Saturday, Aug. 19, 1939

Rained this morn. again. Went to Red Bud to Louis Deincks sale Mrs. Chas. Hepp’s father; this afternoon so much to sale & crwod. Percy Starr Auctioneer, we got jugs. 2 – 3 – 5 gal. each. 16 [cents] 35 [cents] things sold pretty good, good prices. Bert [Bertille] went to Cowells & got cigars won at Red Bud pinic [sic], took them to Guker’s & traded for small cigars – they were the 2 for 5 [cents]. $1.10 Henry came this eve. brought potatoes last now, all dug.

Wednesday, Aug. 9, 1939

Nice cool day. Made pepper relish, perserves [sic], cooked catsup, canned peaches. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came for pinic [sic], nice isn’t so hot. Bert [Bertille] got Sears order shoes, all O.K.; also got letter from Cowell’s Clo. Store at Red Bud to get $2.50 in trade prize I [Bertille] won at Red Bud Church pinic [sic] on Aug. 2. Surprize [sic]. Pap picked 3 bus. peaches this morn. they are for sale. Leo & family came for pinic [sic]. Bill [Klein] came all went to pinic [sic], sure had crowd for supper. Smithton band furnished musci [sic], prizes were won bycicle [sic] girl from St. Louis; set dishes, Frank Oxener. quilt – Minnie Staufenbiel; ice cream freezer Ray Braun; blanket Jake Klein. Fr. Aydt won something also Jung from Waterloo. A. [Aunt] Mary won quilt playing bluey. Flossie Kammler won 2 quilts

Saturday, June 17, 1939

Went to Orlet’s; they finished cutting last nite & shocked this morn. Bert [Bertille] baked coffee cake with dewberries, & canned 2 qts. Went to Waterloo church this afternoon. Wittenauers started cutting wheat here. Mrs. Rob. Groom (Kate Birkner) is being buried this afternoon at Belleville, she died on operation table. Sure is hot, & oats bugs terrible. Louis Cawell is giving a barn dance in the new barn tonite. Susie Gal of Hills is appearing at Log Cabin with “Sons of Ozarks.”

Thursday, May 11, 1939

Rained heavy last nite again. Bert [Bertille] put up curtains, cleaned, baked pie, cut lawn etc. Nice day, cool. The players of St. Engelbert’s parish of St. Louis are having a play at Red Bud in honor of parish of Red Bud having a supper for them, chicken for 25 more or less players. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to see “Red Bud on Broadway.” Turn to the Rigut [? – unclear] they called it in St. Louis, when they gave it over there sure was good Fr. Stitz director of play. Benny Weber sang 2 songs, accompanied by Hahn at piano & Schmidts Orc. & Cowell play accordion between act 4 act play, brought there scenery along sure beautiful.

Monday, March 6, 1939

Went out to Henrys butchering, killed 2. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary had been here & Red Bud, drove out there for a few mins. to see how they all were. Chester Cowell of Chester accidentally shot his wife, she is in Red Bud hospital little below the heart, went through a purse [? – unclear] & arm, right under heart.

Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1938

Leona was up all day, we stretched curtains. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bill [Klein] came, went to euchre at Red Bud, given by Holy Name Men; played cards till 10 o’clock & danced after, musci [sic] by Cowell & Schmidt, only had 1 – 2 – 3 prizes in euchre & 1 – 2 in pinochle & 1 – in 500, something new again, 11 points high in euchre by 4.

Friday, July 22, 1938

Pap went out to Henry’s all day. got 18 bus. [clover seed] out in all now. Leo Kern & Edna Braun were married yesterday at priest’s house at Red Bud; dance last nite. Joe Kern & Louis Cowell’s daughter attendants, bride wore a dark blue dress. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up. Emil was over. Oliver Birkner delivered chick & pig mash. A lady been selling product for orphan children to help them along. Awful hot this afternoon.

Saturday, July 9, 1938

Pap went to Red Bud to the funeral of Mrs. Cowell 81 yrs. to be buried in Hecker cemetery. Mrs. Rapp’s mother. Bert [Bertille] canned 2 qt. peaches. Schriebers was here twice trying to trade cars, he would give $164. for Chev. on a new 1938, & we could keep Whip. We went to Millsdadt [sic – Millstadt] this afternoon.

Sunday, June 19, 1938

We all had dinner here today. Mrs. Ralph Prediger, nee Ethel Parker was operated for appendix Mon. of last week. Elmer Probst & Lorretta Kraft married today; wedding dance tonite at Brezzy Hill. Arthur Cowell’s boy was married Fri; dance at Log Cabin. Clara Wagner & Mrs. Joe Watchel came to see the baby [Rosalia’s baby – Marita Orlet] this morn. Mr. Geo Haudrich & Elmer came Sat. got the mare $135, for Elmer.

Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1937

Washed, ironed, canned peaches. A man here collecting for poor people. Mr. James Tobin & Leona Vogt getting married this morn. at Red Bud 8:30 high mass; dance at Oak Grove tonite, only daughter of Bill Vogt. South of Red Bud. Catholics here have card & lawn party tonite at School grounds. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, we all went to social, didn’t win nothing; Uncle had 7 got dresser scarf; played 12 games & couple games of each bingo, had cake walk, 15 cakes @ $1.25. Uncle Fred had to play accordion for cake walk; not much of crowd about 8 tables euchre, 1 pinochle, 1 solo. Mrs. Emmet Cowell while on her way to attend the wedding Mass this morn. was struck by auto. Leifer of south Red Bud, she also had with her a girl, who was also hit, had few teeth knocked out, & Mrs. has leg broken, side all bruised, were car had drug her about 30 ft. they say; is in Red Bud hospital, hurt pretty bad.