Friday, Nov. 10, 1939

Raining nearly all morn. Leo & family came this afternoon, he went to New Athens to dentist, she stayed here, we made pillows. Seen in Waterloo paper Ed McDermott of Washington have baby boy Charles Luke born Oct. 31 at Washington Providence Hospital. Bill & Bert [Bertille] went to see Bill’s mother & Booby. Fr. Joe Orlet & his dad were here this eve. on business.

Friday, Oct. 13, 1939

Cool. Pap hauled 2 loads wood & for in basement. Bert [Bertille] cleaned bedroom & hall . Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came planted tulips out & Bert [Bertille] helped also scrubbed 2 room floors & cleaned them. Transfer in Waterloo paper of lot of Sophia Kessler to A. Papenberg. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Paderborn this eve. to Rosary Devotion at church. Leo & family came here this eve. Awful cold tonite going to freeze.

Friday, Sept. 8, 1939

Hot again today. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies. Seen in Waterloo paper Clarence Voges & Irma Burgdorf were married at Waterloo by Rev. Kaecheim, on Wed. Aug 30 at 4 o clock Mrs. Edwin Reheis his sister & her brother attendants.

Friday, Nov. 4, 1938

Cleaned chicken house, put in straw etc. Rained little this morn, & getting colder, still south wind. Waterloo paper didn’t come today. Emil came over awhile till Clara called up, said he should come down there. Celestine Neff got 1 doz. eggs this eve. No school in Hecker, Mrs. Pickett is sick.

Friday, April 1, 1938

April Fools. Pap went in woods finished hauling wood. Bert [Bertille] cleaned bedroom, & hall etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, were at Belleville brought a curtain stretcher along for me [Bertille]. Transfer in Waterloo paper of Dav. & Joe. Donahue to Bill Donahue. Huber McDermott is selling the furniture etc. of Catherine McDermott at Log Cabin on 16 Apr.

Friday, Dec. 31, 1937

Cleaned etc. Henry stopped in, got crushing done. Mrs. Geodelle is sick. Bert [Bertille] got mail, New Years Greeting from Helfrich girls, & card from Dupo, having the last raffle, for the church forbid it now, 1st prize quilt 2 $25 – 3 $20 – 4 – $10 – 5 – $5 to be raffled tonite but we got it to late, can’t send it back – $1. they wanted. Seen in Waterloo paper transfer of 105 acres from Emil Brand to Ed. Brand; never heard nothing about it; Received enveplope [sic] from Fr. Spors for Sunday collections 50 [cents] every Sun. it says.

Friday, Nov. 12, 1937

H. Wittenauer was here, going to plow out ground this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Berti [Bertille] went to Mrs. Wm. Gregson’s funeral this afternoon, to Dashner’s Undertaking parlor, was at church & buried at Round Prairie Cemetery; Uncle went to junk pile, & we went by Buehler’s awhile, till he got finished. Schmidt brought sack laying mash. Seen in Waterloo paper that Miss Irma Schafer & Alvin Einwich were secretly married in St. Louis Mon; going to live with groom’s parents, farmers near Columbia.

Friday, July 9, 1937

Had nice shower today. Waterloo paper states there were no marriage licenses there, not in Belleville & E. St. Louis since the law to have a physical ex. [exam] of both parties; in Mo. 64 licenses, were it is no law for that. Mr. Ray Paulter cashier in First National Bank & lady of St. Louis were married there July 6. in Holy Innocents Church, attended by S. I. Paulter brother & Esther McCarthy friend of the bride, going for honeymoon to Chicago & Wisconsin; will make there home in Waterloo, she was employed as cashier in St. Louis First National Bank; also the wedding of Clarence Stehl Anna Cohran of Granite City, took place in Immaul [sic] Church June 30; young couple will make there home in Granite City. Emil is appointed Admin. settle the estate of Uncle Adam on Aug. 22, it is in paper. Peter Sensel purchased the Ben Jung residence, & will move to Waterloo in near future Levi is to get married; transfer was made, also of Bruno Winkler & wf. to Arch. Wiehl & wf. & Elmer Winkler sold his residence on Morrison Ave. to Bucher manager of Monroe Service Co; & is now building a house in next lot to it; on Morrison Ave. Send Chev. Ins. of $5.60. Mr. Hill was here collected telephone dues $1. Bert painted front porch benches. Awful warm after rain. Mrs. A. Brown & daughter Marcella & Mrs. Hy. Doyle have taken over the Log Cabin, formerly run by Leo Horrel who is now at Gregsons Restaurant in Red Bud; she will have an opening dance tomorrow nite. Frank Finnerty of Waterloo has or is prop. now at Oak Grove; Nic Joseph is back at Burksville again. Leabig [?] the fisherman of Boxtown that shot Joe McCarthy was giving a hearing before Justice of Peace, bound over to Grand Jury fixed at $7,500, not being able to furnish bond was returned to Co. Jail, held on charge of intended murder; a peace warrant for $1,000 has been sworn out against the prisoner; paper says.

Thursday, Feb. 11, 1937

Got load oats over. Steve Rennecker came over while a fellow here from Shiloh selling seed corn, one from Columbia looked at horses; a man begging for something to eat, etc. Eggs 20¢. Sure beautiful day, but muddy & sloppey [sic]. Louis Birkner is very low. Sheriff got Clif Stahelber & Buss, Weirsheim boy, put them in jail for stealing wrenches, dynamite from Wolfs Rock Quarry near Foster Pond, the way we heard it is also in the paper, stole in on Dec. 16; was going to put them in reform School but it is filled, so Buss & Stahelber got 30 day in jail at Waterloo, & Weirsheim got 10 da. in Waterloo paper that way.

Friday, Jan. 15, 1937

Ironed patched. Went to Waterloo, got AAA Wheat check $5.16. A guy selling or sharpening work, to earn for his dinner, we had none. Cold sun shining. Hill has in Waterloo paper, it is rumored, that Omer Schilling & Lucella [sic.- Lucille] Brand to be married in near future some mistake, he better quite [sic – quit] writing in news, anyway to put in false reports, such as that one is. Boy Boy. Dr. Werth’s have a little baby boy at St. Marys Hospital in E. St. Louis.