Tuesday, June 30, 1936

Still hot. 90. Stookey says at St. Louis; cloudy but so far hasn’t rain, radio says rain, & cooler today. Mrs. Randolph Parrot is being buried at Red Bud this morning at 9’o clock; Omer’s aunt. We went out to Henry’s had dinner, they were going to thresher, but it started raining at 9:30, & Levi Ganley didn’t get finished. Boy! It sure was a nice rain. We had a few chicks soaked, made fire & brought them by the stove, & they were soon alright again, 1 dead.

Monday, June 29, 1936

We washed ironed, patched. Hot winds today & the sun, hot then it ever was yet, 108 at Belleville, 102 here at 7 o’clock. Alvin Voges was here & got our sacks for threshing wheat at Pabsts.

Sunday, June 28, 1936

Went to early mass. Mrs. Alice Parrot died this morn. will be buried Tues. morn. at Red Bud, nee Murphy. Floyd Pabst has a free birthday dance at Kammler’s tonite, musci [sic] by Webers, all free tonite, musci [sic] by Carle’s Orch., a free dance at Paderborn. We went to Donahue’s first then to Hecker, good crowd both places. We went to Uncle Fred’s & Aunt Mary’s had dinner & supper there, they came up here this evening went to Pabsts dance. Awful hot.

Saturday, June 27, 1936

We went out to Henry’s had ice cream this evening. Agnes Gregson’s birthday. also S. Rennekers; had a few drops rain this afternoon, awful hot 96° degrees at 4 p.m. Eggs 18¢. Wheat 88.

Friday, June 26, 1936

Cleaned hen house. Bert baked bread & cookies. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped, he took load wheat to Red Bud got 90¢. Hy Stahleber was here. Hy. Grosse of Waterloo bought. Jobrusch hand was in store, & Jobush is to be postmaster. Al. Schrieber is to be in Red Bud. Roy Gregson & Lucille Kaffai were married last Tues. morning, Alvin Kaffai & Lenora Ziebald attendants, it says in the messenger, also says that 800 men attended the Holy Name Conference here last Sun. afternoon. At 5 o clock this evening the temperature in 90 degrees. Rettinghouse came down & fixed the Whip. this morning couldn’t get it started.

Thursday, June 25, 1936

Today threshing begins Joe & Geo. Schilling & Joe Watchels; at E. Rettinghouse. Pap & Rose went to Belleville with 28 springs 59 lbs. @ 20¢. Pap put new screens on basement.

Wednesday, June 24, 1936

Pap & Rose took 10 bus. wheat to Waterloo, got 84¢, last old wheat; got flour & chick mash & fattening mash. We got chicken dinner today. Mr. Wolf of Freeburg was here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came to get there radio battery tonite, Henry & family came up, brought milk & ice we made ice cream, about 1 gal; boy! was it good. Beautiful day.

Tuesday, June 23, 1936

We washed, ironed, baked bread. Went to Belleville this afternoon took 8 chickens – 16 lbs. @ 22¢ to Percy Miller. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, worked there garden took out onions, we took ours out yesterday. They have there radio battery up at M. Wagner’s getting it charged. John Wittenauer & son, were here looked at the mule; but was to high priced for him. Alfreda wasn’t so good last nite. Sure a big day at Belleville, a convention there for 3 days.

June 22, 1936

Raining all day, very nice, had chicken soup dinner. Eggs 18¢ Bertie took 6 doz. to town. Pap & Rose went out to Henry’s got load corn, cleaned the bins for wheat, at threshing.

Sunday, June 21, 1936

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here had chicken dinner. Holy Name Conference in Hecker, in school hall this afternoon. We took chances on quilt at Red Bud to be raffled; took 3 of them. A free double birthday dance at Pautler tonite, Rythm [sic] Knig [sic] playing. Wasther [unclear] Leaugue [sic] Convention at Red Bud today. Rained a little shower.