Papa took the feed up to be crushed but they didn’t start till late & Roy said he would bring it down at noon, so he did. We went out to Henry’s butchering 2 pigs, it rained & sleet all the while they were scalding them; we ground the sausage meat, with the machine wheel, went through in a hurry; had dinner, cleaned & scrubbed everything; brought Rose [Rosalia] along home; got 1935 calandars [sic] from Eichenseers tonight. Geo. Geodelle is having a birthday dance at Pautler’s tonite, Adm. Gents 25, ladies free Moonlighters playing. Miss Burgess Hecker school teacher has changed boarding places, has moved from Jatho’s to B Frilsther’s.
Wednesday, Oct. 10, 1934
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, then he went back home again, got telephone. Meister was there to get hay at $5. load. Henry came up is disking this afternoon, had lunch. Mr. & Mrs. Alpho Parker have a little baby boy was christened Virgil Sun. Mr. Harry Stumpf found a black widow spider, one day last week, brought to to Hecker, & the teacher Miss Burgess explained it at school, to the children. There is a Republician Meeting at the Lower School tonight, to which everyone is cordially invited; will be at Hecker School Fri night.
Friday, Oct. 27, 1933
Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary came here then they went to Buehlers. They came back this evening, & took us along to Blackburn’s SchoolHouse, had hallowen [sic] program, the children had & teacher Miss Burgess served lemonade, & people brought cake, pie, dougnuts [sic], & then lunch was served, to the following – Mr & Mrs. Cleveland, Leona & kids, John & George Henkel, Mrs. Kenneth Kemp, Ivo Rapp, Eunice Blackburn, Hy Ronneberg & family, Bill Sensel’s family, Mrs. Christ Buehler & kids, & us. Miss Blackburn baked a cake & put in it a cloth a pin as a guess, Leona made the right guess, & got a cake soap, hallowen [sic] trick, I say. Ha!
Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1933
Schools start today, Miss Burgess teaches Blackburn. It is so foggy this morn. Mat Crowe of St. Louis the policeman got his collar bone broken & skull fractured Sat, in a accident. We washed. We all went out to Aunt Mary’s helped pick peaches, canned; 14 qts; had lunch. They where up here this morn, got 1 doz. cans 75¢. George Boll was here. Christ Buehler’s, not got a sign put up, typhoid fever, children can’t go to school, & they can’t let no one in the house. We dug potatoes this eve.
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