Sunday, Nov. 12, 1939

Went to mass. Arelia [? – unclear] Pours 31 yr. birthday today. Tipton parish is having a wurstmarkt at Donahues this afternoon & evening. Uncle Fred & pap went over awhile. A. [Aunt] Mary went to church & meeting. Bert [Bertille] went to see Renneckers; they had supper here. Bill & Bert went to his mothers, her birthday; Booby & his girlfriend were also there, we popped corn, had grape juice, pie etc; played cards, pinochle & euchre.

Tuesday, May 30, 1939

Went to Tipton to 75 Diamond Jubliee [sic] & pinic [sic] of parish; we had our dinner there; & tasted sure good wasn’t so much of a crowd; about 15 priests; sure had beautiful quilts. There is a school pinic [sic] at Waterloo, church pinic [sic] at Dupo & Columbia School pinic [sic]. Hecker has bingo party tonite. Leo & family came this eve; Pap went along with them pinic [sic].

Wednesday, Dec. 29, 1937

Foggy day again. Bert [Bertille] washed. Emil came over awhile this morn. Pap & him walked up to Frank Emery’s funeral this afternoon 2 o’clock services at house; then to city cemetery, he was 63 yrs. of age. had been ruptured some time ago; Pallbearers were Vic Eichenseer, Jac. Neff, Steve Rennecker, Oscar Klotz, Adolph Lother, Bill Fritsche. Wagner boy’s came got 4 doz. eggs for Mehrmann 25 [cents] today. Mrs. Bill Kaiser was taken to hospital in ambulance yesterday, double pneumonia, for 6 days; had Dr. Frein & nurse out yesterday also. Mr. Martin Fritsche here in town also has double pneumonia; so much sickness around & real weather for it to. Miss Kate McDermott who was making her home in St. Louis past while, suffered stroke Sun. morn, was taken to Red Bud hospital, were there she died, will be buried tomorrow morn, at Tipton church & cemetery at Koch [? – unclear]. Wagner’s family came this eve; we play 7 games pinochle, ladies winning every game.

Tuesday, Aug. 3, 1937

Pap went to Waterloo, get crushing done. Painters are here again; Canned 1 qt. pt. tomatoes, cooked catsup. Cloudy and awful warm. Tipton has there church pinic [sic] at Donahue’s now today instead of Paulter’s park at Waterloo, chicken supper 4-8. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary are helping Oscar Birkner’s move today. Grahlerrs moved out Sun; rest of stock yesterday. Hy Birkner moves tomorrow, down at Oscar’s, & Clem Parkers going to move were [where] Henry lives, & also rent the ground there. Henry rents ground from Uncle Fred; he & A. Mary came, we went along to Donahues to church pinic [sic], didn’t win a thing. A. Mary got set of 12 knives & forks, playing bluey. They had to raffle $100 – 1st prize & $35 – 2 prize, selling 5¢ chance & book tickets & $1., & some times sack flour & sugar & beer, Hamacher won case beer at one time; pretty nice crowd. A. Mary bought bowl chicken 25¢, back & necks & wing; we ate it when we got home. They had dance, starting about 10 ‘ o clock, charging 10¢ from gents, ladies free. Hempe musci [sic].

Friday, Nov. 13, 1936

Pap went to see party by Floraville about pigs, he wants larger ones. Mrs. Frank McDermott died will be buried tomorrow morning at 9 leaving the house to Tipton church & cemetery, she had a stroke, ailing for quite sometime. Pap & Rose went out got load oats; at Henry’s. Sure beautiful weather we are having.

Wednesday, July 30, 1936

Cooler this morn. Hy. Weigand has a new Ford V-8. Noel Roscow has sale of implements & household articles this afternoon, Percy Starr auctioneer. Tipton has church pinic [sic], chicken supper. Prairie Du Rocher band playing music. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & we all went to Roscow’s sale, bought a rocking porch chair 60¢. things was all pretty old. Henry & family went to the sale to. Place looks terrible.

Friday, July 5, 1935

Baked bread. Papa went to Belleville. Tipton congregation had chicken supper yesterday; & Mr. Walsh student of Holy Priesthood here selling papers, we took it Catholic Extension Magazine $3.00 yr. rosary with it. he is selling that, to help the missions. Henry came & cut & raked hay. had dinner & lunch. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this evening she got her dress from Mrs. Staufenbiel’s. Sure hot 105 this aternoon. The Waterloo paper has that while Clyde Crowe was playing ball Sun. afternoon, in running after a foul ball, his pants caught fire, but it was put out & no damage was done; & another guy stepped on a rabbit & killed it some exciting ball game they lost track of the score. Harrisonville won all both game here with Hecker last Sun.

Sunday, April 21, 1935

Easter. Henry & family were up for dinner & supper, rabbit laid 12 eggs. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary came this afternoon, had supper; We went to Church, 7:30 High mass & benediction. Mr. Tom Kelley of Tiptown died Fri. morning, will be buried, tomorrow morning, he made his home with Ambrose Doyle; buried from there to Tiptown church & cemetery.

Friday, March 8, 1935

Magaret [sic] is getting buried at Tiptown Church & cemetery this morning, we surely would of like to went, but the roads wasn’t none so good. She was 37 yrs. old. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening; he did a little work about the place; up here. They have services this evening but she didn’t go.

Thursday, Jan. 17, 1935

Fried in bacon. Henry & Leona went to Belleville, Billy [Willis] stayed here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon. We went to Donahue’s to Tipton Parish euchre party, played 10 games, we didn’t receive prizes, had 5 points; not much of a crowd, & no prizes; a quilt was raffled out & was won by Ruth May. Mr. Bill Kelley of Ruma, died will be buried tomorrow morning.