Monday, June 28, 1937

Washed, ironed, patched. Edwin Reheis cut oats here, he bought it from C. Buehler; also cut hay from pap. Uncle Fred was up early, working his corn patch. A fellow here, wanting to buy timber, pap went along out to the woods with him. Levi Gregson stopped told us Uncle Adam passed away at 6:20 this morn; just had stroke & passed out. he was 88 yrs. old in May. We went out this eve. have him already in coffin at the home, never moved him at all; looks so natural & young, quite a few people stopped in. Heyl’s of Waterloo were out, Ed isn’t up yet, coming tomorrow sometime, sent him a telegram. Emil says to close up at 11 o clock, no body stays all nite, just them, at 11 everybody was gone home, just him & girls. Joe & Josie went home to.

Friday, May 28, 1937

We went to Fr. Eschmann’s funeral at 9:30 the priests & relatives had dinner in Memorial Hall, they buried him at Belleville in afternoon, went through Hecker at 1:15 – 40 cars & 4 police cops; pretty large funeral but not like Fr. Stern’s; according to the size of church & parish, we stopped at Henry’s had dinner there Leona & Floyd & Billy [Willis] stayed at home; Fr. had so many bought bouquets, took them all out before mass; were also quite a few priests there, in Red Bud 87. Bishoff made sermon, also another Monsigor; he [Fr. Eschmann] looked natural, only didn’t have no glass lid, like Fr. Stern; otherwise same coffin. Querherheims [sic] in charge, we all got pictures in remembrance of both priests, he was 75 yrs. old; was born at Belleville. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up this afternoon; working. The Catholic School children have there play this eve. the quilt was won by J. Griffin; hall was crowded Aunt Mary said; Fr. Orlet & Feonnies & Ayal. were present.

Saturday, July 29, 1933

Today Aunt Lizzie got buried, she had gray coffin & dress, it was an awful large funeral, Querheim Undertaker, went to church at 10 ‘o clock, had blessing & sermon, organ & choir, ringing bells just like other ones only no mass, priest went to the Catholic Cemetery & said prayers. Dudenhoeffers where all out, that is Frank’s, Sig, Ludwigs’ & Adams, & others from St. Louis; people from all over. We came home by Red Bud, can’t hardly travel the roads now they are jetting the fills & makes it all mud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here for dinner. Aunt Lizzie was buried in a vault & looked natural.

Thursday, Sept. 3, 1931

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this morn. & had dinner with us.  This afternoon Henry & family came up, he finished plowing & took the team home.  We all went to the funeral of Mrs. Rittmeyer except papa, she had a pink coffin, & dress, gold ring on & a diamond hair pin, she looked good.  Steve Rennecker was over a while.  Odillo Eichenseer came, he wanted to see our paper.  Mrs. Eichenseer came too so he had to take her to Red Bud to the doctor.  This morning Fr. Grooten’s had Mrs. Pete Watchel, Mrs. Henry Kern, Henry Rausch & Odilo Eichenseer, in Waterloo in front of Bollinger’s in the room, Pete Watchel & Rausch [crossed out by Bertille] paid the expense, as far as we know.