Wednesday, Sept. 25, 1935

Pap & Rose cut corn, Bert baked bread; had chicken dinner. this afternoon dug potatoes, over 2 bus. & ½ bucket sweet potatoes, nice big ones. Mrs. Louis Miller is being buried at Belleville this afternoon, Cora Armstutz’s aunt, & Ida Heyl’s also. Hy. Euchelmann Jr. is giving a birthday dance at Coxeyville to nite, Moonlight Orc. case beer given as attendance prize. Showers in school hall here for Rosella Braun & Angela Eichenseer, given by sisters, & Sodality girls & there brothers. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Renneker came over this evening while.

Sunday, Feb. 19, 1933

We where at Red Bud. Herman Goessling & Adelia Wagner where published 1-2-3 time, wedding is Tue. morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed for dinner, then we all drove out to look at bridge, where they men are working, then went to Henry’s, but was nobody home there; then we went back home again, played 2 games pinochle, they went home. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred May came to pay Uncle Fred interest, they stayed for supper, then till 8:30, they left then to go to see Mrs. Codty, who isn’t feeling so very well & also to see Ambrose Doyl’s boy at the hospital, he got operated for appendix. Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Burke have a little baby boy; & also Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kunkel. Mrs. William Koch of Coxeyville is being buried this afternoon at Waterloo Evangical [sic] Church & cemetery, she was taken to the hospital on Feb. 10 & died a week later Feb. 17, she had fell & fractured her hip; she has two sons, Roy of Waterloo & Elmer, Columbia & adopted daughter Edith Rudolph; at home, she was 59 years old.

Friday, Feb. 17, 1933

Papa hauled wood. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here & from here they went out to watch the men work on the bridge. Jake Neff came this evening & paid for his hog. Mr. Frank Metzger died Wed. & buried tomorrow afternoon. Father Moneghan of Tiptown was trafered [sic] to Carmi Ill. & Rev. Traynor from there was sent to Tiptown. Harold Krumpke celebrated his birthday by giving a dance last Sun. night, at Burksville Station. The dance at Fahey residence last Sat. nite was fairly well attended. Hugo Probst was surprised last Thurs. nite & his friends gathered to celebrate his 27th birthday. John Herman suffereed a light stroke last Sun. morning. Mrs. William Koch of Coxeyville fell & fractured her hip & was taken to Clements Hospital at Red Bud. Dr. N. B. Paulter purchased the Chester Knitting Mill property in Waterloo for $5,000, to pack & storage quarters for the fruit rasied [sic – raised] on the Pautlert farms. Joe Sommer’s called there baby girl Laverne Francis, & A. R. E. Gaven got the free hair cut for selecting the right name.

Thursday, Oct. 6, 1932

Francis Eichenseer was here & looked if he should get here with his truck, he is going to bring a load afterwhile. Papa is going to Waterloo & to Ed. Rehlings to see the building of a straw hen house, he said there were a good many people there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, Rosalia & Bertille had lunch over there. We picked 2 sacks full green tomatoes & they took them along for Ronnerberg. Odillo & Wilfred onloaded the coal, 100 bus. $13.00. Mrs. Kock is having a birthday celebration tonight at Coxeyville, we didn’t go, we had an invitation & it was also in the paper.

Monday, Sept. 19, 1932

Mr. Willie Ganley was here this morning, but papa was at the molasses factory, so he walked down there. Mr. Chas. Fleckestine passed away Sat. & will be buried this afternoon, leaving the house at 2 o’clock, then to the cemetery,  Hecker, with services at the home. We cleaned the chicken house put straw, in the nests. We shocked & cut our corn all this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, they brought potatoes for Braun’s, they stayed a little while. George Boll came & looked at our cow & calf, he has one he might trade. Henry & family where up got whey & tomatoes. Mrs. Kock invited her, & all of us to come to Coxeyville to her birthday dance Oct. 6.

Thursday, Feb. 18, 1932

Mr. Gabriel Schilling was buried last Monday morning at Dalgreen, the relatives from here went down. Papa went to Waterloo this morning, & also to a bankrupt sale near Coxeyville. Bertille took 3 doz. eggs to the store & got 11¢ some price.

Thursday, May 14, 1931

Today is Holiday.  We all went to Waterloo this afternoon, we went out to the clump [dump?] pile, but they haven’t got it gathered up yet in town.  From there we went around Red Bud home, we stopped in at Caldwell’s House, & at the place where Bozzay lived.  We stopped at Red Bud, Papa went to talk with the butcher, & we where talking with Levi Gregson’s family.  Bill was here for supper, in the evening we went along to Waterloo, to get Creses, then went out to Coxey to Greatling’s Hall, Mrs. Pete Keim celebrated her birthday there.  Henry & family, Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Papa went to the show, this evening.  Bernice Wagner got the beads, & Ruth Braun the perfume for singing Springtime in the Rockies, Niece Rausch, & another girl each got 25¢.  Mrs. Estelle Stovall got the perfume & Bobby set for calling the loudest for her Husband.  Wilfred Eichenseer got the cigarette case, he got the most cheers.  Leslie Raush also was in that but didn’t get anything.  The name of there play was “Crazy Sister.”

Sunday, April 5, 1931

Today is Easter.  Henry & family were here for breakfast.  The rabbit laid the boy’s egg again.  This afternoon we drove out to Uncle Fred’s but there was no one at home, so we drove out past the cemetery, but we couldn’t get in their, the gate was locked shut then we drove back home again.  Then we went to Waterloo, Coxeyville to see Mr. Miester Jr. the fellow that bought our horses, but they sure do look bad.  We came back home again about 3:30.  Papa went up town.  Bill Matzenbacher has a new Whippet, everybody getting new cars.  There was a man here, wanted to buy eggs, but we wanted 20¢ & he wouldn’t pay that.  There was a man here from Belleville & bought 2 doz. for 20¢.  Odillo Eichenseer & Angela drove down here with his car & showed it to us.  This evening Philip & Bill came & then we went along with them to Belleville to a show.  “It Pays to Advertise” was the name of it.

Friday, Jan. 9, 1931

Papa was up town this morning & also got the papers.  In the Waterloo Paper was the announcement of a free dance at Greating Hall at Coxeyville by Jacob Bien on Sun. night, the Myers Bros. music.  He is 68 years old & is selling Eddy’s Products.  This evening Ed. Neff was here & we played pinochle.  Ed & Rosalia were partners & Papa & Bertille, we won 4 games out of 5.  Ed Neff is going to be policeman in Hecker soon, the way he talks.

Friday, Dec. 12, 1930

Today is Emil Brand’s birthday.  Bertille baked honey cookies this morning.  This afternoon we all went up in the woods.  I seen in the Waterloo Times that George Wiegand of Hecker Ills., has a new Plymouth Coupe.  Hugo Schroeder of St. Louis was in a accident Tuesday evening a machine collided with him on the Hard Road by Coxeyvile.  Leona baked some pinwheel cookies this afternoon for Christmas.  Herman Geodelle & Ray Crook had a accident too Tuesday evening.  The machines were both damaged & Crook had a cut in his hand.  A baby girl was born to Mr. & Mrs. Nick Meuth on Dec. 2 & a baby girl was born to Mr. & Mrs. Hy. Brinkman sponsor were Mr. & Mrs. George Welzbacher.  Its name is Sylveria[?] Elizabeth it was baptized in Waterloo Sunday.  In Red Bud it is reported have 30 cases of scarlet fever & it also is spreading out in the country now, the way the paper says.  The Co. commissions to 3 surveys for the hard road to Hecker & sent them up to Springfield.  One was the old road & thru Lord’s Corner down to Athens, & one north, & another still further north, straight east from Waterloo.