Thursday, July 18, 1935

Cleaned chicken houses, painting. Uncle Fred was up in Hecker getting things for Oscar’s threshing, & came here & got our sledge hammer. Meng’s threshing this morning, moved in last night. Cloudy & light sprinkle this evening; but all cleared off again.

Sunday, June 30, 1935

Henry & family came, we went them all to Red Bud church, came back had lunch, & then they went out cutting oats. We dug 3 buckets potatoes so they could get the binder in the other patch of oats; had dinner lunch & supper. Leona & Berti went home, watered the stock so hot again today, cloudy & rain at Ft. Chartes. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went to Ed. Meng’s barn dance, Moonlighters playing, large crowd; & hot. Adm. Gents 25 ladies 15.

Saturday, June 29, 1935

Henry & Emil came finished cutting wheat & started the oats; but it rained, so they finished shocking; had lunches & dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Chas. Wagner were here on business. Rose & Berti went to Armin Strokis barn dance 1½ south of Waterloo, with Mike Moonlighters played. & Boy! what is hot; & nice crowd, barn, 60 x 24 new one.

Friday, June 28, 1935

We cut in 3 gals. sour kraut [sic], bus. basket full. Leona brought Henry & Emil up, she went back had to go to Waterloo Robert to instructions. Joe Watchel was here yesterday evening awhile. Mr. Fred Werner died, buried this afternoon at Belleville, Walnut Hill cemetery. He was pretty old. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he helped shack wheat this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Vic Geodelle of Waterloo have a 9½ lb. baby girl born June 26 & Herman Miller of St. Louis have a 7½ lb. baby girl born June 21. Mr. & Mrs. Harbaugh grand parents of Waterloo.

Thursday, June 27, 1935

Predigar is being buried at New Athens Catholic church & cemetery from the home of his grandmother Weber’s. Steve Renneckers Agnes Gregson’s birthdays today. We went berry picking after lunch got about 7 gallon’s; gave some to Henry’s & Aunt Mary. had dinner at Henry’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, had lunch here. We canned 2 qts berries & made the rest in jelly. Rose & Bert went to Mamie’s this evening, went sightseeing through town. Ivo Buehler was brought home from the hospital today, is pretty good.

Wednesday, June 26, 1935

We painted another little girl. Had spring chicken dinner. It rained all night, this morning yet; can’t cut wheat for awhile now. There was a beautiful float went by, advertising an auction sale to be held at Belleville Sat. & one car to be given away free; the float was shaped like a boat; radio in it, sure was a dandy. Mr. Edgar Prediger oldest boy Cletus was operated for appendix at Belleville, & died yesterday, 7 days since operation, appendix was grown on to liver they say, Jos. Gregson’s neighbor. Rained most terrible this afternoon, just a cloud burst, there was so much water on the road here, splashed all over when the cars went through it; after the rain, kids were all lined up walking in the water in the gutters, also Mrs. Wagners. Papa went over to Rennecker a little while. Henry sends milk to Waterloo New Athens now, Helfrich hauling it, got a new chev. truck & hauls to Athens now. We cleaned basement.

Tuesday, June 25, 1935

We all went out to Henry’s, had lunches & dinner, finished cutting wheat & moved to Hecker, about 5:30, then it started in raining so they couldn’t cut any more this evening. We helped to wash & iron, took 2 quilts along & had them washed. Henry & family were all up here for supper. Lester Gregson had a misfortune about 2 weeks ago, ran over his youngest boy Virgil, right over the leg, it wasn’t broke are nothing serious, swollen, brusied [sic] a little, but is alright now again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, it started to get cloudy; they went home. Some real talk at Waterloo at present, the women folks started in fighting Mrs. Fred Miller hit Mrs. Louis Kolmier (Lenhardt) went to court & the fined is not less then $15.00 & no more than $50.00 they say it went so quick.

Monday, June 24, 1935

Papa went out to Henry’s helped cut wheat. We washed ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon for lunch. Papa came home about 7:30 for supper. Eggs are 20¢ again.

Sunday, June 23, 1935

Went to Red Bud, celebrated Corpus Christi; mass, today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family were all here for supper. Papa & Henry went to Evansville to see Volkmann’s, about horses. We took pictures this afternoon. Aunt Mary & Rose went to Staufenbiels.

Saturday, June 22, 1935

Crushing this morning for the last time, till futher [sic] notice. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary brought us some cherries, then went to Belleville. Ivo Buehler is getting along nicely, will come home by next week Wed; if everything is alright by then. Papa got hair cut. This afternoon went out to Henry’s, going to start cutting wheat if it ain’t to wet, so he didn’t get stuck with the binder, & tractors. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went along with us to Pautler’s Pavillion, Boy! what a nice crowd; free dance; Cowboy’s playing.