Patched. Went to Belleville. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came up, went to euchre in School hall, given by Altar Sodality. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came brought there mollasses [sic] down to Hy. Armstutz $1 gal. we played pinochle; warmer again today. Euchre in Waterloo tonite.
Tuesday, Aug. 31, 1937
Pap & Bert [Bertille] went to Leo’s, he helped load hogs went along to Belleville had 3 – 4% lbs. $10.60, had dinner. Bert helped for pinic [sic]. They have Catholic Church pinic [sic] today chicken supper. We went up this eve. had nice crowd. Bert won $2.45 bluey stand. Skaers, Rheinhardt & Schoenborn furnished music. The prizes were raffled to $10.00 New Baden; 100 lbs. sugar, Louis Schoenborn, Paderborn, quilt – Belleville, Aladin [sic – Aladdin] Lamp to Mrs. Geo. Klein Paderborn, 100 lbs. flour – Schmidt Pete of Waterloo, 17 piece water set, Leister mail carrier Waterloo, 50 lbs. flour Belleville 24 lb. flour Atella [?] Rheinhardt. Bed Spread & pillow slip Belleville.
Tuesday, Oct. 6, 1936
Pap harrowed for Chris Buehler, in our field. Mr. Emil Geodelle plaster of Waterloo fixed the front room ceiling, finished at Kemps to. Pap & Rose went to Belleville, he got 3 teeth pulled, at Dr. Wagners. Omer & Bertie went to St. Louis to Emil’s, seen the Veil[ed] Prophet parade, was real nice, had 20 floats, different states & bands etc. It rained this afternoon. Hecker Catholics had euchre party tonite in school hall, 26 tables; quite few from other place they say.
Monday, March 2, 1936
Rose went out to Henry’s with the wash; sure wonderful weather. Bernice brought the mail. The parish in Hecker have mission for a week now.
Tuesday, Aug. 20, 1935
We washed, ironed. Ruma has Catholic Church pinic [sic] today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all left about 5 o’clock went to the pinic [sic], nice crowd in evening, Prairie Du Rocher band. We stopped at Red Bud, bought fruit jars 2 doz; Aunt Mary sold Ja Earle book chances $1.00 for the Hecker Church pinic; on Aug. 28 Fr. Witte wouldn’t take none.
Sunday, March 31, 1935
Went to church, colder again today, made fire in furnace again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile then went home. Frieda Buehler called, & wanted to know if they were staying in Hecker, so most probably they will be having company today. We ate our first lettuce yesterday, dinner & supper, & today again. Boy! does it taste good. We brought Agnes Krehrer along from Red Bud, she told us that they were invited to Chas. Hepp’s this afternoon. Mildred was giving a surprize [sic] shower for Melba who is to be married to a Liefer in June. There has been 40 hr. Devotion at Waterloo these days, the closing tonite. In Chicago they had snow; yesterday. There was a collision in Hecker, in front of the church, Pete Kaiser & Frank Birkner, being Kaiser’s fault, he turned on to the road when Frank was passing, no one hurt, but cars damaged, Kaiser is going to settle it all, he just has a new V8 Ford, about a week, & now wrecked; Birkner’s fenders were torned [sic] lose, in Probst’s garage now. We went to Waterloo, attended 40 hr. Devotion, the church was filled; about 12 priests present, procession of girl’s & boy’s, priests.
Thursday, Dec. 6, 1934
Rosalia & Berti went out to Henry, cleaned, washed, ironed, patched. Leona is sick, is in Waterloo by Geodelle also Billy. Henry & the boys go back & forth over the nights, boys go to school. Feast of St. Nick today. There is retreat for the ladies at the St. Augustine’s Parish, Father Smion is here for the retreat. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, had dinner here, she attended church this morning & afternoon. Leona is in bed, all the time.
Wednesday, Aug. 8, 1934
Derousse & wife, eye doctors of Waterloo, stopped, go from house to house, testing eyes, they said Rosalia’s is weak; yesterday. Clean chicken houses, cut lawn, dug potatoes. St. Augustine’s church, have pinic [sic], chicken supper, 50¢ this afternoon & evening musci [sic] by Smithon [sic] Band; Church Pinic [sic] is Rocher, K.C. Pinic [sic] East St. Louis. Free birthday dance at Breezy Hill tonite; Moonlighters. Henry took wheat to Red Bud. Leona & kids all had supper here, went to the pinic [sic]. This evening we all went up to the pinic [sic], very large crowd, quilts & blankets were raffled in bingo playing; we didn’t win anything. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here awhile before the pinic [sic]. The chances in the books that were sold, was a plain quilt to Keoniomark of Waterloo, Clare Cleveland, small rug, C. Braun knifes & forks, 100 lbs. sugar, A. Lother, $3.00 Wm. Volkmann, $2 Wil Wittenauer. Uncle Fred rayon spread; several others articles; F. Dudenhoeffer went home, & the other boy’s came up.
Friday, Nov. 11, 1932
We had the first snow this morning, & awful cold; we started the fire in the furnace this morn. The Catholic Church bell rang & tolled for the death of Louis Shoenborn, he stays by John Roth, he is a sister & brother’s, he went out hunting yesterday & didn’t come back, they had taught [sic – thought] he went to Volkman’s, they called there, & he wasn’t there, & they went to look for him found him dead in the field he will be buried on Roths lot at the Hecker cemetery & also church here. Sexton from E. St. Louis stopped & got 5 doz. egg for 27¢. The winners of the turkeys at Institute last Fri were won by Arthur Kaufman, Henry Wedel, Christ Janson, William Mueller, Peter Keim, Gus. Buettner, Robert Glessner, & Oliver Ruhl. the attendance prize turkey was won by Herman Wierschem. The O’gals motor oil given by the Monroe Service Co, as registration prize was won by Fred Henke. It was in the times today that Clarence Ohlendorf of Waterloo Ill, & Miss Luella Minmean of Hecker, surprized there friends & where married last Sat. at Edwardsville Ill; the attendants were Roy Reinhold & Pearl Haller, they left for a short honeymoon, & they will make there home in Waterloo, she is the only girl of Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Minnemean & he is the only son of Mr. & Mrs. William Ohlendorf of Waterloo. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up to pick there hogs out to butcher tomorrow.
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