Getting colder, windy. Our Chicago Mail Ord. came everything O.K. Pap got crushing done. Emil is done by Joe Gregson’s. Josie is sick; Emil lost his shed key. Henry came, wants to butcher Mon. if weather is favorable. The Tipton priest brought Walter Kelley over, on business for Uncle Fred. Sure getting colder, freezing right along, to be 25 [degrees].
Friday, Nov. 8, 1935
Pap went in the woods, Rose went along as far as Henry’s. Leona is sick again, chills & fever, like she was while back. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, also Mr & Mrs Christ Kern & son Leo & Mr & Mrs Walter Kelley & baby girl, on business. A deaf guy was here with different articles to sell. Pap went out to Henry’s to get Rose this evening; she washed & ironed, Leona was pretty good.
Monday, Aug. 19, 1935
Leona got the kids. We canned 5 qts peaches. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, him & papa went to Waterloo & to Walter Kelley’s; had dinner & supper here, then we cut lawn.
Sunday, April 21, 1935
Easter. Henry & family were up for dinner & supper, rabbit laid 12 eggs. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary came this afternoon, had supper; We went to Church, 7:30 High mass & benediction. Mr. Tom Kelley of Tiptown died Fri. morning, will be buried, tomorrow morning, he made his home with Ambrose Doyle; buried from there to Tiptown church & cemetery.
Friday, Jan. 18, 1935
Mr. Kelley is being buried this morn., from the home of his daughter Mrs. Hess; he had a stroke. Mr. Hess is also in Red Bud Hospital, was operated on appendix; is pretty bad. Mrs. Getrude Irosi of Chester is getting operated for tumor at the Red Bud hospital this morning, Frank McDermott’s daughter. Johny McDermott is employed at Ill. Security’s Hospital at Chester. Roy Schmidt is sporting a new Ford V8 truck, the paper says. A. H. Breuggmann had a little baby girl; born St. Mary Hospital Thurs. evening Jan. 10. Mr. Ed. Rickert is census taker man in Prarire [sic] Du Long & New Design Precinct. The Waterloo CCC Camps will have all different classes; Nobbe’s Garage is giving free a place to study & work, auto Mechanics, Robinette giving musci [sic] lessons, Jerome Vogt teacher of agriculture & surveyoring. A man around advertising portraits; draw & if you win certain certificate, you can have a picture painted with the cost of $10. Berti drew the right one, but we had nothing done, sent him of, only some scheme work. A lady around selling home made chairs at 50¢ a piece. Rosie & Berti went to Red Bud got sack laying mash from Zipfel. Raining this evening, nasty. Aaron Papfenberg has purchase a car. Eggs are 26¢.
Thursday, Jan. 17, 1935
Fried in bacon. Henry & Leona went to Belleville, Billy [Willis] stayed here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon. We went to Donahue’s to Tipton Parish euchre party, played 10 games, we didn’t receive prizes, had 5 points; not much of a crowd, & no prizes; a quilt was raffled out & was won by Ruth May. Mr. Bill Kelley of Ruma, died will be buried tomorrow morning.
Sunday, Dec. 31, 1933
We went to Red Bud, took Mrs. Chas Helfrich & kids along & brought them & Jonny Roscow back. Mrs. Josephine Kelley wife of Wm. Kelley died Thurs. evening & was buried this afternoon at Ruma, we went down to the funeral, Fr. Whitte had charge of it, no sermon, & never opened the coffin, just blessing, & buried in Ruma Cemetery, seen quite a few people that we knew, Meyerscouh’s & Tiptown people. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary couldn’t get out, the roads are to bad; It sure did turn warm yesterday & today, the snow is all gone. Tonite the New Year shooters will have to be out.
Friday, Dec. 8, 1933
Holiday. Went to 6 o clock mass at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner; she bought soup beef & bread had dinner here. We took a chance on a stitched quilt at Red Bud, this morn. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kelley & cousins & neighbor where here on business with regard to Uncle Fred’s. Frank Emery was here bought 20 lbs. popcorn at 4¢ lb; ears & all. We all & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary visited Uncle Adam & Emil this evening.
Sunday, Dec. 3, 1933
Went to Waterloo to mass, cause making hard road to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner here, then went home, Armstutzs came out there. Today Advent starts. Mr. Jake Merlhmans birthday today. Gus Millman is visiting his sister Mrs. Wm. Kelley of Ruma who is ill.
Sunday, Nov. 19, 1933
Most beautiful day. We find about 1 doz. eggs a day now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went to new hard road to Waterloo, did little business, then went to St. Joe, to Hempe’s, to Tiptown Kelley’s. Mcarthy had shooting match. Pete Ganley family was here to get sausage but we had none & wasn’t at home. Frank Hippert & friends were hunting at Henry’s got 10 rabbits.
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