Wednesday, Sept. 30, 1936

Cloudy this morn. but Sun shining now, getting cooler. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped here went to Waterloo to get wall papers. Vic Eichenseer came & got there radio again this afternoon, no trade yet. Mr. Odello Eichenseer & Dorthy Meyer are being married at Belleville at St. Threasa [sic] this morning; wedding dance at Daab’s Club House tonite, we are invited to attend; & we went. Schmidts Merry Makers played; her twin sister Doris & friend best & Mamie maid of honor, & Cyril; usher; wasn’t a very large crowd; drinks beer & cake free.

Tuesday, Sept. 29, 1936

Raining again nearly all day. Baxmeyer, fellow from the bottoms, were all here on business. Rose & Berti went to Kammler’s funeral this afternoon, to church. Ladies Aid Choir sang, the pall bearers were all nephews, Harry & Werner Kammler, Julius Rausch, Roy Klotz, Jerome Meng, Hugo Probst; rather large funeral for the conditions of the weather. He was 80 yrs. old & died suddenly at 2 o clock Sun. morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening thought Eichenseers Wedding was.

Monday, Sept. 28, 1936

Raining all day & cooler. Henry & Leona went to Belleville. Billy stayed here; boys were at school. The town lights were put up today, we had lights all over town tonite, at 5:05, turned on over at New Athens. Mr. Bill Kammler died, yesterday morn, of a cancer & stroke, will be buried tomorrow afternoon at the church & cemetery. Mr. Guker of Red Bud brought Joe Walcthel radio up $42.50 pretty nice, Philio, also brought a $17.00 here, its small Philio, nice an loud, we should keep it for a week, till Sun. morn.

Sunday, Sept. 27, 1936

Raining all day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile. Leona’s birthday, they went to Waterloo, Geodells cleaned there cistern. Ray Wittenauer is still the same yet, unconscious. Frank Kroll’s have a baby girl since last Thurs. the paper says.

Saturday, Sept. 26, 1936

Pap went to Waterloo. Vic Eichenseer brought a $53. radio here for us to try out. We went to free dance at Paulters, nice crowd. Papa went to Louis Armstutz’s & paid for lime dust. $13.

Friday, Sept. 25, 1936

Pap went out to see some people on business. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, he lawned. We went out to Waterloo this eve. to see Seila Sterling Circus, was the same as last year, out by Breezy Hill, & a crowd; horses danced, girl turned somersault 2 times. Mr. Ettling came paid Int. etc. this evening. Jonny Mueth is crippled a little fell from a wagon. Wm. Keorber’s by Paderborn, his barn burned down last nite about 12 o clock, wheat from last yr. & all of it this year, they thought it must of started from light plant or some how, they came home at 11 o clock & in 1 hr, the barn was all ablaze. Ambrose Doyle’s child is in hospital got operated for appendix, 4th one now.

Thursday, Sept. 24, 1936

We cleaned bedroom, washed curtains etc. this morn. Pap went out to the woods finish counting trees. Rose & Bert went out to Uncle Freds, helped her with her dress that she brought, had lunch, & watermellons [sic]. George Boll was here selling sweet potatoes, 3¢ lb. we have some ourselves. Isn’t so bad $1.65 a bu.

Wednesday, Sept. 23, 1936

Baking bread etc. Rained heavy & wind last nite. Pap went up in the woods. Canned pickles, from Aunt Mary. Uncle Adam & Emil came to see us this afternoon. Eggs 24¢.

Tuesday, Sept. 22, 1936

Ironed, & patched. Picked the last peaches. Mr. Louis Widemann, Roy Staufenbiels wifes father shot himself in a wagon in shed, was buried this afternoon at 3 o’clock, found him last nite, don’t know how long he was dead, thought about 14 hrs. Henry & Leona & pap went out to the funeral. Billy stayed with us. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this eve. we had watermelon. Adam Eckert came, got pickles that Aunt brought along for him & Freida. It is Chris Buehlers 22nd Wedding Ann. today. Ray Wittenauer is still unconsious [sic]. Lester said, he didn’t know his mother.

Monday, Sept. 21, 1936

We washed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Red Bud, Waterloo, & Rose & Bert went along to Belleville this afternoon, had dinner & supper here, chickens. Aunt got a new dress. Sure warm today. Streck came out & looked at the heifers, couldn’t make no bargains.