Wednesday, Oct. 31, 1934

Halloween. We went to Belleville this afternoon to church. There is a bunch halloweener’s out tonite, they upset a box wagon with barrals on at the St. Louis Diary [sic – Dairy] station; there was a bunch went to Wagner’s & Rennecker’s & Meng’s.

Tuesday, Oct. 30, 1934

We went out to Henry’s had dinner there, Papa helped him, get his tractor out, it had sunk down, also had to get Joe Schilling’s tractor to pul him out; we helped Leona wash, was going to move the bed’s etc., but we were getting company this afternoon & had to go home. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Brand came to see us from 3 o’clock till 10: had supper with us. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary also came this evening & we played 6 hand euchre. We started fire in furnace first time for this year, to take the chill out of the rooms. It is nice out, warm today again, nite cool.

Monday, Oct. 29, 1934

We washed, ironed. Henry & Leona came this morning, he finished plowing & took the tractor home. Papa & Rosalia went out after dinner, looked at his pigs, wanted to make a trade. We all went to Swansea to see Polace to see team horses & wagon etc. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, stopped, then went out to help Henry Birkner’s & Geo Parkers peel peas. Cleaned winter coats.

Sunday, Oct. 28, 1934

Boy! did it turn cold this morning; ice & flowers & things out froze, but not the lettuce. An awful change in the weather. We were home all day & night, lady here wanted eggs. The Holy Name Rally is in E. St. Louis today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stop awhile.

Saturday, Oct. 27, 1934

Henry & family came, he plowed, they had dinner & supper here, chicken with dressing. Leona & kids went home this afternoon, went to Waterloo, came back this evening; for supper Wagners family came & we had some hot pinochle games losers drop out. Papa & Robert got crushing done this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped then went to New Anthen’s. Tonite they went to Rod & Gun Club, Probst’s birthday celebration.

Friday, Oct. 26, 1934

We cleaned. Emett Cowell is selling out to the 4 bare walls at Red Bud clothing store, is going to move next door south & a filling station will be erected at the corner, where he has his store. Dr. Matt J. Crowe & Marie Eberhardt of St. Louis where married last Thurs. Oct. 18 at the Nativity Catholic Church, Harney & Oriole Ave. Mr. Crowe has been doctor for several years. Office is located at 5738 W. Florissant Ave. The bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Chas Eberhardt. Mr. Tom Crowe & family of Waterloo attended the wedding. The bridal couple left by plane on a honeymoon trip; about 2 weeks. We went to Renneckers tonite, had 4 hand pinochle.

Thursday, Oct. 25, 1934

We went down to Valmeyer Farmers Institute all day, speaking & nice program for this afternoon at Welschs Hall had some wonderful exhibits on quilts & fancy work. Few from here were down, Werner’s & Papenberg’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to the euchre at Red Bud; all got prices [sic – prizes], table clothes & runners, rug, plate & ½ gal. syrup, had 10-9-8- some 7- got prices [sic – prizes]. Mrs. Phil Gregson won the attendance prize a quilt, a beautiful one; last night went they said the euchre was called of [sic – off], we all & Ed Brand & wife & Levi Gregson & family all went over to see Miss Mary & Belle Lambert for a short while.

Wednesday, Oct. 24, 1934

Henry was here, plowing, had dinner. Papa took the things to Red Bud for the chicken supper tonite. We went down for supper, & did it rain, Oh! it was something terrible, wind & rain, so the euchre was posponed [sic]; til tomorrow nite; although there were quite a few people there.

Tuesday, Oct. 23, 1934

We cleaned, baked. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon. Henry brought a load corn, took radishes & pumpkins along home. Mr. Schwagel & bride, picture was in yesterday paper. E. Wagner was around selling apples $1.25 bu. we didn’t take any. Baked a cake for Red Bud Catholic Church Supper & card party tomorrow night; also going to give pck. potatoes, 1 doz. eggs, 2 chickens, box sweet potatoes for euchre prize.

Monday, Oct. 22, 1934

We washed, ironed, made 5 cans mince meat. Ed & Carrie & Alice & Lucille all went to Joe Gregson’s today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, cut lawn, she did her patching. Rennecker brought the paper tonite. Rosalia varnished the kitchen floor tonite. There is a Socialist Meeting in Public School House tonite. Wm Weigand Jr. chairman. Tomorrow night is a meeting at Kirsch School, Speakers Kearns & Baltz.