Friday, July 31, 1936

Henry & Rob. were up, cutting & putting up hay also cut red clover, had dinner & watermellon [sic] lunch, we bought a 18 lb. 15¢ from a guy of Mo. this morn; went around, boy was it good. Seen in paper, Hy. Emery has the first a baby girl since the 28. & also Jo Sommers last Thurs. 5 girls. Mamie & Lucinda & Watchels kids came this evening awhile. Mr. Geo. Braun & son Theo. moved in with Lizzie Boll’s this week; House all fixed.

Wednesday, July 30, 1936

Cooler this morn. Hy. Weigand has a new Ford V-8. Noel Roscow has sale of implements & household articles this afternoon, Percy Starr auctioneer. Tipton has church pinic [sic], chicken supper. Prairie Du Rocher band playing music. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & we all went to Roscow’s sale, bought a rocking porch chair 60¢. things was all pretty old. Henry & family went to the sale to. Place looks terrible.

Thursday, July 29, 1936

Cold again this morn; Kahmers have sale starting at 10. Starr auctioneer again. Harms Excutioner [sic]. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & pap & Bert went to Kahmers sale, about 10:30, all day, we bought wood bar 10¢ & cook pot & flour sifter 25¢; lot of people there, things went quick. Geo. Wagner & kids were over awhile; The Gen Sen [? – unclear] man was at the sale today also. Sure cool morn & evenings. The Walkathon at Belleville is still going at 9 o’clock tonite it is 1008 hrs. for 6 couples & 1 girl; the winners to receive $1,000.

Tuesday, July 28, 1936

Baked bread, finished ironing, was 105 yesterday, had a real wind storm about 2 oclock this morning, but then got warm again later on. Joe Schilling moving to town today. Kenneth Kemp is tearing his old house down, ready to build; soon. Mrs. Hy. Meng who died Sat. afternoon, will be buried this afternoon at 2 o’clock to the church & cemetery; she was pretty old & in ill health for 6 week, we went to the funeral, house & church, she was 71 yrs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she also went to the funeral, had lunch here; he cut lawn etc. Norman & Irene Reheis played & sang a song. It is so awful warm this eve, no breeze so still, bad weather some place. John Reagen moved his family to Red Bud yesterday; he works on W.P.A. Quarry; they say he gets $100 mon. Walter Monike is moving in Gambach’s house today. Nic Hess is also moving up to Schillings.

Monday, July 27, 1936

Just 3 yrs. today of Aunt Lizzie death. We washed, ironed. Herb. Probst & C. Kreher are hulling clover seed here today, got 12 sacks in all. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here, Bert went along to Waterloo with Uncle, took ride in the new car. Wheat just $1. Geo. Geodelle & Eichelmann were here, trying to get signers to buy a fire engine to protect the surrounding of Waterloo, like for Henry and there; we didn’t sign yet. They each will give $10. E. Hartmann give $50; cause Waterloo won’t go out of town with them.

Sunday, July 26, 1936

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up all day had chicken dinner. Henry & family came this afternoon all had supper here. Such a hot day terrible. We went to Floraville to a free dance tonite. Jerom AuBuchon & girl of E. St. Louis were published 2nd time at Red Bud this morn; our cousin.

Saturday, July 25, 1936

Pretty warm & windy. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came him & papa went to Nobbe’s at Waterloo & got the new 1936 Chev. coupe, then went out to the sale, we also went took Aunt Mary along to Joe Schilling’s sale, had such a crowd & all bought a good price. Ed. Parker got the piano $25. C. Myerscough the radio $5. Uncle Fred & pap went to see Jac Erle, about Ins. on his new car; green all modern, very pretty car. Manier has a fish fry.

Friday, July 24, 1936

Pap & Rose took wheat to Waterloo got 99¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped went to Christ Buehler’s. Nobbe & Klein of Waterloo, they wanted to see Uncle’s car dad [Anton] went with them; the girls like it, they want to teach school. Miss Josie Keller & Ella Miller were out at Aunt Mary’s last nite, brought a pattern out.

Thursday, July 23, 1936

Mrs. Cleveland’s birthday today. Nice cool this morn. Steve Renneker came over awhile this eve. We went out to Henry this afternoon, pap hauled logs away, on different place, so he can plow. Uncle Fred took wheat to Waterloo got $1.02, Aunt Mary stayed by Uncle Adam’s.

Wednesday, July 22, 1936

We dug potatoes about 3 bus. this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came took pap along to Frank Monike’s sale at Lords Corner, report is he is going to move his family to the Gambach property on E. Main St; were Pete Watchel formerly lived; but we heard today, Walter & family is coming to Hecker, in that house & Frank is going to move to New Athens. Pap bought plow & harrow etc. & we all went to get it this evening with truck. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed for supper, it was so late when they came back.