937

Beautiful getting colder. Bert’s [Bertille] 23 birthday. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary went to Red Bud to Buehler’s this afternoon & junk pile. Mrs. L. Fogassey & relatives, were visitors in town here, last Sun. Oliver & Cecelia & Mrs. Pour & Carrie Lorberg & Agnes Gregson were visiting at Iowa several weeks ago; from Fri. until Mon. Ben Schilling bought 126 acres of land from Emil Schilling & wife transfer in Waterloo paper. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary had supper here. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came this eve. played 5 & 6 hand pinochle, refreshments & cake. Tolin was here on business; trying to sell a mare to pap.

Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1936

Nice day, cool. The tree man was here. We went out to Henry’s helped clean bedroom today had dinner. A man here selling electric machine for all kind of work. Mr & Mrs Ed Brand were at Belleville at Frick’s funeral & stopped in here, on way to Levi Gregson’s; to say Hello! Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came from Cortner’s funeral at Hecker here. Mr. William Freund 27 & Marcella Fahey 25 are being married at Tipton this morning, attendants twin [to bride] Estella Fahey & Joe Freund; no wedding dance. Miss Dorothy Schoenborn & Sutter of Millsdadt [sic] married at Belleville this morning, attendants Jac Schoenborn, Rose Stul & Rudy Helfrich & Tillie Rhinehardt, friends, dance held at Stolbergs Lake Belleville.

Sunday, April 19, 1936

Beautiful day, warm, no rain not so far. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped after church awhile. Mr. Geo Siefert of Red Bud died Fri, will be buried tomorrow morn. 9 o’clock mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Mrs. Amanda Reheis & Josie Keller all stopped in, then went to the play, they were visiting Uncle this afternoon, the play was good “Bertie Cave Man,” was the name, players were Rallin & Clarence, Lyle, Vernice, Marjorie Rausch, Floyd Thompson, Hard Wagner, Alsace Eckert; use after the play musci [sic] by Wild Cat String Busters,” that Brun’s boys, Lav. Mueth & Lyle Rausch & boy was it a crowd; Adm 35¢. Arlene Klotz is getting along well.

Saturday, April 18, 1936

A man here wanted to rent Uncle’s house across the street for a dentist office; he came from Millsdadt [sic] – they won’t rent. Martha Boll gave us a visit for about 1 hr ½ this eve. Miss Luella Koerber of Floraville, is having a birthday dance at Paulters tonite, & boy what a crowd. Gents 25 ladies free, Rythm [sic] Kings played pretty good musci [sic], & crowd. Lot from Hecker.

Thursday, Dec. 5, 1935

Papa & Rose took a heifer out to Henry’s. We got 8 pigs born today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he went to Waterloo, & got his car looked after, had supper here; went home, came back again this evening & we all went to Christ Buehlers, gave them a visit, had a solo game; musci [sic] & singing. Rose sewed the star quilt together in stars.

Saturday, Jan. 19, 1935

There is telephone general election this afternoon, we heard, Mrs. Dueker has an application in for the board, & 2 others, but old officers & Liz Boll were reelected. There is a sale at the Public School, old chairs & benches, school desks, piano Wm. Birkner got for $2.25 to make butchering table. Rob Laut got hay. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Watchel & son & Mr. & Mrs. Rob. Laut & son, were visiting here this evening, the men enjoyed in a solo game & ladies pinochle; what a time. Mrs. Watchel held 1500 trumps in diamonds. Miss Edith Klinckhadt is employed as wash maid at Roy Staufenbiel. All getting along O.K.

Sunday, March 25, 1934

Went to Red Bud church. Henry Birkner’s little girl is a yr. old today, but can’t walk, & stand very much. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up late mass, receive palms. Had dinner here. Uncle Fred & papa drove back to Hemp’s at St. Joe on business. We went over to George Wagner’s a little while to see Clara, she is in bed with bad cold. This evening we went down to Ruma to John Myerscouph’s, gave them a visit, played cards, looked at pictures. Oh Boy! did it rain, just poured down when we came home; about 11:30.

Friday, March 2, 1934

Rose sewed papa a shirt. Mr. & Mrs. Rennecker were over awhile this evening.

Friday, Feb. 10, 1933

It is a year ago today that Mrs. Ed Neff died. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all day for dinner & supper, she helped to quilt. Mr. John Hepp 75 yrs. old resident of Hecker, for a few months was buried this afternoon, with ceremony at the house & taken to Stehefest cemetery, the bell tolling as they left the house. Eggs are 9¢ in town today. Mr. Arthur S. Budde passed by here today, most probably he was out at the cemetery, the paper has a big piece about it, she shot herself while seating in a rocking chair in the parlor. Dr. Smith & Mr. Budde where the only one present at the inquest, it was private. It is snowing this evening. Mr. Barney Deken of Waterloo, died Feb. 6, aged 74 yrs., was buried Wed. morning; his wife nee Geodelle, her first husband was Henry Brueggman & he passed away just 25 yrs. ago on Feb. 6, same day as he died. Tiptown congreation [sic] is giving a euchre & pie social next Mon. evening. Mr. Alfred Kohler & Miss Margaret Wiersham where married at Harrisonville on Feb. 8, Wed. morning, the attendants where Armin Wierschem brother of bride & Anna Marie Parker cousins to groom, he is the son of Alvanna Kohler of Waterloo, just relatives attended. Mr. Henry Schrader was operated Tues. morning in East St. Louis. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Heyl & children & Mrs. Henry Fenere left for Alabama last Sat. to visits at the home of E. J. Brand, & Dr. Kessler, they arrived safely after covering 525 miles, a most pleasant trip.