Pap is sewing clover seed. Bert baked cake. Its cold this morn. froze ice last nite again. Joe Schilling is appointed solictior [sic] for gathering feed grain through Farm Bureau for the flood sufferers at along the Wabash & Ohio Rivers. Leo came with the team & got his disk, that he bought at Todds sale. Eichenseer pays only 19¢ for eggs. Mertz 20¢. Mr. Chas Geodelle died this afternoon. There were 2 funerals at Red Bud this morn. Wagner & Kaffai.
Sunday, Jan. 31, 1937
We didn’t get to church, Chev. wouldn’t work. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, had dinner here, took up collection outside church this morn. here for flood sufferers. Was suppose to be all churches the way the Messenger read; wasn’t at Waterloo Henry said. Some fellows here from Wartburg bought sow & 5 pigs & $35.00. Henry & family came, we went along to Mr. & Mrs. Leo Orlets at Paderborn, played 6 hand pinochle, had lunch; they were just ready to come down here. Getting colder tonite.
Tuesday, Jan. 26, 1937
Ironed. Aunt Mary is 60 yrs. old today. They came this evening & we went along to Red Bud to euchre, Uncle Fred had 9 points got apron, pap 8 & Bert 7, but didn’t get no prize; Leroy Siefert got attendance prize, magazaine [sic] table; pillow slips that were raffled were won by Mrs. Otto Huch. There is to be 200 people from Cairo brought into Red Bud tonite, in Gym. left 400 at Chester, also took train load to St. Louis they say.
Monday, Jan. 25, 1937
Rose came down helped wash, brought theres along, had dinner here & Bert went along back, we all went in to Belleville this afternoon. Isd. stayed in by Fr. Orlets for the present till he finds a job. Beautiful day. A fellow here for something to eat. Sure terrible flood in Eastern states, everything under water; one place were just the church steeples can be seen, & sickness with it also, Cairo had 24 hrs. to move out this morn. & afternoon has 2 ft. level already, they want to dynamite the river there, all through Ohio, Kentucky, Tenn. all places, they take 600 [people] off every town they pass through in boats & place them in Churches, school houses etc. Gertie Cortner came, to see Bert awhile this evening she works by Monike.
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