Saturday, Nov. 11, 1939

Armistice Day. Ben Heyl came & Klotz got 3 heifers $75. Wittenauer H. was here, stopped in. We went to Uncle Fred’s awhile & then to Leo’s. this afternoon. Jac. Neff came on business for Uncle Fred this eve. Bert [Bertille] took Lees Gregson’s wedding present over to Emil’s for him to give to them; we never get to see Lee; at all.

Friday, Nov. 11, 1938

Holiday. Armistice. No mail. Geo. Wagner came over & engaged hog to kill; when it gets cold. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped, they went down to help Buehlers paper. Eggs are 27 [cents] today. Lots of people out hunting; rabbit season opened yesterday; we put up signs this morn. no hunting. It is so nice today again, so warm don’t even need a coat on.

Thursday, Nov. 11, 1937

Armistice Day. H. Wittinauer’s boy stoped [sic] in this morn. Sure warm weather for this time of year. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon. Lerna [unclear – could be Leona?] Meng came over to see them. Uncle went to Stahlehebers to see John, he is home today from Woodriver Ill. Mrs. Mehrmann got 5 doz. eggs @ 28¢. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to Floraville to Bocker’s free dance, music by Cowboys of Alton, pretty nice, bass fidale [sic – fiddle], guitar, banjo & fiddle. pretty nice crowd, present; Och. formerly Smithton boys now of Alton.

Wednesday, Nov. 10, 1937

Rabbit season opened today, hunters are out, & will be tomorrow holiday Armistice Day. Pap went out on business trip. Stehl was here. Emil came this afternoon finished his visit from last nite. Bert [Bertille] ironed, patched, etc. Cloudy this eve. radio says rain tonite. Mrs. Wil Gregson died this morn. 5 o’clock at Red Bud hospital, ailing for quite some time; will be buried at Round Praire [sic] Cemetery nee Frick.

Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1936

Armistice Day. Pap went to Harvey Pleuger’s to get pig in trade with the mule yet; got letter from him yesterday $32.00 8 week old, 8 of them now. G. Wagner is butchering today, getting hog from J. Henkel. Patched & quilting; nice weather these days cold morning & nite, white frost. Uncle Fred brought Aunt Mary up & he went home making wood she helped us quilt this afternoon & nite. Uncle came up this eve.

Monday, Nov. 11, 1935

We washed, cleaned things for butchering. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile, then went up to the Armistice Wustmark [sic- Wurstmart], dinner & supper at the School Hall, every family has to bring a cake; & donations to pay for the rest of the eatable, cafeteria style 25¢ plate; had a pretty nice crowd. It rained nearly all night.

Saturday, Nov. 9, 1935

Some men around fixing stoves & etc. Pap went up town, butchering a hog by Eichenseer’s today for the wustmark [sic – Wurstmart] Mon, at the School Hall. It rained all day. Roy Neff was around taking orders for beef, they butchered one yesterday, pap went up this afternoon & got 50¢ roast 3 lbs; sell it at 18¢ & soup meat 16¢. Alps. Karban & Elmer Buss have a birthday dance at Pautlers tonite Moonlight Orch. Gents 25 ladies free; & rain all night, terrible.

Monday, Nov. 12, 1934

Holiday, Armistice Day, town people don’t work, stores closed, banks, no papers printed. Papa went to Red Bud got sack laying mash, paid for hog feed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, had dinner & supper here. We sawed wood this afternoon, Henry sawed, it, 3½ hrs. Ed Mueth, Emil, Henry & Uncle Fred. We took our wash along out & washed at Leona’s this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed, played pinochle this evening. Mr. Herzog fruit tree agent was here, & left a card at the door.

Saturday, Nov. 11, 1933

Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary & Henry & family where all up butchering. Uncle butchered one here also 215 lbs; they had lunch, dinner, here. Ed. Neff got our Whip. & ground the valves for $2.00 today. “Armistice Day.” Harry Kammler has a dance; tonite. Adm. 25¢ to “Len Kirk & his Missouri Ramblers” playing. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Manier moved there family & household goods to St. Louis, where he is going to start a store. We put fresh sausage & eggs on our sign.

Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1931

Papa was up town, it rained last night. We washed, ironed, patched. Papa went up to Barthel’s this afternoon with the Whippet, got clycerine [sic – glycerine] put in the radiator. Today is Holiday in big cities. Fred Kern was buried at 3:30 this afternoon. Tonight is a dance in Weber’s barn given by Bill Herzog, also a dance in Smithon [sic] & a birthday dance at Brezzy [sic] Hill. This morning at 10 ‘oclock, Miss Jenny Kemp had a heart stroke & died. She had fell some time ago & broke her rib, & was taken to St. Elizabeth’s Hospital at Belleville about 1 mo. ago where there she died now.