Rained heavy last nite; colder this afternoon & eve. Pap sewed clover seed. Eggs 14 [cents] at Mertz Bert [Bertille] took 7 doz. up & got 1/2 butter from Reheis’s make; 20 [cents]. Robert Lauts moved some of there furniture to Rennecker’s, the living room suite. getting ready to tear the old house down, to build a new one, Hoffmann from Belleville has the contract the paper says.
Sunday, March 15, 1936
Beautiful day, we wore spring hats, & coats. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped a short while, after church, she wanted to get the Sun. paper, but Mertz had no more there. Mrs. Jerome Cortner was taken to Belleville hospital in an ambulance last nite; she got a hemmorhage [sic], took the baby to Nic Cortners, they had been visiting Ben Neffs she felt sick, & went home at 8 o clock, not long after took her to the hospital, she worked hard yesterday yet. Olive Laut came got 1 lb. butter, there going to plant potatoes out at Boll’s today. Omer Schilling brought our clover seed, this afternoon. We went to Foster Pond to see a certain party, then went to see Davis, to Belleville, looked at cows. Rose went to Joe Griffin’s to see about radio batteries.
Friday, March 13, 1936
Rose took pap out to Henrys sewing oats, she came back, he had dinner supper. We made butter, cleaned brooder house etc. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon; she went to church; we clipped the rose buses off, there all frozen. Went out to Henry’s this evening Floyd’s birthday 7 yrs. old; had cake, Geodelle were out awhile. Seen there chicks & new brooder house. Uncle Adam is still the same yet. Eggs 16¢.
Saturday, Feb. 29, 1936
Leap year. Papa went in the woods all day. Wagners got 1 lb. butter & cheese. Renncker, 1 lb. butter, 1 pt. cheese, Lauts ½ butter, 1 pt. cheese. Henry stopped in he got crushing done. Eggs dropped again 21¾¢ on radio. Beautiful day. There was a sale at Ruma, painted dishes, lot of furniture & license. Good radio nite.
Thursday, Feb. 27, 1936
Berti has the mumps on both sides. Pap went in the woods this afternoon. Clara Wagner came & got 3 cheese balls for 10¢ sell them 40 doz. Colder this morning, ground frozen hard. Made 2 lbs. butter.
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 1936
Made butter, patched. Mrs. Rennecker order 1 lb. & Bert took it over. Joe Griffin hauled 61½ bus. coal this afternoon 9¢, hauling charges 4¢ for us. He intends to put Uncle Freds radio in tonite yet. Tiptown have there play tonite “Crickets on Hearth,” is the name of it. Eggs 29¢.
Saturday, Feb. 15, 1936
G. Wagner got 1 lb. butter & cheese. A man here for something to eat. Nice day; 4 below zero this morning; at Minneapolis 18 below; also the Dakota & Iowa terrible weather. We went to Red Bud, church there was a couple got married in priest house, just when we left; we also got a beef roast. Pierre Laut got ½ lb. butter this evening.
Monday, Feb. 3, 1936
St. Blase. We wanted to go to mass, but the weather was terrible this morning, fog & sleet ice, one car turned 4 times around, in front of Laut’s house; papa seen it. We washed, made cheese & 2½ lbs. butter. Kunklemann was here looked at the mare. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in a little, then went to see Chris Buehlers, Linus & Iona aren’t feeling well. Quite a few around town got the mumps. Clara Wagner got 1 lb. butter 30¢ & Rennecker got 1 lb. & 5¢ milk; Eggs 23¢ Wheat $1.
Friday, Sept. 30, 1932
We made a lb. of butter again this morn, but no chance selling it. Rosalia & Bertille went to Red Bud this afternoon to see Mr. Voss grocery store, wether [sic – whether] they buy cream, they buy it, so I guess will sell it there, 14¢ today, they are paying, take it anyday. While at Red Bud we went to see Mrs. Owen Fahey, she is pretty weak, but I guess will get along alright now the way the doctors’ say. She got operated last week on appendix, now a lump of matter formed, & they opened it up this afternoon while we were waiting. Marcella was there. Rosalia got a letter from Miss Bell asking us all to come & see her Sun. all day, so we stopped in there to & told her, we couldn’t come on Sun. Angela Eichenseer is getting along good at Belleville, she will come home by Mon. She got adenoid & tonsils & growth in mouth removed, she is in a room of 5 patients, it costs her $12 a week. Mrs. Griffin is so awful weak, she is on the same floor with Angela. I seen in the paper that we have a Dentist Schilling in town in Maniers place started last Wednesday.
Friday, Sept. 9, 1932
We all went out to Henrys corn patch took dinner & lunch along, us 3 cut 18 shock. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening. Bertille went up & got the mail. It was pretty warm this afternoon & cool in morn. & nite. Aunt Mary made some butter for us, here this eve.
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