Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s this morning, papa is going to bring the team up, & wheat. Henry came with the tractor, he is going to disc & then sew wheat, he was here for lunch, dinner, lunch. Leona & the kids came this afternoon, she brought some more wheat along & also the stuff to treat it with. He started today. Hy Kessler is sowing too. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up today. Christ Bestmann & family was here too see Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary on business.
Tuesday, Sept. 29, 1931
We all went out to Henry’s all day & helped dig potatoes, we had lunch, dinner there. Leona cooked catsup 34 bottles she got some tomatoes from Aunt Lizzie. This evening we cup up a bu. tomatoes for catsup & cooked them off. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile.
Monday, Sept. 28, 1931
Papa hauled coal 4 loads today. We now have 205 bus. $18.47. Ralph Ettling & Buddy where here & wanted to see papa on business. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here, they brought a watermelon along. The egg man was late this evening, he pays 20¢.
Sunday, Sept. 27, 1931
We where at Red Bud church this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch, dinner, supper. This afternoon John Hempe’s family where here & Papa & Uncle Fred where back at Wm. & Gus Hempe’s, just got back when they got here. Today is Leona’s birthday 21 yrs. old. there where a party there, a bunch from Waterloo & there neighbors. Today Fred Harms had shooting match for ducks, first one this yr. around here.
Saturday, Sept. 26, 1931
Wm. Ganey was here & paid part interest $66.00 & still $59.00 due. It turned cold awful sudden today. The St. Augustine’s Church of Hecker, has pinic [sic] today, & Anhuser [sic] Busch from St. Louis is to be there with radio musci [sic] & donkeys. Miss Laurena Mehrman & Orlando Skaer are getting married at Floraville this afternoon, an a dance tonight there. We where all at Waterloo this afternoon & went to confession, we came through Red Bud home, stopped at J. Ducars, they have a team mules for sale.
Friday, Sept. 25, 1931
We canned 7 qts. tomatoes & cooked catsup. Papa hauled 2 loads of coal, this afternoon it rained. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up. There where people around selling tomatoes $1. bu. Henry & family where up awhile this eve. from here they went to Uncle Fred’s. Papa got a letter an invitiation, [sic] we all & Aunt Mary should come up & see Fr. Grooten’s tonight, but we won’t go. We gave Leona a basket ful to take along, the yellow ones, she is going to cook catsup from them.
Wednesday, Sept. 23, 1931
Papa went to Waterloo this morning. He brought a 1 doz. fruit jars along, so far we bought 2 dozens. This afternoon he hauled 2 loads of coal. Leona & kids came up after the oil this afternoon. We all went out to Aunt Mary’s this evening, but she was at Oscar Birkner’s, peeling apples for apple butter tomorrow. Papa went up to Griffins this morning & paid our pew rent $27.00 to Joe, he can give it to the priest. Clarence Wagner started school in Hecker today again, he got homesick at Red Bud, he went there a 1 week, & this week they had to bring him back up here again, he wouldn’t eat no more down there.
Tuesday, Sept. 22, 1931
We canned 3½ qts. tomatoes. Osie Neff came & him & papa went to Waterloo & got the deed written out by Archie Wiehl for $2.00, 4 acres of land for $225.00. Now Osie is going to build up a nice house, he won’t be far from the roadside. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, he cut his corn. Rosalia & Bertille went out to Henry’s, helped her with the plums, Rosalia got her hair cut. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came back again this evening for the euchre, we all went but papa, he didn’t, he went as far as the store. Uncle Fred was the only one that got a prize, he had 8 points & got a sack of flour. Aunt Mary had 7, but didn’t get any. Rosalia had 5, Bertille had 4. When we came home it started lightining [sic] & thundering & we had a little shower.
Monday, Sept. 21, 1931
We washed, ironed, patched, canned 6 qts. tomatoes & cooked some for catsup. Osie Neff was here this morning, he wants to buy some land from Papa now about 4 acres, he has to move soon. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to sack up a load of wheat & take it to Waterloo. Osie Neff was here again this evening, he wants to make the deed tomorrow. Papa was over at Wagner’s & helped George pulled a tree in behind his car with our chain.
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