Went to mass. The Hecker Evangical [sic] church & congregation celebrating the 50th Ann. today, with service 3 times & dinner & supper. everybody welcome. Smithton have firemen pinic [sic] today. Clem Schlotmann have baby; make 2 in the family now. Pap went over to Emil’s this afternoon. Leo Gregson & Vera Schmidt were published 1st time this morn. here. Bill [Klein] came got Bert [Bertille] went to Smithton, Firemen’s pinic [sic], Bill had to take tickets at door; from 7 till 9; nice crowd for dance.
Sunday, Aug. 20, 1939
Went to mass. Martin Fahey was buried last day, he was in church on holiday 15. died suddenly. Mr. Geo Braun, of Hecker is getting buried this afternoon at Red Bud 1:30. Orville Schmidt & Lorreta Braun were published last time today, wedding Wed. morn. here at 9 o clock mass; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Henrys family & Gregsons are all invited with special cards, of invitation to Log Cabin Wed eve. that is also Uncle Freds wedding day. Mr Clem Parker & Mamie Eichenseer were published 1st time here morn. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went down Miss. bottoms this afternooon. Rained again little shower. Freeburg have Homecoming.
Sunday, April 16, 1939
Cloudy with showers. Went to mass. Children made there first Holy Communion; all dressed in white. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in after mass awhile. Hubert McDermoot & Miss Schmidt were published for 2nd. time today. Mr. & Mrs. Lerow Haudrich are having there wedding dance at Totsch’s tonite, Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary got invitation card. The Happy Ramblers Orc. are playing & giving a dance at Kammlers tonite. Bill [Klein] came Bert [Bertille] went along to Dr. Eckerts, he wanted to pay him.
Sunday, Sept. 15, 1935
Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Rose & Bert went along to Smithon [sic] Turner Pinic [sic], not much of a crowd, came more in the evening. We got chances on winning 15 quilts. Went to Oak Grove free dance Au Buchon’s Orch. pretty nice crowd. Hy Huelsmann & Rosilla Braun were published first time today.
Sunday, Sept. 23, 1934
We went out to Uncle Fred’s, had dinner & supper. Christ Buehler’s came in the afternoon, too. Mr. & Mrs. Rennecker came over awhile; this evening. Mr. Ed. Coop 35 & Elsi Pautler were published for the last time today wedding Wed. morning at Evansville Ill; by Fr. Tecklenburg; Marie Coop & Clyde Pautler best [attendants]; wedding dance; barn; of there. Mrs. Rabe’s house in Red Bud was on fire tonite.
Sunday, May 6, 1934
Mary Fahey of Red Bud & John Dougherty of Renault were published for the 3rd time, wedding mass to be Tues. morning May 8. & Linus Merz of Red Bud & girl from [blank] were published also 3 rd time. Uncle Fred was by Louis Birkner this morning, who is sick with bad cold, fever & chills. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, then we went to Tiptown to euchre party, Aunt & Bertie didn’t play, the rest did, played 6 games. Rose won 5 got jar honey. 13 tables with euchre & pinochle & bunco & 13 prizes. Oh! some euchre; we stopped at Uncle Adam’s on way home, his birthday 85 yrs. old, they had so much company today, Levi & Joe Gregson’s, Lesters & family J. Myersough of Ruma. Papa asked Emil to help build & Cleveland also. Henry is sick, has fever & stomach trouble, got a tooth pulled Sat.
Sunday, May 28, 1933
We went to Red Bud, & to Ratz’s looked at a horse. Henry & family where up for dinner, & supper. Papa, Henry & boys went to Prairie Du Rocher to looked at horse & colt. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went down to the bridge, & from there came here, had supper, then went home came back again & went to the play in St. Augustine’s Hall school children, gave one Adm. 35¢. We went over to Wagner’s awhile, Rob & Olive Laut came too. Ed Schilling & Mary Furnace where published for the first time in Red Bud, & Waterloo. Miss Frieda Keim, Pete Keim’s daughter & Oscar Jatho, ran of to Belleville & where married last Thurs. afternoon by the squire, he had been going to instructions. Hecker ball team played Floraville at Hecker & won 23 to 3 in favor of Hecker, they won every game so far this season.
Sunday, Feb. 19, 1933
We where at Red Bud. Herman Goessling & Adelia Wagner where published 1-2-3 time, wedding is Tue. morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed for dinner, then we all drove out to look at bridge, where they men are working, then went to Henry’s, but was nobody home there; then we went back home again, played 2 games pinochle, they went home. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred May came to pay Uncle Fred interest, they stayed for supper, then till 8:30, they left then to go to see Mrs. Codty, who isn’t feeling so very well & also to see Ambrose Doyl’s boy at the hospital, he got operated for appendix. Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Burke have a little baby boy; & also Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kunkel. Mrs. William Koch of Coxeyville is being buried this afternoon at Waterloo Evangical [sic] Church & cemetery, she was taken to the hospital on Feb. 10 & died a week later Feb. 17, she had fell & fractured her hip; she has two sons, Roy of Waterloo & Elmer, Columbia & adopted daughter Edith Rudolph; at home, she was 59 years old.
Monday, Nov. 7, 1932
It is cloudy. Walter Wittenauer was here this morn., to see if we had a place to keep a horse, so his children can drive up to school, we haven’t no place, he wants to sell pigs, on trade for stack hay. Papa went out to see his pigs, but he said he didn’t want them, skinny, he has 30 little pigs. We washed this afternoon & then spaded the garden. Mrs. Rennecker came over then awhile. Papa went to see Becthold at Smithon [sic]. Rennecker bought 40 bus. corn 20¢ bu. from Jac. Klein. Frank Geshwender & Mildred Bechtlloff where published yesterday in both masses for the 1 time. She was honoree at at halloween bridge party on Oct. 31. Mon. nite, by Mairan Hartnagel, 3 tables, there it was amouced [sic – announced] of the marriage in the near future. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in awhile, then they went to Wm. Birkner’s. The marriage license of Henry Wiegand 28 & Viola Rieso 19 was in the Sat. paper, they where married Sat, & had the dinner Sun by her grandma Kus[illegible]. They had no dance. Cara Jean Hilpert had 14 guests Sat. afternoon at her birthday party, 6 yrs. old.
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