Friday, Nov. 11, 1938

Holiday. Armistice. No mail. Geo. Wagner came over & engaged hog to kill; when it gets cold. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped, they went down to help Buehlers paper. Eggs are 27 [cents] today. Lots of people out hunting; rabbit season opened yesterday; we put up signs this morn. no hunting. It is so nice today again, so warm don’t even need a coat on.

Thursday, Dec. 30, 1937

Rained a little today, & Boy the roads, terrible mess. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary wanted to go to Belleville, got as far as Sphalts’s land, turned around, & went home again, couldn’t make it she said. Pierre Laut came, asked for permission to go hunting on our ground. Geo. Wagner butchering today. Rennecker & Laut helping got it from Hy. Armstutz. Sure warm, but cloudy & south wind. The mail carried Schmidt has been going around the last several days, well all week, so far with the buggy & horses; some trip, & some mud. We got Christmas card from Fr. Joe Orlet Mon. Sun starting to shine.

Wednesday, Nov. 10, 1937

Rabbit season opened today, hunters are out, & will be tomorrow holiday Armistice Day. Pap went out on business trip. Stehl was here. Emil came this afternoon finished his visit from last nite. Bert [Bertille] ironed, patched, etc. Cloudy this eve. radio says rain tonite. Mrs. Wil Gregson died this morn. 5 o’clock at Red Bud hospital, ailing for quite some time; will be buried at Round Praire [sic] Cemetery nee Frick.

Friday, Dec. 21, 1934

Leona brought the teacher & pupils of Blackburn School up for the Christmas program at the Hecker School, Rosalia & Berti went to, it was real nice, Stana came too. We went to Belleville this afternoon. Eggs 26¢ today. Received a Christmas greeting from Josie Keller today. Papenberg boy’s got a red fox; hunting season.

Sunday, Nov. 19, 1933

Most beautiful day. We find about 1 doz. eggs a day now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went to new hard road to Waterloo, did little business, then went to St. Joe, to Hempe’s, to Tiptown Kelley’s. Mcarthy had shooting match. Pete Ganley family was here to get sausage but we had none & wasn’t at home. Frank Hippert & friends were hunting at Henry’s got 10 rabbits.

Sunday, Nov. 20, 1932

We went to Red Bud to church. Hy. Armstutz & a fellow from Belleville where here, he got 4 doz. eggs @ 30. $1.20. Papa went up to the store this afternoon, got our spray that Wittenauer’s brought along from Henry’s. Henry took his saussage [sic] & meat into Waterloo this morning for Art Geodelle from St. Louis, he is to buy it all from him. Tonite is a play at Belleville, & Red Bud & Waterloo, Red Bud it is all married people, Adm. 25¢ the name is “Just Country Folks.” Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary didn’t stay up long this morning on account of the roads, the wasy she says, Fr. had a big sermon in church again this morn. Frank was published for the second & third time, the wedding is Thursday, Thanksgiving Day at 9 ‘o clock. Joe Hilpert & Rheinhardt were hunting out at Henry’s today. It is awful warm, the snow is nearly all gone.

Saturday, Dec. 26, 1931

Joe Hilpert was here for dinner. Frank & his brother-in-laws when [sic-went] hunting. Lizzie Boll & Wm. Harbaugh where visitors on today.

Friday, Nov. 21, 1930

Rosalia went to church this morning.  Papa is fixing fence.  We put clean straw in the chicken houses this afternoon.  There was a boy here this morning, he was deaf & dumb & couldn’t speak a thing.  He had a card and on there it said “he was deaf & should help him out by buying a package of needles for .25¢, so we bought one from him.  I seen in the paper that Jake Frierdichs moved into there new house on the Waterloo & Hecker road this week, & Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Payne moved into the Frierdich’s residence on Morrison Ave. Tuesday and are citizens of Waterloo now.  Mr. & Mrs. O. J. Maul moved from Waterloo to Breezy Hill Wednesday to take charge of the service station there.  A little baby girl arrived at the home of “Bill” Heubner, they now have a boy and a girl.  The two McCarthy’s boys Greg & Kevin & John Cody captured two coons & two opossums for the start of the hunting season.  Joe Watchel is building chicken house & garage on his premises.  The Orbon Stove Works in Belleville are laying quite a few men off from work at present.

Monday, Nov. 10, 1930

Today the Rabbit season is opened.  Papa went to Belleville this morning to look for fruit trees.  Rosalia, Bertille went to Uncle Fred’s and Aunt Mary’s to fix our dresses.  We had dinner out there, & watermelons.  Henry was here this evening, he brought his cow hide up to the store.  Eggs are .31¢.