Friday, Nov. 10, 1939

Raining nearly all morn. Leo & family came this afternoon, he went to New Athens to dentist, she stayed here, we made pillows. Seen in Waterloo paper Ed McDermott of Washington have baby boy Charles Luke born Oct. 31 at Washington Providence Hospital. Bill & Bert [Bertille] went to see Bill’s mother & Booby. Fr. Joe Orlet & his dad were here this eve. on business.

Tuesday, May 23, 1939

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, Bert [Bertille] went along over to Mrs. Staufenbiel, she is going to have a dress made, tan. Mrs. Clem. Parker was also there. We received a letter from Sacred Heart Parish of Dupo, pinic [sic] on May 30. raffling 1st. 1939 Chev. 2nd. Electric Range 3rd. 110 pc. Dinner set. Sure is hot, all these last days.

Wednesday, March 8, 1939

Went to Leos had dinner & supper, worked on brooder house, put in a floor. Mr. Orlet was also there. Rose [Rosalia] sewed herself a dress. We set onions out by her. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Red Bud to lent devotion this eve. got button for jubilee of the Bishop in Apr. 25. his 25 jubliee [sic].

Wednesday, July 14, 1937

Rose [Rosalia] came down had dinner, chicken, we cut & sewed Bert’s [Bertille] dress. A man here agent for weather stripping house. Made some plum wine, Rose brought bucket full plums & apples down.

Thursday, April 15, 1937

Nice day but windy. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, had dinner & supper, he helped haul logs, him & pap got them out & Henry hauled over to Schilling’s. A man here selling lawn spray’s kills dandelions & all weeds, & helps grass to grow, $1.95 gal. Fr. Aydt is trying it out he said. Christ Buehler & Ivo plowed here today, finished the patch by the house here, he brought 8 doz. eggs along @ 20¢ for setting, we set 12 hens tonite, also with the 4 duck eggs, that I said week ago. All Rhode Island Reds. Aunt Mary helped Bert [Bertille] sew her dress today, a print one.

Wednesday, March 17, 1937

St. Patricks, nice day, snow is nearly all gone. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went into Belleville to see Mrs. Buehler this morning & also went over to N. Athens but couldn’t get the quilt yet, the show won’t be over till Sat. nite being bad weather; but she got the money for the stitched quilt $7.50, that one gone to St. Louis already, they had dinner here. Uncle [Fred] went to Waterloo got oiled changed in his car, & she helped Bert fixed her dress. Ralph Collier was here awhile. Burckhardt & Eppineger horse traders of Waterloo were here, coming back tomorrow evening again. Nobody planted potatoes today, I don’t think. There is St. Patricks dance at Oak Grove, & a free one at Donahues tonite.

Monday, Dec. 28, 1936

Cloudy, rained yesterday & last nite a little. Eggs 28 & 27¢. Rose sewed 20 aprons. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Wittenauer have a baby girl born last nite, was in Hecker yesterday afternoon yet; last nite was born in St. Louis. Mr. Hy. Volkmann is sick in bed for 2 mons. now.

Thursday, Dec. 10, 1936

Rose sewed jumpers. We went to Belleville this afternoon. Rose had her broken tooth looked after by dentist, he has to treat it, & if it hurts, has to have it pulled; come in again next Fri. We went to Steve Renneckers played pinochle broke even, except one game tie, Berti had 800 kings. Pretty cold.

Wednesday, Dec. 9, 1936

Baked bread, pap hauled hay; Rose is sewing, aprons etc. Rose went to town got jumper goods 20¢ yd. Eggs 30¢ coming down. Bert baked oatmeal cookies, mixed carmels [sic] this eve. Bert wasn’t feeling well.

Friday, Nov. 20, 1936

Pap hauled 2 loads wood; we sewed aprons. Not much news in the paper; lot of free dances in the future; quite a bit doing. Vic. Braun came & hauled 2 coops chickens to St. Louis 50 we shipped.