Thursday, Dec. 7, 1939

Baked cookies. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, they finished concrete block foundation. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, she went to church, he brought a load wood, for butchering. Emil was over awhile. Marita went along home this eve. Jos. Braun was buried this morn. formerly ex. banker of Hecker, had been sick awhile.

Wednesday, Dec. 6, 1939

Leo & Rosalia came down, brought her wash along, we washed together, & ironed patched etc. Bill [Klein] came helped put concrete posts down; Marita stayed here all nite. Jos. Braun died will be buried tomorrow morn. at Fateyville Church & Mt. Carmell cemetery at Belleville. Berrings had free coon lunch & horse peffer [hasenpfeffer?] last nite called over lines. Louis Schoenborn got tickets for wrestling match at E. St. Louis; Bill [Klein] got Bert [Bertille] & went.

Friday, Nov. 24, 1939

Leo & family came making plans for building shed had dinner & supper here. Leo & pap went to Smithton. Leo bought new V8 Truck $500 & his old car, brought it along home. Henry brought load corn. Bert [Bertille] baked cookied. Mrs. Roland Nobbe – Mildred Wild died & was buried this week at Waterloo she had been sick for some time married just a year & Walter Nobbe fell on leaves on sidewalk at his home & fractured some bones, is confined to his home.

Wednesday, Nov. 22, 1939

Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed etc. Went to Smithton got prestone put that from last year, by Bill, & got gas went to Freeburg to see Classen Lumberman. Pretty nice day. Leo Schaum 40 Cleta Stalehebers husband died at Texas & was shipped to Rock Island Ill. for burial. He formely [sic] was at Scott Field.

Monday, Oct. 9, 1939

Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed patched, cleaned front room. Windy & cloudy today. We got chicks for hogs from Strecks got $6.95 top $7.10, Mr. Englerth 83 is being buried this morn. at Smithton church & cemetery. Bill [Klein] is pall bearer all grand children to carry him. Leo & family came brought molasses, lard, eggs, to sell.

Sunday, Aug. 20, 1939

Went to mass. Martin Fahey was buried last day, he was in church on holiday 15. died suddenly. Mr. Geo Braun, of Hecker is getting buried this afternoon at Red Bud 1:30. Orville Schmidt & Lorreta Braun were published last time today, wedding Wed. morn. here at 9 o clock mass; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Henrys family & Gregsons are all invited with special cards, of invitation to Log Cabin Wed eve. that is also Uncle Freds wedding day. Mr Clem Parker & Mamie Eichenseer were published 1st time here morn. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went down Miss. bottoms this afternooon. Rained again little shower. Freeburg have Homecoming.

Thursday, Aug. 17, 1939

Went to Leo’s took peaches along for her. she [Rosalia] got 23 qts., not has 46 if they don’t spoil. Pap went to Kleins look at heifers; didn’t buy yet; we had to go home by way of Schoenborn’s, also stoped [sic], seen Mr. Schoenborn who has been paralysed [sic] for couple years; oiling the road. Raining this eve. pretty nice for quite awhile. Mary Schaefer was buried at Hecker cemetery yesterday morn; Aunt to Jac Schaefer where she made her house, old lady.

Friday, Aug. 11, 1939

Rained a little shower this morn.; canned tomatoes & beans; took peaches out to Henry’s, but nobody home. Went to Leo’s making hay this afternoon; took basket peaches along, rained heavy this eve. Jobusch postmaster of Waterloo was buried yesterday afternoon at Waterloo. Wind took of a lot of peaches this eve. lights were of [sic] for while. Louis Mueth of Paderborn died. Uncle Joe Mueth & Eddy & some of Nics family & Phil are going to Okalohoma [sic] to visit soon; to Frank Dudenhoeffer.

Thursday, Aug. 3, 1939

Nice cool day. Canned peaches, pickles. Evansville have there pinic [sic] today; nicer day then yesterday, also sales today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came pap went along to sale by Millsdadt [sic] & Ritzel at Waterloo didn’t buy nothing. Henry Wittenauer was here, getting land ready to start plowing. J. [Josie] Keller & Mr. Neimey Jr stopped here got eggs & chicken; were also at Lizzie Bolls while. The couple that had triplets born at Belleville hospitiel [sic], only the girl is living, other 2 died, girl 5 lb. still living. August Mueth 59 formerly of Smithton was buried there this morn.

Wednesday, July 5, 1939

Went to Leo’s, canned apples, prepared for threshing, so hot today. We took Marita along home; they came this eve. going to thresh tomorrow, have them for dinner. Bill [Klein] came Henry brought wheat money, so far $65.45 for 134 bus. only got for some 48 * 53-45-50-52[cents]. to Waterloo & E. St. Louis; he got about 580 bus. wheat don’t weigh out; & no price. Lewis Kumke was buried at Evansville this morning.