Holiday, Decoration Day. Pap went to Henry’s, took mower home; went to Schillings to get lumber. Rob. Laut, Pierre, Buddy Napier & Geo. Boll strawing Rob’s, potato patch today; Geo. Wagner putting rubber roofing on barn today. School pinic [sic] today at Waterloo, parade at 10:30; all day pinic [sic]. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to Waterloo to pinic [sic]. We planted, pumpkins, watermelons, pickles, beans etc. truck patch.
Sunday, May 30, 1937
Went to mass. Priest from St. Henry’s College had mass, high & solemn coummioun [sic – communion], graduating exercises, benediction & enroll of Scapulars; took till 9:30 when we got home. Henry & family & we all went to Leo & Rose’s this afternoon for supper. Leo’s sister was supposed to come for dinner, but they never come. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to church with her, graduation exercise, May Devotion & benediction.
Saturday, May 29, 1937
Poppy Day, pap cutting grass this morn; worked truck patch; got haircut. We had a few light showers this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up. Pap took mule to Fritsche got the hoofs trimmed 40¢. We went out to Henry’s this eve went along with them looking for pigs, by Burksville, but didn’t find none. There is a man at Donahue’s playing piano, starting tonite & playing till Mon. for 51 hrs. straight he plays, says in paper.
Friday, May 28, 1937
We went to Fr. Eschmann’s funeral at 9:30 the priests & relatives had dinner in Memorial Hall, they buried him at Belleville in afternoon, went through Hecker at 1:15 – 40 cars & 4 police cops; pretty large funeral but not like Fr. Stern’s; according to the size of church & parish, we stopped at Henry’s had dinner there Leona & Floyd & Billy [Willis] stayed at home; Fr. had so many bought bouquets, took them all out before mass; were also quite a few priests there, in Red Bud 87. Bishoff made sermon, also another Monsigor; he [Fr. Eschmann] looked natural, only didn’t have no glass lid, like Fr. Stern; otherwise same coffin. Querherheims [sic] in charge, we all got pictures in remembrance of both priests, he was 75 yrs. old; was born at Belleville. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up this afternoon; working. The Catholic School children have there play this eve. the quilt was won by J. Griffin; hall was crowded Aunt Mary said; Fr. Orlet & Feonnies & Ayal. were present.
Thursday, May 27, 1937
Pap went to Belleville to see fellow’s mare & made trade, billy horse for mare & $20 booth; got them at noon. Henry & Rob. came made hay, had dinner & lunch ice cream. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up, cutting lawn. A man here wanted to clean cisterns $1.50. Lauts had there clean. Eggs 16¢.
Wednesday, May 26, 1937
Cloudy. Henry & Rob. came made hay 1 load, they didn’t have no rain yesterday at all; like here, they had lunch here. Fr. Eschmann of Waterloo passed away yesterday afternoon at 1 o’clock, is at present in Parish house, will be at church, from 3 tomorrow afternoon till Fri morn funeral, he had a paralitic [sic] stroke Sun. morn; since then been sick. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came brought tomato plants along & also some for Buehler’s, took them down, & came back here again; we finished planting today, have about 180 tomatoes & 288 cabbage. We got card from Committee of Red Bud, for all men to be present at School hall there tomorrow eve. Pap took chev. to Probst got oil changed & started fixed. Eggs .16¢; allful [sic] warm these days. Davis & man of close by Bellevile [sic] was here looked at horse.
Tuesday, May 25, 1937
Washed ironed. Pap went to Henry’s, then to Maeystown to look at pigs; for him. Henry & Robert were up cutting & making hay 2 loads; had dinner & laundry, ice cream. Leo & Rose brought truck back got there car, got $11.95 for pig 210 lbs; top price $12.05. We had nice shower this eve; planted some more plants & beans.
Monday, May 24, 1937
Henry’s 33 yr. birthday. He was here cutting hay, had dinner here. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up, she made the dinner. We went to Fr. Sterns funeral didn’t get back till 12:30 & never went out to cemetery, it took pretty long, about 90 priests there; from all over they came excepts Fr. Eshmann who is very bad sick at present, had no mass at Waterloo yesterday to much of a shock; Bischoff went to see him from Red Bud; church was crowded couldn’t all get in, was opened during mass, priests sang & played organ. Fr. Burn’s made a very nice sermon, he also made the sermon when Fr. celebrated his 25 yrs. priest, he was was 42 yrs. priesthood, 21 yrs. at Todds Mill & 21 yrs. at Red Bud came there on May 21 & died on May 21. Leo & Rose came got our truck to haul a pig to Strecks; tomorrow. Streck was out looked at cow, but didn’t buy went out to Henry’s, pap went along bought his 7 pigs, getting them Wed. $47.00 & cow for $48. Eggs 16¢; sent some cheese home with A. Mary.
Sunday, May 23, 1937
Went to Red Bud; Fr. Dubren of Waterloo said mass, & so many confessions he had this morn. We stopped at Dashner’s funeral parlor to see Fr. Stern, laid out in purple vestments hat & shoes, opened all the way copper colored steel casket; looked good. Leo & Rose & we went out to Henry’s had dinner & lunch; celebrated Henry’s birthday; pap left at 2 o clock, had to be at Red Bud, brought Fr. Stern to church at 3 o’clock, 8 men on guard all nite along, pap turns was from 3 to 5. Bert [Bertille] came home with Leo & Rose, he stopped & milked yet. then went home came back again also Uncle Fred A. Mary, Bert went along all in Leo’s car, went to Red Bud to church, by Fr. Stern for ½ or then went out to cemetery to see were he would be buried, that makes 4 priests now buried there; also looked at Omer’s grave; has no tombstone yet; Seen the carnival west of town, didn’t go in, stopped at Log Cabin on way home free dance musci [sic] by Schmidts Orch; large crowd there. Wil – Leo Cortner was in a fight last nite at Floraville with Muskoffs was badly [? – unclear] hurt, they say.
Saturday, May 22, 1937
Cloudy little shower this morn. Went to Belleville to dentist, church & shopping this afternoon; seen a man about 10 or 12 ft. hight walking the streets, adv. Rex Theathre [sic], & girl dancing on a Pontiac top; adv. pontiac cars. Fr. Stern passed away yesterday afternoon, Red Bud hospital; Leo & Rose came down, brought the horse back; Henry & family also came.
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