Saturday, May 15, 1937

Pierre Laut & Buddy Napier had Geo Boll’s team plowed the patches; all finished. Olive [Olivia] got qt. milk. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up this afternoon. Hecker baseball team Jrs [? – unclear] have a dance at Pautler’s tonite. Skaers musci [sic]. Adm. 25¢. Eggs 17¢.

Friday, May 14, 1937

It is pretty cold this morn. Olive [Olivia] Laut was here wanted pap to plow that piece here for them, but we only got 1 horse now; so if it don’t rain, Rob. going to plow this eve. We went to Leos this eve. awhile. Jake & boys were there, he plowed this afternoon. Lauts aren’t plowing this eve. Pierre got qt. milk, 5¢. Rose has her garden all filled; growing nice.

Wednesday, March 25, 1936

Beautiful day, cleaned upstairs, washed curtains etc. Pap went worked in woods this morn; put the brooder stove & fixed the roof on the brooder house, getting it ready for chicks. Mrs. Rennecker got 1 qt. milk. Clifford Stahlehebers have a baby girl born Mar. 14. Mrs. Zita Carrol is ill with plurisy [sic] & heart trouble; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came for services. We went to Red Bud lent devotion.

Thursday, March 19, 1936

Mrs. Rennecker got 1 qt. milk. Bert send out order of for a dress & things. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to Geo. Reheis’ funeral, very large, also went out to the cemetery, had a concrete vault. Ed. Brand was here to at the funeral. Eggs 16¢. It is cloudy & dusty weather, raining a little.

Friday, Feb. 28, 1936

Papa went working in the woods all day. S. Rennecker got milk. Ed Pabst came to see pap, he can’t rent the ground this year. Loyd is working at the foundry at Belleville now. Kalbfleisch of Millsdadt looked at the mare. Leo Kohler of Waterloo bought the Dalkert residence on South Church St. & Mrs. Aug. Wagner bought Ralph Collins place.

Tuesday, Feb. 25, 1936

Made cottage cheese; Olivia Laut came got 1 pt. & 5¢ milk. Rose & Berti went out to Henry’s washing, not such a nice day, we took our wash along to; ironed some there today. Some guys from Baldwin looked at our horse; Berneice got the mail; Berti got the free song book & picture from the Pinex Co from Chicago Station, Loul [sic – LuLu] Bell & Scoty [sic – Scotty] also on it. Shrove Tues today. Eggs went up again, 22¢ today; over the radio, so many people being killed in auto accidents here of late, there was a police man shot in E. St. Louis a guy with Kenty [Kentucky] license at 4 o clock this eve. The Ausgutus parish, is  having a card pantry tonite; last before lent; Rose & Berti went but didn’t get a thing. Mrs. Levi Gregson got attendance prize.

Sunday, Feb. 16, 1936

Went to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile then went home, came back again this eve. for the play in the school hall, we went up to name of the play “Regiment of 2,” Lawrence Kaiser, Chas Schilling, Al Coop, Paul & Lorraine Wittenauer, Lee Gregson, Bessie Parker, & Agnes, & Edith & Dorthy Klinkhardt; was good & hall was packed. Schmidts Orch. played between acts; also tap Dancing. S. Rennecker got milk. Ben Schilling was here this evening.

Monday, Feb. 3, 1936

St. Blase. We wanted to go to mass, but the weather was terrible this morning, fog & sleet ice, one car turned 4 times around, in front of Laut’s house; papa seen it. We washed, made cheese & 2½ lbs. butter. Kunklemann was here looked at the mare. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in a little, then went to see Chris Buehlers, Linus & Iona aren’t feeling well. Quite a few around town got the mumps. Clara Wagner got 1 lb. butter 30¢ & Rennecker got 1 lb. & 5¢ milk; Eggs 23¢ Wheat $1.

Thursday, Jan. 30, 1936

S. Rennecker got 1 qt. milk. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Rose & Bert went along down to Boll’s, a little while, then went to Belleville, Bert got coat $5.67, nice one. Mr. Boll was 87 yrs. old large funeral Koch Undertaker; people came from all over. Berti mailed a card for Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary a request for Oscar Birkner’s 13 Wedding Ann. to sing “Red Sales in the Sunset,” Sat. morn, & also asked for acidine [sic – accordion]. Presidents’ Birthday Ball all over this evening, 1 at Waterloo at Odd Fellows Hall.

Saturday, Jan. 25, 1936

Pap got crushing done; Henry & boy’s came up to. Pap, Steve Rennecker, Rob. Laut went to Pete Dehn’s sale, everything was high price, they said; Burdgorf was here looked at the cattle. Steve got 5¢ milk tonite. Joe Manier’s got fish fry tonite. Henry was saying, John Kern is in jail, scraping with Mosio; took our quilt out of the frame today. Rose & Berti name went over the radio today, but they didn’t say requested for Aunt Mary’s birthday, Jimmie & Dick played. Mexican Trail; The German Band, played one for a lady at Evansville this afternoon; Sure got good program tonite from Dismoinies [sic – Des Moines] Iowa; lot of good riddles & jokes.