Friday, Jan. 11, 1935

Uncle Fred went home; Mrs. Rennecker & Mrs. Robert Laut were helping to quilt this afternoon, had supper, also Katie Klotz dropped in, waiting for Arlene. Papa went to Hill’s; on business about selling land. Mr. Oscar Bibler died last Sun. evening at the Red Bud hospital. Mrs. Emma Bickechaupt nee Vogel died Tues. 34 yrs. was buried Thurs. at Burksville; been married since 1931. Our cousin Matthias Crowe of St. Louis, Sun. morning, Thom. brother, died, was buried Wed. morning 60 yrs; ailing since he was hurt in a accident in 1933, was formerly a policeman there, he leave his wife & son Dr. Matt & daughter Viola, & 2 sisters & 1 brother Tom policeman at Waterloo.

Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1933

Schools start today, Miss Burgess teaches Blackburn. It is so foggy this morn. Mat Crowe of St. Louis the policeman got his collar bone broken & skull fractured Sat, in a accident. We washed. We all went out to Aunt Mary’s helped pick peaches, canned; 14 qts; had lunch. They where up here this morn, got 1 doz. cans 75¢. George Boll was here. Christ Buehler’s, not got a sign put up, typhoid fever, children can’t go to school, & they can’t let no one in the house. We dug potatoes this eve.

Sunday, June 5, 1932

We went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile & then went home. They made there Solemn Holy Coummioun [sic – Communion] but the children where to make there private also, but didn’t know it well enough, so it was set of. It is so hot 90 in shade & oats bugs are so bad. Robert Merz & family where here this morn, but he was to late for business. People here from St. Louis bought 17 doz. eggs @ 10¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening to stay in Hecker over nite & work in the garden tomorrow. Clifford said the motor cop caught a car by John Braun’s for reckless driving, the cop had a whistle like an ambulance. There was a big parade in Belleville today, Americian [sic] Legion Convention.

Friday, Jan. 9, 1931

Papa was up town this morning & also got the papers.  In the Waterloo Paper was the announcement of a free dance at Greating Hall at Coxeyville by Jacob Bien on Sun. night, the Myers Bros. music.  He is 68 years old & is selling Eddy’s Products.  This evening Ed. Neff was here & we played pinochle.  Ed & Rosalia were partners & Papa & Bertille, we won 4 games out of 5.  Ed Neff is going to be policeman in Hecker soon, the way he talks.