Saturday, April 8, 1939

Nice day. We went to Red Bud high mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, she went to church. Nobbe & Horn, came got mare for Farbers; this eve.

Sunday, Feb. 19, 1939

Went to mass. Raining nearly all day. Marita has pink eye. The Mens Choir sang the high mass this morn.

Monday, Dec. 6, 1937

Went to Red Bud, high mass & sermon, for hr. Went to Henry’s butchering, 1 hog. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary helped also, 8 degrees above zero this morn; pretty cold. Emil was over this morn. Mrs. Connor was here on business; wants to trade or sell colt.

Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1937

Washed, ironed, canned peaches. A man here collecting for poor people. Mr. James Tobin & Leona Vogt getting married this morn. at Red Bud 8:30 high mass; dance at Oak Grove tonite, only daughter of Bill Vogt. South of Red Bud. Catholics here have card & lawn party tonite at School grounds. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, we all went to social, didn’t win nothing; Uncle had 7 got dresser scarf; played 12 games & couple games of each bingo, had cake walk, 15 cakes @ $1.25. Uncle Fred had to play accordion for cake walk; not much of crowd about 8 tables euchre, 1 pinochle, 1 solo. Mrs. Emmet Cowell while on her way to attend the wedding Mass this morn. was struck by auto. Leifer of south Red Bud, she also had with her a girl, who was also hit, had few teeth knocked out, & Mrs. has leg broken, side all bruised, were car had drug her about 30 ft. they say; is in Red Bud hospital, hurt pretty bad.

Friday, Dec. 25, 1936

Christmas Day. Went to 5 o clock mass; lasted till 7 o’clock had solemn High mass 3 priests; Church was crowded. It rained a little when we came out of church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry & family & Leo were all here for dinner & supper, had 2 ducks. Sure beautiful day, had the doors open all day, after dinner sat on the back porch on north side, so nice an warm. We played cards afternoon & evening. Rose went along with Leo to his folks tonite.

Sunday, April 21, 1935

Easter. Henry & family were up for dinner & supper, rabbit laid 12 eggs. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary came this afternoon, had supper; We went to Church, 7:30 High mass & benediction. Mr. Tom Kelley of Tiptown died Fri. morning, will be buried, tomorrow morning, he made his home with Ambrose Doyle; buried from there to Tiptown church & cemetery.

Tuesday, Dec. 25, 1934

Christmas Day. Went to 5 o clock mass at Waterloo, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile before high mass here at 9 o clock. We went out to Henry’s, had dinner. Walter Reheis also came. Henry had to take the chains of off his car, gave him 2 cigars, then went to Belleville to see Hilda, was coming out by 3:30 again. The roads are terrible, & weather is too, gloomy, hasey [sic] & cloudy, raining. Received a Christmas Greeting from Miss Freund of 906 Rusell Ave. St. Louis yesterday. We didn’t go to the program at the Evangical [sic] Church, because rain.

Tuesday, Nov. 27, 1934

We took sausage etc. to Waterloo, sold some this morning; prices from 15 to 20¢ lb., on different things. We washed, sugar cured hams, this afternoon, nasty rainy day & Boy! rain tonite & colder I guess. Man here taking up senses [sic – census] of children that is of school age, none here. The big wedding of Anna Marie Parker, oldest daughter of Ed L. Parker, most prominet [sic] chicken raiser & trustee of church, & dairy famer near of Hecker, & Mr. Clyde William Pautler of Evansville, oldest son of Phil Pautler, dairy man, he drives Pevely Dairy truck to St. Louis, were married at 9 o’clock, nuptial high mass, by Fr. Aydt, Harbaugh & Schumacher, as cousins & Fr. Tecklenburg of Evansville; bride dressed in white with veil, marched in on bride’s fathers arm, carring [sic] roses. Mr. Paul Parker as groomsmen & Miss Dorthy Pautler bridesmaid dressed with nile green crepe, & Miss Agnes Parker, matron of honor, in pink, all carrying flowers. Mr. Donald Parker, ring beared & Alice Schumacher flower girl; wedding dance in Daabs Club House to written invited guests; Mrs. Ed Schneider & Mrs. Robert Laut, cooks.

Saturday, Sept. 8, 1934

Rosalia & Berti went to Waterloo, to the Wedding mass of Martha Schilling 24 & Joe Neary 28, the attendants cousins to the bride, Omer Schilling & Olivia Paulter girl; high mass; she wore white with veil & bridesmaid, blue driss [sic] with white hat & shoes, gloves; the groom & his attendant wore dark blue suits; the wedding breakfast & dinner was served at the home of the bride: parents; the young couple will make there home in St. Louis; were the groom is employed. Henry came up, had dinner here, him & papa; went out looking for horses; all day, down at Chris Buehler’s this morn. The people are again recieving [sic] checks on 5% payment from the bank; the next will be 10%; ours came in the letter with Emil’s, he gave it to us this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile, then went to Buehler’s birthday there. There is free dance at Donahue’s, Oak Grove, Burksville tonight.

Wednesday, June 14, 1933

Flag Day. Rosealia [sic] & Bertille went to church at Red Bud to the Wedding High Mass of Ed. Schilling & Mary Forness. Chars. Schilling brother & her sister where the attendants. The bride wore white & veil, & bridesmaid wore light pink & with white hat with pink ribbon, organdy dress; the brothers & sisters where there to; he is going to have wedding dance at Oak Grove tonite; everybody welcome. Papa got the lawn mower sharpened at Bill Fritsche for 10¢. Papa went to the pulbic [sic] Sale of Joe Braun’s property in town which was turned over to Jac. Schmidt Receiver, he sold it lots & house all for $950.00, to Lester Gregson, the only bidders where Joe Griffin, Barney Kaiser, Lester; he got it. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening & we went to the Wedding dance, gave her sugar bowl & milk pitcher, Schilling’s Moonlighter’s furnished musci [sic], & a crowd. the brides slipper was sold by Gus Kabrinick brought $12.50.