Bert [Bertille] cleaned kitchen etc. Pap worked garden cooked kettle soap; went fishing this afternoon, got 6 nice fish. “Susie Gal of Hills,” playing for a dance at Log Cabin Sat. nite & her gang. Ball players having a dance at White Pine Thurs. nite at Hirst corner, free dance & fish fry. Karl Boll was here on business for Ralph Etling.
Sunday, Sept. 12, 1937
Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile, had pumpkin pie. We went to Orlets this afternoon, went to New Hanover looked at pig self feeder at Geo. Lehr’s, pap bought one $17.00 delivered; we had supper by them. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to Totsch’s paderborn free dance & fish fry. music by Jake Schoenborn, Clemence Rheinhardt & Ray Geodelle & Gerhardt, Skaer’s are out, had fallen out last nite at Floraville, on account of the trial that Schoenbrook Bill Rehling had, Skaers held up for Rehling had a big crowd there. Hecker also had baseball dance, not so hot Schmidt played; not many people there, some left & came up there.
Sunday, Oct. 4, 1936
Went to Red Bud. Mrs. Feldmann died, will be buried Tues. morn. solemn high mass; the mother of Father Feldmann, expecting 20 priests, from all over. Omer & Tillie went to Fort Chartres & Renault & home. Leo was down, they had supper here, went to Paderborn to Tolsetis tonite, free dance, & fish fry, had nice crowd. Skaers played. Geo. Boll bought our disk $10. Mr. Dare, bought the drill $8. Wm. Harbaugh was here to see Uncle. Hecker baseball team has a dance at Kammler’s Adm. 25. Schmidt’s Merry Maker playing musci [sic]; wasn’t so much of a crowd, they say. There is a free wedding anniversary dance at Donahue’s tonite, musci [sic] by Carle’s Orch. Barry May, Eichelmann’s all have shooting matches, for geese & ducks today.
Sunday, May 17, 1936
Mrs. Staufenbiel came & went along with Rose & Bert to church, had Solemn Communion at 7:30 mass, 6 boys & 6 girl, 1 boy took sick, & also 1 girl, Martha Agnes McDermott who is at hospital in E. St. Louis for appendix, also Keoinstein of below Hecker is over there, pretty bad. Bill’s daughter, she is young yet. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Clara & Agnes Gregson stopped from church. Ed. Meng Katie Klotz, all called here a short while to see pap, also Joe & Josie Alberta Gregson on there way home from Waterloo, stopped. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came back this evening again. It rained pretty good here, this eve. The baseball team has a dance at Kammlers Schmidts Merrymakers musci [sic]; the crowd wasn’t so large we heard. Omer came & we went to Pautler’s to Mrs. Martin Karban’s birthday dance, Rythm [sic] Kings musci [sic]. Gents 25¢ ladies free. Nice crowd.
Sunday, July 14, 1935
Went to 7 o’clock mass at Waterloo. Gus Edler came paid Int. for Uncle Fred. New Hanover Ball team playing Hecker this afternoon here. We went out to Uncle Freds had supper there. We send a film of pictures away yesterday to Ray’s Potho [sic – Photo] Service at LaCross [sic] Wis. Walter Pour’s have twin boys born 9:30 this evening; second set twins; 9 children.
Friday, July 5, 1935
Baked bread. Papa went to Belleville. Tipton congregation had chicken supper yesterday; & Mr. Walsh student of Holy Priesthood here selling papers, we took it Catholic Extension Magazine $3.00 yr. rosary with it. he is selling that, to help the missions. Henry came & cut & raked hay. had dinner & lunch. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this evening she got her dress from Mrs. Staufenbiel’s. Sure hot 105 this aternoon. The Waterloo paper has that while Clyde Crowe was playing ball Sun. afternoon, in running after a foul ball, his pants caught fire, but it was put out & no damage was done; & another guy stepped on a rabbit & killed it some exciting ball game they lost track of the score. Harrisonville won all both game here with Hecker last Sun.
Saturday, June 15, 1935
Papa went over to Meng’s a little to see the barn. We got the check for our chickens that we shipped, got 17¢ medium springs & broilers 15½¢. & heavy hens 16½¢. Mertz charged 65¢ for hauling. Papa & Rose went to Waterloo with a load wheat; got 73¢ bu; there was also a train wrecked, sale on Rickert lot; things sold so cheap, papa bought paint for $1.50 & 80¢ gal; vanilla 2 bottle $1. for 25¢ etc so much. Rose went to Hecker, paid Ted Eichenseer for house insurance $24.90; some cheaper than last year. Eggs 20¢. We went to Waterloo to Pautler’s, Paderborn baseball club gave a dance, Moonlighters playing.
Sunday, June 9, 1935
Penetcost [sic]. We went to Red Bud, first mass, 5 boys were enrolled in to the Sodality. Henry & family were here for dinner supper. This afternoon we went along with him to New Athens & Marrisa, about 3 miles south from there we went & looked at a team 3 yr. old mares; drove them around in the wagon, pretty nice, so he bought them $100 a piece; from Edmond Hodges; came home; got Chris Buehler to get them, Hy went along & got them this evening yet; $4.50 to hauled them down; we went out to Henry’s helped with work; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came out then to see them. The Hecker priest Fr. Aydt has a bid day, he is 5 yrs. priest, 4 priests had the mass & Fr. Aydt made the sermon; choir from Belleville. The baseball team is playing at New Hanover today.
Thursday, May 30, 1935
Decoration Day also Ascension Holiday. We went to Waterloo to mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here awhile. We went to Waterloo to School pinic [sic]; took our dinner along, seen the parade, lot of children. went out to the cemetery, seen Aunt Lizzies grave, flowers on it now, there & went to see Ed. Mavers by Foster Pond; came back for pinic [sic] again, free danceing [sic] all afternoon, Moonlight Orch. This evening at 7:30 they have donkey softball at Pautler Park, that is to be good playing ball on donkeys. Adm. 10 & 25¢; dance at 9 when the ball game is over, trained donkey 13 came from Colorado on at truck. We went to see Perry May awhile, & then went to the free dance given at Oak Grove by Nite Owl Orch. of Red Bud nice crowd. Free oranges & lemonade were given away at the pinic [sic].
Sunday, May 26, 1935
Went to Red Bud. Mr. Davis & man of Belleville were here looked at the colt. George Wagners family were here this afternoon & evening. Merrimac played Hecker here & won, 2 games lost for Hecker. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry & family all came this evening, to take in the music at Kammler’s Hall, baseball club gave a dance, Radio Stars Jimmy Dickie playing $20.00, we & Henry & Leona went in & Boy what a crowd & good time, Oh Boy! They sure are good.
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