Wednesday, April 26, 1939

Bert [Bertille] cleaned kitchen etc. Pap worked garden cooked kettle soap; went fishing this afternoon, got 6 nice fish. “Susie Gal of Hills,” playing for a dance at Log Cabin Sat. nite & her gang. Ball players having a dance at White Pine Thurs. nite at Hirst corner, free dance & fish fry. Karl Boll was here on business for Ralph Etling.

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1938

Election day. Bert [Bertille] washed ironed, patched, scrubed [sic] basement & cleaned smoke house. Henry came, brought his calf hide up for Christ Buehler to take to St. Louis, he stopped here & took it. Jac. Neff came to pay Int. for Uncle Fred. left it here. Pap & Bert [Bertille] went up to vote after dinner. Susie sang song today for Louise Wittenauer by Ethel Staufbenbiel; Susie sings twice a day now. Took turnips out, about 1 bu. 1/2 large. Leo & family came, brought the truck back, going to butcher.

Saturday, Sept. 3, 1938

Nice day. Susie & German band played songs for Rosalia’s birthday tomorrow. Pap went to Red Bud took car to Schneiber’s get it looked at oil changed etc got 573 miles now. Waterloo & Millsdadt [sic] Home Comings, start this eve. with parade. Susie played for Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Cortner also today. German Band announced Millsdadt [sic] home coming on program. Went to Millsdadt [sic], seen parade & it was good large crowd.

Sunday, March 13, 1938

Raining last nite, & tonite. Went to mass, got prayer books, everybody prays aloud in church now. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came down for dinner. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon yet; also Emil came awhile. Bert [Bertille] went to see Hill Billy Contest at the Ainada Temple in E. St. Louis tonite; it surely was swell; Susie got prize for best girl singer & yodeler agains Tennessee Nell who was very good. Smoky from Pappy’s gang the fiddler, & so many other, over 50 radio stars, & large crowd, seats weren’t all taken though.

Thursday, Oct. 14, 1937

Send a card for us to get group picture of Chas. Stookey’s Early Bird gang at KVSK. We had beef soup dinner. Schmidt brought sack mash feed; took our 4 gal. crock lard @ 12¢ lb. Mehrmann got 7 doz. eggs .21¢ & ½ bu. sweet potatoes 50¢; H. Wittenauer took ½ bu. to; sewing wheat here, yesterday afternoon & today. Cleaned bedroom, varnished furniture, & going to varnish floor tomorrow. Reports is that Mr. & Mrs. Pete Watchel have a baby boy Leroy, Tues. 4 girls 1 boy, & Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Wiegand have baby girl since Sun. morning.

Monday, Sept. 6, 1937

Canned peaches 7 qts. & 1 tomatoes. Pap went to Wittenauers got pigs. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went along with us to Red Bud Firemen’s pinic [sic], for parade, had $5 attendance prize drawing every hr. Ray Wittenauers machine burned up, 1 mi west of Red Bud coming home from Oak Grove last nite; Irene Buehler, was driving & Ray & H. Wittenauer’s daughter was along, driving to fast, tire blew out, ran up bank & upset & caught fire; they were lucky to get out & not injured; only Irene’s lips & Wittenauer girls dress scorched & Ray hat burned; all feeling pretty good at the dance, Radio Stars Roy Queen & his gang played for the dance. Buehler told us today.

Sunday, Aug. 29, 1937

Went to Red Bud. Leo & Rose came picked peaches, canned few this afternoon, had dinner & supper. Bert [Bertille] went along home with them, then to Smithton took peaches in, then went to Floraville at Boeker’s free dance, music by Schmidts, big crowd. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary went to Columbia Home Coming. KWK radio stars did the intertaining [sic – entertaining], A. Mary put a request in for Rose birthday Sat. morn. Dream bot comes Home.

Wednesday, July 28, 1937

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bert [Bertille] went to Sparta Fair at 9:30, sure seen some wonderful actors, the Strasophere man, airplane flying & fellow standing on the wing, turned a tailspin, horse races, one fellow got through of & was hurt, kicked in temple. Bob O Neil’s Och. & several more radio fans, Buddy & Gene on roller skate; they have all side shows & different booths, ferris wheel, whip, loop & loop, merry go round etc. Adm. 25¢. at the gate; but it certainly was nice.

Saturday, July 17, 1937

Hy. Armstutz brought sack feed for pigs this morn. Pierre Laut was here selling chances for a quilt, pillow slip & scarf, to be raffled on there church pinic [sic] on Aug. 8. Cloudy & cool; some are threshing Joe Watchel is out at Frank Birkners, going to finish there. Wm. Myerscough of New Athens died will be buried Mon. Morning. papa’s first coummioun [sic – communion] partner, they used to live near Hecker. Keims have a free dance at Floraville tonite, musci [sic] by the girls. The Country Club has its annual carnvial [sic], beginning Fri. nite ending Sun. nite, Pappy Cheshire KMOX radio stars are to intertain [sic] for an hr. tonite & tomorrow; free for all & all for fun. Bert [Bertille] went along to Floraville to a dance with Geo. Wagner’s, large crowd. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, from here went out to Henry’s.

Sunday, Nov. 10, 1935

Went to Red Bud; Got envelope for house collection instead of having chicken supper; Papa put in $5.00 donation, all included. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up for late mass, he pumped the water out of the cellar; Raining all nite, heavy thunder & lightening [sic]. Jimine & Dick radio stars, playing for a dance at Dreamland tonite.