Tuesday, Aug. 9, 1938

Washed, cooked catsup & preserves. Fr. Spors stopped in on his way to Onley [sic – Olney] to a pinic [sic] left our chance books, he had Seiferts along Mr. brother a priest is stationed at Olney Ill. The hottest day this yr. had little rain. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, he helped fix stands for pinic [sic]. Waterloo band plays on WTMV. at 8:05 tonite. Roy Pautler 27 died Mon. morn at St. Mary’s hospital in E. St. Louis, from head infection & sore leg that he had.

Friday, May 28, 1937

We went to Fr. Eschmann’s funeral at 9:30 the priests & relatives had dinner in Memorial Hall, they buried him at Belleville in afternoon, went through Hecker at 1:15 – 40 cars & 4 police cops; pretty large funeral but not like Fr. Stern’s; according to the size of church & parish, we stopped at Henry’s had dinner there Leona & Floyd & Billy [Willis] stayed at home; Fr. had so many bought bouquets, took them all out before mass; were also quite a few priests there, in Red Bud 87. Bishoff made sermon, also another Monsigor; he [Fr. Eschmann] looked natural, only didn’t have no glass lid, like Fr. Stern; otherwise same coffin. Querherheims [sic] in charge, we all got pictures in remembrance of both priests, he was 75 yrs. old; was born at Belleville. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up this afternoon; working. The Catholic School children have there play this eve. the quilt was won by J. Griffin; hall was crowded Aunt Mary said; Fr. Orlet & Feonnies & Ayal. were present.

Wednesday, May 26, 1937

Cloudy. Henry & Rob. came made hay 1 load, they didn’t have no rain yesterday at all; like here, they had lunch here. Fr. Eschmann of Waterloo passed away yesterday afternoon at 1 o’clock, is at present in Parish house, will be at church, from 3 tomorrow afternoon till Fri morn funeral, he had a paralitic [sic] stroke Sun. morn; since then been sick. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came brought tomato plants along & also some for Buehler’s, took them down, & came back here again; we finished planting today, have about 180 tomatoes & 288 cabbage.  We got card from Committee of Red Bud, for all men to be present at School hall there tomorrow eve. Pap took chev. to Probst got oil changed & started fixed. Eggs .16¢; allful [sic] warm these days. Davis & man of close by Bellevile [sic] was here looked at horse.

Sunday, June 7, 1936

Aunt Mary came & went along to Waterloo with us to church, Fr. Freund said his first mass, so many people at church; they had dinner here. Omer & Bert went to the banquet there at Memorial Hall, over 200 people for dinner there. went to the reception tonite, children play, violin solos, had sandwiches & soda. Rich Crowe came along with Fr. Freund from Ohio this morn; & also some college boy’s. Awful hot today.

Monday, May 18, 1936

We washed, ironed; cool & cloudy. Ralph Rausch brought $10 for ballground suppose to be $15 – but that is all they had left – from what they took in last nite, he said; the crowd wasn’t so good. Steve Rennecker came awhile this morning. There are quite a few birthday today. Rev. Stheve [sic – Steve] Freund was ordained in priesthood yesterday at Worthington Ohio, will say his first mass at Waterloo June 7 9:30

Wednesday, May 1, 1935

Schools Public are out today, with pinics [sic]. Papa went on a trip, Red Bud, Waterloo, paid pew rent $10.00, & gave Father the quilt that we made, to donate to the church, Goose Track. Mrs. Donahue was buried this morning Tiptown & Kirsh this afternoon at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up; We went to church. May Devotion tonite; Paderborn Church is giving a euchre this evening. Boy! did it rain, about 1:30, thunder, terrible wind storm, blew some more shingles of the roof; also Fred Eichenseers little house. We cut lawn trimmed everything this morning. Patched this afternoon.

Friday, July 6, 1934

It rained this morning. Meng’s couldn’t thresh, till this afternoon. We baked bread etc. Papa took the Whip to Probsts to get it fixed. The Waterloo paper has that Albert Niebruegge residing 7 miles from Valmeyer, was instantly killed when struck by lightining [sic], last Sat. at 5:30 & also rendered his farm hand unconscious for some time. He was carrying a hoe at the time & had just passed beneath a tree. George Hoffmann, who resides 3 miles east of Waterloo died last Wed. night, aged 61 yrs. illness of 2 weeks. Mrs. Richard Butler (nee Curran) of Burksville passed away last Thurs. June 28, after a long illness, aged 64 yrs; was buried at Waterloo, also funeral with Father Kuhl’s, Nonaghan & Traynor Eschmann, were Deacon & sub deacons; she leaves 7 children & husband Richard at home, & James, & Mrs. Ray Schmidt of Waterloo.

Sunday, Jan. 29, 1933

Rosalia & Bertille went to church, Papa wasn’t feeling very good so he stayed at home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came over little while before dinner, they had there dinner along across the street. Ted Wuertz was here & told papa that our hog had bad teeth, that is why she don’t eat. Uncle Joe Mueth was here on business on telephone. Mr. Mueth is awful sick, they had the preist [sic] & doctor out, he don’t know any body, & weak; had a light stroke in his legs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came over again this afternoon she went to church service & we played cards, papa had 1500 trump in diamonds, they where here for supper. Henry & family where also here for supper, they brought 1 gal. milk along for our pigs. Henry took Robert to Doctor Eckerts & wanted to get his tooth pulled, but doc ain’t at home. Fr. Adyt appointed 8 men on comittee [sic] this morning for a meeting after church this afternoon to straighten things out; about Frank Scheinwender taking lumber away & loading up fence roofing, doors, etc. but was stopped by Ed. Parker, Phil Braun, Griffin, Roy Stauenfbiel.

Sunday, Dec. 4, 1932

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here a little while this morning, they had a different priest here in Hecker, this morn. Fr. Grooten’s is sick, they say. Mr. Ralph Ettling was here this afternoon & paid of $175.00 part interest $25.50 still due. He told us they had the Sheriff out to Wuertz’s to get there dog, they had pined up in the house, sheriff got there dog for them, he went in the house & got it, at night time. The Wuertz’s boy’s jumped on Buddy & the old lady ordered them of the place, Henkel & Buddy, so they left & got the sheriff, to get them dog. Louis Armstutz was here awhile. We went out to Cleveland’s this evening played 6 hand pinochle, Mr. Cleveland & Rosalia & Bertille partners & the other 3 partners, played 4 games, wine & cake, popcorn where served. That solo set out there where at Papenberg’s last night they said.

Sunday, May 29, 1932

We went to Waterloo Church, papa wanted to see Rob. Merz. about tin roof, this afternoon him & his family came out for awhile. Mrs. Rennecker has lot of company today, she is 60 yrs. old. We went out to Uncle Fred’s this evening. She & Lonie where at the cemetery for service this afternoon, so many strange people where there. He made a nice sermon & everything looks nice. The priest that was to make the sermon had a nervous breakdown.