Friday, September 1, 1939

Awful hot. Bill [Klein] is starting in today, with Sq. Deal Motor Co. at Smithton, going in business for himself. Favre is going to open a shop at Freeburg. A customer of Bellville [sic] stopped in, bought 25 [cents] melon. Pap cutting corn. Bert [Bertille] canned 4 qt. tomatoes. Seen in paper Leroy Siefert & Eliz. Buss were married Wed; going to barn dance next Wed. nite at Brezzy Hill. He works in Kroger store in Waterloo. Al. Cleveland won medal $5. for Champion horse shoe pitching at New Hanover last Wed. at Farm Bureau pinic. John Koeinsbmork 70; died at Red Bud hospital will be buried Sat. morn. at Waterloo church & cemetery, manager of Waterloo Mill. We got card from Isd. Orlet, invitation to church wedding Thurs. morn. to Phylis Bugger of Belleville at St. Marys Parish. Went to Leo’s took watermelon along. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Henry’s family were all there celebrating Rosalia’s birthday.

Tuesday, Jan. 26, 1937

Ironed. Aunt Mary is 60 yrs. old today. They came this evening & we went along to Red Bud to euchre, Uncle Fred had 9 points got apron, pap 8 & Bert 7, but didn’t get no prize; Leroy Siefert got attendance prize, magazaine [sic] table; pillow slips that were raffled were won by Mrs. Otto Huch. There is to be 200 people from Cairo brought into Red Bud tonite, in Gym. left 400 at Chester, also took train load to St. Louis they say.

Sunday, April 19, 1936

Beautiful day, warm, no rain not so far. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped after church awhile. Mr. Geo Siefert of Red Bud died Fri, will be buried tomorrow morn. 9 o’clock mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Mrs. Amanda Reheis & Josie Keller all stopped in, then went to the play, they were visiting Uncle this afternoon, the play was good “Bertie Cave Man,” was the name, players were Rallin & Clarence, Lyle, Vernice, Marjorie Rausch, Floyd Thompson, Hard Wagner, Alsace Eckert; use after the play musci [sic] by Wild Cat String Busters,” that Brun’s boys, Lav. Mueth & Lyle Rausch & boy was it a crowd; Adm 35¢. Arlene Klotz is getting along well.

Saturday, Nov. 23, 1935

We went out to Henry’s butchering, had lunch & dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary helped also; Uncle Adam came down awhile, Boy! it sure was cold last night & today; Papa got crushing done this afternoon, finished butchering at 10 o’clock with everything. Ed Pabst brought load corn. The Chicago Mail Order came, papa felt boots everything OK. The Buso Sisters are having a dance at Pautlers tonite, Gents 25 ladies free. Cowboys playing. Also is a free dance at Donahue’s, given by Siefert & Donahues girl friend; Blossom City Orch; we went to bed; early.

Sunday, March 3, 1935

Went to Red Bud church. Emil spend an hr. with us this morn., wanted some seed oats; Nice warm day. The young people of Red Bud parish, are giving a 3 act play, name is “Everybody’s Crazy;” we all went to see it, & Boy! was it good, crowded hall, some had to leave, it was filled, having it again tomorrow night, because couldn’t all get in, players were, Ed & Leona Vogt, Melba Siebold, Gladys & Al Siefert, Harvey, Bob Cowell, Pearl Roscow, Viola Pertle, Linus Mertz, Tiny AuBuchon, Catherine May, Orvil Schmidt, Jim Tobin, Mrs. Bill Haudrich; tap dancing & singing, musci [sic] by AuBuchon Band & Kettler. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to the euchre, given at Kammlers by Fire Co. also had nice crowd, dance after, musci [sic] by Birkner Orch.; Adm. 15¢. Jhon [sic] Cody had opening & birthday dance, at his place, Oak Grove. Margaret McDermott is in Red Bud hospital was operated fro tumor last Tues, was getting along nicely, but isn’t very good at present; Raymod [sic] Matzenbacher, was operated for appendix Sat. afternoon also at Red Bud hospital; that is Pete Matzenbacher’s boy.