Went to Red Bud; Fr. prayed for the sick of the parish. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came had dinner here, brought samples of apple butter, tastes pretty good; they went out to Henry’s this afternoon, get haircut. Floraville have church pinic [sic] & annual home coming today. there is Holy Name Society Rally held at Mascoutah today, for all parishes. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came about 3:30 o’clock, Bert [Bertille] went along to Floraville pinic [sic], till about 9 came home again, didn’t win nothing raffled 7 quilts, went to Waterloo, Millsdadt [sic], Belleville & St. Louis.
Tuesday, Aug. 31, 1937
Pap & Bert [Bertille] went to Leo’s, he helped load hogs went along to Belleville had 3 – 4% lbs. $10.60, had dinner. Bert helped for pinic [sic]. They have Catholic Church pinic [sic] today chicken supper. We went up this eve. had nice crowd. Bert won $2.45 bluey stand. Skaers, Rheinhardt & Schoenborn furnished music. The prizes were raffled to $10.00 New Baden; 100 lbs. sugar, Louis Schoenborn, Paderborn, quilt – Belleville, Aladin [sic – Aladdin] Lamp to Mrs. Geo. Klein Paderborn, 100 lbs. flour – Schmidt Pete of Waterloo, 17 piece water set, Leister mail carrier Waterloo, 50 lbs. flour Belleville 24 lb. flour Atella [?] Rheinhardt. Bed Spread & pillow slip Belleville.
Tuesday, Aug. 17, 1937
Hy. Armstutz came got 18 chickens, sold them to Mertz here, didn’t ship them this time was enough no coop full. Went to Belleville this morn; dentist wasn’t there gone on vacation. Raining this afternoon, real nice, heavy showers. Went to church pinic [sic] this eve; didn’t win nothing. J. [Josie] Keller was out to; lots city people & many priests, large crowd. Evansville band played. Leo & Rose were down to Fr. Orlet & Raternaun. J. Klinkhardt got $20.00. Zeno Birkner $2. crochet bedspread Grover Dashner, Mrs. Chas. Heff $2. quilt Levi Ganley, quilt Levi Gregson, that I know.
Sunday, Aug. 15, 1937
Went to mass, took so long, he [priest?] was little mad this morn. somebody said something about him. The pinic [sic] brought in $523.44 clear. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile; went home. Leo & Rose came down, had supper, chicken, she brought squrril [sic – squirrel] along. Went to Firemen pinic [sic] & dance; large crowd Schmidts played. German band played in afternoon. Bert [Bertille] drawed no. for raffling quilts. Miss Mary Arnes & Edna Probst. Had all different stands gambling etc.
Wednesday, Aug. 4, 1937
Washed, ironed, patched, canned 5 qts peaches. Its awful hot this afternoon. Hy Birkner’s – Glenn had a song sung for him today, birthday is Sat; was requested by a friend from Belleville, on Gypsy Joes program. At Oscar’s moving yesterday they had 2 kegs beer & case root beer. At the Tipton pinic [sic], $100 – went to a fellow from Joulit [Joliet?] $35 to Dorthy Burkhardt, at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came we went along to Red Bud church pinic [sic], had supper there – 50¢; lots chicken, was pretty good supper, nice crowd. The quilt that was raffled was won by Norbert Seifert, pillow slips to Perryville Mo; center piece to Kaffoi. Stella Roscow won a beautiful quilt playing bluey, & Ben Mudd, from St. Louis, won 2 at bluey stand, sure some luck, they also played for cash, & pillow slips; we didn’t win a thing.
Tuesday, Aug. 3, 1937
Pap went to Waterloo, get crushing done. Painters are here again; Canned 1 qt. pt. tomatoes, cooked catsup. Cloudy and awful warm. Tipton has there church pinic [sic] at Donahue’s now today instead of Paulter’s park at Waterloo, chicken supper 4-8. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary are helping Oscar Birkner’s move today. Grahlerrs moved out Sun; rest of stock yesterday. Hy Birkner moves tomorrow, down at Oscar’s, & Clem Parkers going to move were [where] Henry lives, & also rent the ground there. Henry rents ground from Uncle Fred; he & A. Mary came, we went along to Donahues to church pinic [sic], didn’t win a thing. A. Mary got set of 12 knives & forks, playing bluey. They had to raffle $100 – 1st prize & $35 – 2 prize, selling 5¢ chance & book tickets & $1., & some times sack flour & sugar & beer, Hamacher won case beer at one time; pretty nice crowd. A. Mary bought bowl chicken 25¢, back & necks & wing; we ate it when we got home. They had dance, starting about 10 ‘ o clock, charging 10¢ from gents, ladies free. Hempe musci [sic].
Tuesday, Jan. 26, 1937
Ironed. Aunt Mary is 60 yrs. old today. They came this evening & we went along to Red Bud to euchre, Uncle Fred had 9 points got apron, pap 8 & Bert 7, but didn’t get no prize; Leroy Siefert got attendance prize, magazaine [sic] table; pillow slips that were raffled were won by Mrs. Otto Huch. There is to be 200 people from Cairo brought into Red Bud tonite, in Gym. left 400 at Chester, also took train load to St. Louis they say.
Tuesday, Aug. 28, 1934
We went dug 3 bus. potatoes this morning; stopped at Henry’s, a little, brought our 3rd along too. The Ruma church pinic [sic], was postponed, last Tues. till today, on account of weather. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went to Ruma pinic [sic], but it was very cool; took chance on pillow slips but didn’t win them. Red Bud band furnished musci; met all the Myerscough’s; Aunt May, etc.
Wednesday, Aug. 8, 1934
Derousse & wife, eye doctors of Waterloo, stopped, go from house to house, testing eyes, they said Rosalia’s is weak; yesterday. Clean chicken houses, cut lawn, dug potatoes. St. Augustine’s church, have pinic [sic], chicken supper, 50¢ this afternoon & evening musci [sic] by Smithon [sic] Band; Church Pinic [sic] is Rocher, K.C. Pinic [sic] East St. Louis. Free birthday dance at Breezy Hill tonite; Moonlighters. Henry took wheat to Red Bud. Leona & kids all had supper here, went to the pinic [sic]. This evening we all went up to the pinic [sic], very large crowd, quilts & blankets were raffled in bingo playing; we didn’t win anything. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here awhile before the pinic [sic]. The chances in the books that were sold, was a plain quilt to Keoniomark of Waterloo, Clare Cleveland, small rug, C. Braun knifes & forks, 100 lbs. sugar, A. Lother, $3.00 Wm. Volkmann, $2 Wil Wittenauer. Uncle Fred rayon spread; several others articles; F. Dudenhoeffer went home, & the other boy’s came up.
Saturday, Aug. 12, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we fixed 4 chickens, & things for the pinic [sic] & Papa went up to see George Schilling. Henry brought Rosalia home, & Robert went home, he went to the pinic [sic] first with Aunt Mary. Karl Boll’s have a little baby girl since 5 o clock this 9 lbs morn; she is pretty sick, no one alound [sic – allowed] to come into the house for 3 days. It rained & hailed up north terrible, we had a shower, & wind, spoiled the pinic [sic] for awhile. We drove 1 up with the car, after the rain, it was a fair crowd, they got rid of all the chicken & things, we bought cake for 30¢ pies they sold 5¢ a piece. Smithon [sic] Band furnished the musci [sic], the 10 articles where raffled out at 9 o clock, Rich from Belleville won the ft. prize a quilt, lace dresser scarf, Geo. Gresslioem plaid blanket, Ed. Parker, 100 lb. flour F ed Eichenseer; ½ doz. stailes knives & forks, Hamil of Belleville, bed spread, Josie Gregson, pillow cases, H. Becker, pocket watch, Hy. Kirsch Jr. Red Bud, linen tablecloth, Ethel Pour, 5 gal. gas Ed. Coup.
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