Tuesday, Oct. 6, 1936

Pap harrowed for Chris Buehler, in our field. Mr. Emil Geodelle plaster of Waterloo fixed the front room ceiling, finished at Kemps to. Pap & Rose went to Belleville, he got 3 teeth pulled, at Dr. Wagners. Omer & Bertie went to St. Louis to Emil’s, seen the Veil[ed] Prophet parade, was real nice, had 20 floats, different states & bands etc. It rained this afternoon. Hecker Catholics had euchre party tonite in school hall, 26 tables; quite few from other place they say.

Wednesday, May 8, 1935

Rain this morning; then sunshine & windy. We went to Belleville, Rose & papa went to Dr. Wagner dentist, Rose got wisdom tooth pulled, terrible one, took at exray [sic] first, it grew backwards she was in the chair 2 hrs; having it pulled out, cost $5.00 wit exray [sic] $2.00 & medicine; she came home, went to bed. The stove foundry men aren’t working today, on a strike up there again, its awful. It sure is dangerous in Belleville now, there looking any time for the electric plant to blow up, people watch day & nite, found dynamite sticks all over the yard already, search every strange car that passes by, orders is if they see any one, should shout right away, its awful up there. This evening at 9:30 alarm ring, fire at Mrs. Staufenbiel’s house, papa went over; fire department came & soon had it out, burned hole in the roof on Volkman’s side, the nurse had put a grease rag in the stove & damper opened it went straight up, sparks set fire on the roof. Mr. Volkmans is getting along pretty good now, fever is gone but he is awful weak; he asked what the noise was when they started water on the roof, they told him, washing machine was going out in the shed. Good many people came right away, helped Roy was up L. Armstutz car was backed out of shed.

Wednesday, Jan. 9, 1935

We washed, quilt. Uncle Fred walked home, did some work, all day. Papa went to barber shop, also went to see Stehfest, about selling his hiefer [sic]. Osie Neff was here, said it was all right to cut the tree down, by his road, so I guess he will. Bertille finished at the dentist & paid him $18.00, Rose $8.00 & B [Bertille] $10.00, rather busy today. Rose got 3 pulled & 1 filled & Berti got 3 filled, of which, killed 2 nerves. A guy from Cairo going to Mo. hit Brun’s car last night, in front of Mrs. Ida Bruns house, Machines were wrecked, but are going to be repaired. Lester & Eugene Bruns in the car were cut about the face, & Chas. Wagner also was hurt in chest; Bruns had 2 wheels on hard road, & this other guy was drunk & found a wiskey [sic] bottle in his car; his car was injured; don’t know yet, who will stand charges. Our line has telephone meeting at Hill’s, Mr. Rennecker & papa went over; Elections of officers, still have the same ones. Clara Wagner & kids, came & then George also after the meeting, we played 5 hand pinochle. The Ladies Aid have quilting in the Evangical [sic] Church these days.

Sunday, Jan. 29, 1933

Rosalia & Bertille went to church, Papa wasn’t feeling very good so he stayed at home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came over little while before dinner, they had there dinner along across the street. Ted Wuertz was here & told papa that our hog had bad teeth, that is why she don’t eat. Uncle Joe Mueth was here on business on telephone. Mr. Mueth is awful sick, they had the preist [sic] & doctor out, he don’t know any body, & weak; had a light stroke in his legs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came over again this afternoon she went to church service & we played cards, papa had 1500 trump in diamonds, they where here for supper. Henry & family where also here for supper, they brought 1 gal. milk along for our pigs. Henry took Robert to Doctor Eckerts & wanted to get his tooth pulled, but doc ain’t at home. Fr. Adyt appointed 8 men on comittee [sic] this morning for a meeting after church this afternoon to straighten things out; about Frank Scheinwender taking lumber away & loading up fence roofing, doors, etc. but was stopped by Ed. Parker, Phil Braun, Griffin, Roy Stauenfbiel.